ID Bulletin: Jacob Patry-Sempf, of Tellico Plains TN

Two images of Jacob-Patry-Sempf, a white man with dark hair, at two distinct points in his life. The first image is a selfie, framed from the neck up, of Patry during or after 2014. His hair is short but messy, and he wears safety glasses. His facial expression appears to be a faint smirk. The background appears to be some kind of machinist shop. The second image is a video still or poor resolution photo from before or during 2021, framed from the waist up. Patry, wearing a white polo shirt and a dark baseball cap with a square red patch on the front, stands grinning at and facing something off-frame. His arms are crossed, sitting above a slightly paunchy stomach. Behind him is indistinct shrubbery. Below the images are sets of text, laid out as if marking art pieces in a gallery. The first, appearing as stenciled graffiti, reads "formerly Logan VT" and "PF-2637". The second, as native text from the Rose City Antifa Patriot Front Member Gallery, reads "Logan TN" and "PF-9768". Underneath both, again appearing as stenciled graffiti, reads "(Jacob Patry-Sempf)".

Jacob T. Patry-Sempf of Tellico Plains TN, a/k/a “Arch Dornan,” “Ultima Ratio,” “Roman Ungern,” and Twitter users @ZAxisRapid & @smugfrog_, is “Logan TN,” formerly “Logan VT,” of Patriot Front!

A loud & proud racist, Patry works for WYKO Tire Tech of Greenback TN. If you work with Jake Patry or at a shop that does business with WYKO, and have concerns about your proximity to a known neo-fascist, WYKO Tire Technologies can be contacted in a variety of ways.

Patry’s LinkedIn lists him as out of Tellico Plains TN. It also indicates he transitioned from his home state of Vermont to Tennessee, where he started working in 2020. This is consistent with Patry’s presence in leaks of Patriot Front’s Rocketchat server, specifically as “Logan VT” circa 2019 in’s leaks, and as “Logan TN” circa 2021 in’s leaks.

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ID Bulletin: Ryan M. Irwin, of Leicester MA

A triptych of photos of Ryan Michael Irwin at various points in his life. The first is of Irwin during or before March 2020. Taken from what appears to be the driver's seat, Irwin sits in the back passenger side of a car. On his lap is a Jack Russel terrier, wearing a gray hoodie with green hood pulls; the dog's face has been intentionally redacted. Irwin imself wears blue jeans, an emerald green shirt, a black wristband loosely on his left arm, a chain of what appear to be gold plastic Mardi Gras beads, and two-tone horn-rimmed corrective lenses with rectangular frames. He has a short blond beard and a buzzcut, his face wearing the ghost of a smirk. The second is of Irwin at an America Backs the Blue event in Mansfield MA during September 2020. Irwin wears black pants, a gray Smokey the Bear "If Not You, Who?" graphic t-shirt, black plastic-framed rectangular lenses, and a camo Red Sox baseball cap. He wears a white bandana to conceal most of his face and neck. His right hand is curling into a fist. He is with a company of NSC-131 members. The third is of Irwin and his daughter, as they ride the Worcester EcoTraium's Explorer Express Train, during 2024. They both face the camera, which is outside the train. The daughter's face has been intentionally redacted. Irwin wears an olive green graphic design tee, a green baseball cap with the word "Worcester" on it embroidered in script, a gold chain necklace, his two-tone horn-rimmed glasses, olive green camo shorts, and what appear to be black Crocs. He smiles faintly toward the camera, his phone in his lap.

If you know the whereabouts of Ryan Michael Irwin, a/k/a “Hyperborean Hooligan” and a long-time member of NSC-131, please reach out! Irwin is currently attending college to his own admission, and I believe his campus of choice is somewhere in or around Worcester MA. CW for all kinds of abuse.

It’s been 6 months since we’ve seen hide or hair of NSC-131. As “PINE,” they used to make noises about protecting white families? Kinda strains credibility to tell people this when NSC counts people like Irwin, a man most recently charged with assaulting his pregnant-at-the-time girlfriend, as members.

Continue reading “ID Bulletin: Ryan M. Irwin, of Leicester MA”

ID Bulletin: Ian H. Langille, of Chapman ME

[This is my contribution to the ID of Ian Henry Langille, a/k/a “Nordic Maine,” a collaboration with the Stumptown Research Collective. This version of what Stumptown eventually titled “Sam Winslow & the Vexing Vexillologist” has a little more in the way of Langille’s buffoonery and local fash history, cut from the fuller version for length. Other edits to content were suggested by Stumptown, and welcomed! Read the full ID here!]

It’s April 2023, and I’m having a hard time giving a damn about the incessant poster of a manchild I would later learn was born Ian Langille of Chapman ME.

At this early point the guy has two Telegram channels, one standard Nordic-Maine-Groyper channel (since deactivated but replaced) and one “uncensored” in flavor, both registered circa mid-January 2023. I can’t tell the difference. Both of them are largely white supremacist propaganda regurgitation channels. Buried in the cross-posts are his own occasional additions, largely involving Langille’s collection of gross white nationalist and neo-Nazi org merchandise, his (lack of) graphic design prowess, and his stickering efforts in Aroostook County.

His personal stickers are the New England Independence pine tree symbol inside the Waffen-SS shield. They also contain the URL to his personal Telegram channel. The URL is, if I recall, occasionally misspelled somehow. There’s also this image, which I originally thought was an admission that he doesn’t know how a hat is supposed to sit on a head. Continue reading “ID Bulletin: Ian H. Langille, of Chapman ME”

Jarek L. Reihner


Jarek L. Reihner (born July 19th, 1989) is an American white supremacist, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, U.S. Air Force veteran, and self-declared neo-Nazi. Reihner was most recently a member of Patriot Front, having likely been recruited from multi-tendency neo-fascist coalition Resist Marxism by Chris Hood. Reihner’s status as a member of other neo-Nazi groups in proximity to Hood, such as NSC-131, is currently unknown.

Reihner hails from a Polish family, and previously lived in Washington PA. He has previously lived in Waltham MA, and his last known locale of residence is Somerville MA.

Reihner posts to Instagram and a personal WordPress site under his own name, and to Tiktok as “NE Naturalist” and “New England Nat.” [Speculative: This seems like a play on “New England Nationalist,” a term frequently bandied about by members of both the local Patriot Front chapter and NSC alike.] Reihner went by the alias “Matthias Thorpe” as a member of Boston Free Speech and Resist Marxism. His Patriot Front moniker was likely “James MA,” and his serial number was PF-8190. [1] [‡]

Reihner is licensed as a math teacher under Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education license #542123. [1]

[Speculative: I’m told it’s pronounced “REE-ner.”] Continue reading “Jarek L. Reihner”

July 2nd, 2022 – Patriot Front Independence Day weekend march


On July 2nd 2022, roughly 100 members of Patriot Front held a flash rally and marched along the Freedom Trail in Boston MA. During the march, several members assaulted local performer Charles Murrell III. This assault led to legal firm Foley Hoag filing a federal civil rights lawsuit, naming Thomas Rousseau and 99 “John Does” as defendants, in the U.S. District Court of Massachusetts. [1]

Continue reading “July 2nd, 2022 – Patriot Front Independence Day weekend march”

ID Bulletin: Vaughn D. Schlegel, of North Brookfield MA

[originally published on January 26th, 2024, 11:08AM Eastern via Twitter, 11:09AM via Bluesky]

Vaughn Douglas Schlegel of North Brookfield MA, current candidate for his local Select Board, has been at various turns a member of Patriot Front, the Bay State Active Club, and the Pine Tree Party! A USPS employee, he’s a National Association of Letter Carriers union steward.

He also works for North Brookfield City Hall, in both the Planning Board and Finance Committee, and appears in meeting minutes for both starting in August 2023.

If you’re a MA resident who has concerns about your mail being handled by Vaughn Schlegel, a man involved in several varieties of fascist organizing, the North Brookfield Post Office can be reached at 508-867-8627.

Residents can also contact Richard DiCecca, National Business Agent for Region 14 of the National Association of Letter Carriers, at 617-363-9299, about recently known fascist Vaughn Schlegel.

Continue reading “ID Bulletin: Vaughn D. Schlegel, of North Brookfield MA”

Mark J. Hayden


Mark J. Hayden (born November 28th, 2000) is an American white supremacist, failed musician, antisemite, misogynist, and neo-fascist. Hayden is a long-standing member of Patriot Front, and is likely a founding member of the Bay State Active Club.

Hayden is an involved and highly active member in Patriot Front, contributing to their social media presence through his “Patriotic Frontline” Gab account. Media of Patriot Front actions indicate he is physically aggressive, and willing to engage in violence against members of the public disinclined to quietly tolerate the presence of open neo-fascists.

Hayden is originally from Brockton MA. He currently resides in Spencer MA with his wife, in an apartment owned by a former member of Patriot Front. He’s also the older brother of Patriot Front member Jake Hayden, a/k/a “Victor MA.”

His Patriot Front moniker is “Bill MA,” and his serial number is PF-6309. [1] He also goes by several handles, including “Stickbug” as the drummer of his high school band, “Brockton Boxer,” and “weedleboy.”
Continue reading “Mark J. Hayden”

ID Bulletin: Anthony M. Piccadaci, of Weymouth MA

[originally published on December 28th, 2023, 1:11PM Eastern via Twitter, 1:19PM via Bluesky, with medium-specific revisions for each]

As the New Year approaches, I’d like us to wish an early, arm’s-length birthday to Anthony M. Piccadaci of Weymouth MA. Piccadaci’s name surfaced in the #MidgardExposed leaks; this combined with a certain arrest report makes his membership in NSC-131 highly likely!

A mugshot of Anthony M. Piccadaci of Weymouth MA. He is a sickly-looking white man. His eyes are blue. His hair, brown, is long; nape-of-the-neck length and combed back. He sports a thin and uneven goatee. His skin is pocked with acne.
A mugshot of Anthony Piccadaci, Weymouth MA, May 2016.

Continue reading “ID Bulletin: Anthony M. Piccadaci, of Weymouth MA”

ID Bulletin: Nicholas J. Cerce, of Woonsocket RI

[originally published on November 5th, 2023, 12:05PM Eastern via Twitter, 12:06PM via Bluesky]

If anyone has any info about Nicholas J. Cerce a/k/a “Mike RI” of Woonsocket RI, or his wife Andrea Cerce née Battaglia, (who may also be going by Nick & Andrea Duarte) please contact me. Cerce has a long neo-fascist history, and is a member of Patriot Front, serial #PF-8894!

A triptych of images of Nick Cerce, of Woonsocket RI. The first image is an image of Cerce and his wife, Andrea Battaglia, circa 2018. In an extreme close-up, Battaglia appears to be faking biting Cerce's right index finger, and Cerce appears to be faking a scream. The second image is of Cerce in a park in Hopedale MA during October 2021. He is dressed in Patriot Front colors: tan baseball cap, white balaclava, navy blue t-shirt, khakis, and black boots. He is holding a flyer and delivering a speech to other members off-screen. A short stack of bleachers sits behind him, at half his height. The third image is of Cerce in Boston Common during the Men's March of November 2023. He is dressed in a navy blue jacket with a "Bar Harbor ME" emblem on the breast, a tan baseball cap with a Betsy Ross flag patch on the front, and khakis. He leans forward against a metal barricade, which stands at a height between his elbows and shoulders.

Continue reading “ID Bulletin: Nicholas J. Cerce, of Woonsocket RI”

Stephen T. Farrea


Stephen Thomas Farrea (born October 20th, 1989) is a self-described white nationalist & identitarian, disgraced U.S. Marine & military veteran, residential rental landlord, and neo-Nazi. Farrea is a member of the Nationalist Social Club, and was previously a member of both the Massachusetts chapter of Identity Evropa (before the organization’s collapse) and what would later become the 2nd district of the Asatru Folk Assembly. [1] [2] [3] There is also indication that he had some level of support for the III%ers, and has voiced interest in joining American Renaissance. [4] [5] [6]

As of May 2024, Farrea has been arrested and charged under Rhode Island’s possession of child pornography statute. A father of a number of children, including a six-year-old daughter at the time of his arrest, it is unknown to the general public whether or not Farrea’s particular material is homemade. [1] [2] [3] [4]

Farrea’s current residence is in Portsmouth RI, and he previously lived in Newport RI. His rental properties, composed of six units divided amongst two buildings, are located in West Warwick RI, on Phenix and Gough & Potter Avenues. [1] [2] [♣]

His Identity Evropa monikers were “TomPerry” and “SuperTomPerry.” He used the name “Thomas Iobhar” on Google Reviews.

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