ID Bulletin: Jacob Patry-Sempf, of Tellico Plains TN

Jacob T. Patry-Sempf of Tellico Plains TN, a/k/a “Arch Dornan,” “Ultima Ratio,” “Roman Ungern,” and Twitter users @ZAxisRapid & @smugfrog_, is “Logan TN,” formerly “Logan VT,” of Patriot Front!

A loud & proud racist, Patry works for WYKO Tire Tech of Greenback TN. If you work with Jake Patry or at a shop that does business with WYKO, and have concerns about your proximity to a known neo-fascist, WYKO Tire Technologies can be contacted in a variety of ways.

Patry’s LinkedIn lists him as out of Tellico Plains TN. It also indicates he transitioned from his home state of Vermont to Tennessee, where he started working in 2020. This is consistent with Patry’s presence in leaks of Patriot Front’s Rocketchat server, specifically as “Logan VT” circa 2019 in’s leaks, and as “Logan TN” circa 2021 in’s leaks.

A screenshot of a LinkedIn profile belonging to Jacob Patry. Among other details, he lists himself as a CNC Machinist at Wyko Tire Technology, and has his location set as Tellico Plains, Tennessee. A screenshot of a LinkedIn "Experience" sub-profile, belonging to Jacob Patry. It indicates him holding employment in Tennessee from May 2020 to the present, working as a freelance IT contractor from March 2017 to January 2020, and holding employment in Vermont from 2005 to 2016.
A composited screenshot of "PF general chat 4.13.19.pdf," a document created by Torch Network from leaks of Patriot Front's internal Rocketchat server. In it, at-the-time Network 7 Director Chris Hood, as "Chris MA," shares Twitter posts concerning Patriot Front's December 2018 march in Arlington VA. The PDF screenshot is overlaid with another screenshot of one of the Twitter posts, from user @itstifftiara, dated December 1st, 2018. It contains a video still of members of Patriot Front marching in Arlington VA. The text of @itstifftiara's posts reads "Y'all be safe in the city today, especially downtown. Saw these people by L'enfant. Carrying flags and a 'Reclaim America' banner. All with covered faces." One of the direct replies to Hood's link of the @itstifftiara post is from Jacob Patry, as "Logan VT," who states "L E L, I remember the look on her face." There does not appear to be an indication in the log regarding why Hood has chosen to reminisce about this event during April 2019. A composited screenshot of UnicornRiot's leaks of Patriot Front's internal Rocketchat server. It's the user profile for Patry as Rocketchat member "Logan TN." The screenshot collapses Patry's posting history of 74 posts, largely regarding the coodination of transport to and from Washington DC for Patriot Front's 2021 march, into his earliest and latest posts, dated November 15th 2021 and December 16th 2021.

Folks following recent developments with Patriot Front may recall Tellico Plains TN as the location for a compound that serves as a site for a bunch of hardcore neo-Nazi bullshit, as revealed by Atlanta Antifacsists‬ early last year. We have more recent updates on how the Tellico Plains compound is progressing, as well as Patriot Front’s proximity other local reactionary right organizers in TN, courtesy of Phil Williams of News Channel 5 Nashville.

Last week, several groupings of Patriot Front members marched through various cities, including Des Moines IA, Houston TX, and a handful in New England. They marched again this week, in Columbia SC. I’m taking this chance to clarify Patriot Front’s MO.

When PF mobilizes members, they send a bunch of dudes from many regions to one place. This forwards an ILLUSION of massive local presence. For example: remember the Coeur d’Alene ID arrests a few years back? Only two of those guys were actually from Idaho!

A map of the contiguous United States minus the northeastern tri-state and New England areas. Coeur d'Alene ID is marked with a red dot. Marked on several states are mugshots of Patriot Front members, taken during their June 2022 arrests for allegedly attempting to start a riot at a Coeur d'Alene LGBT+ pride event. Of the 31 members arrested, only 2 are marked as having come from Idaho. As for the rest: 7 from Texas, 6 from Utah, 5 from Washington, 3 from Colorado, 2 from South Dakota, and 1 each from Oregon, Wyoming, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, and Alabama.

Most came from all over, one from as far as Alabama. 31 guys from 11 states; that’s the kind of presence they actually have.

With that in mind, if I were to hazard a guess, I’d say that the ~20 New England marchers I counted are from, at most, 4 separate local chapters. Sorta like how there were 19 or so guys at this Memorial Day ’24 event in Gettysburg PA, from 4 local chapters (including New England)!

A screenshot from Patriot Front's Telegram channel, dated October 30th, 2024. The post contains a video, the captured still of which depicts 18 or so members standing in front of The State of Virginia Monument in Gettysburg National Military Park, in Gettysburg PA. A 19th member likely holds the camera from which the video was recorded. The text of the post has been intentionally defaced with the word "blah" several times, save a section: "Representatives from Networks 7, 9, 10, and 16 were present."

That boils down to 20 guys from… 14 potential states? Sounds about right.

Of course this is in part to say that had these marches happened maybe 2 weeks earlier then there’s a good chance Ryan Roy (who was there) & Mark Hayden (who was also there) would’ve been escorting alleged pedophile Aidan Harding of Glenwillard PA around New England. Guess they dodged that bullet!

Another PF member, who could’ve been at ANY of the events from last weekend given his locale of residence, is Jacob Patry! A self-described CNC machinist & programmer, Patry has one of those skillsets that can end up getting deeply unpleasant & unrepentant racists neck-deep in shit.

Before we get into the weeds of how we know this guy is the loser he is, I’d like to thank The Claw for putting the ID of Jacob Patry in my hands! Like with the IDs of Nick Cerce and Vaughn Schlegel, I’m just here building off the backs of other antifascists researchers.

The trace between Patry’s activities in 2017 & his ID as a member of Patriot Front is a meticulous sewing of disparate user accounts into a cohesive whole, made possible by the insistence of Jacob Patry, Infosec Embarrassment, on reminding people who he is and how to get in contact with him.

A screenshot of UnicornRiot's leaks of Patriot Front's internal Rocketchat server, specifically of a direct message chain between Jacob Patry as "Logan TN" and Patriot Front member Jared Cummings as "Benjamin MI," while planning transpo for Patriot Front's December 2021 march on Washington DC. One specific message, dated November 11th 2021, has Patry sending the following message: "Tell him to message me @archdornanMKII." A screenshot of a Twitter profile belonging to user @ArchDornanMkII, with the name set as "Arch Dornan." The profile photo is an image of nine white squares arranged in a 3x3 grid, rotated 45 degrees in a diamond formation; it is highly similar to the profile photo Patry used as "Logan VT" on Patriot Front's Rocketchat server in 2019. The top banner is a stylized eye made only of straight lines in a fashwave aesthetic, with a lightning bolt serving as the pupil. The bio reads "not dead yet." The user's location is tagged as "To the right of Genshis Khan." The account is marked as having been registered during November 2017.
A screenshot of a Twitter profile belonging to user @romanungern_, with the account name set as "Roman Ungern." The profile photo and top banner are the same as the @ArchDornanMKII account, and the location of "to the right of Genghis Khan" is also the same. The bio reads "The state shall ensure the continued existence of the nation that founded the state." The account is marked as having been registered during September 2017. A screenshot of a Twitter post made by Twitter user @smugfrog_, dated November 17th, 2024 at 1:58AM. The post reads "None of those are me. I believe my name was some Arch Dornan variation, at the time."

Patry has been active in neo-Nazi spaces since 2017 at least, where he was a member of the “Vibrant Diversity” Discord chat as “Arch Dornan.” Among other users of said chat were several organizers involved in the Unite the Right rally, which led to the death of Heather Heyer.

Patry, a relentless loud-mouth in and out of this specific Discord server, unwisely disclosed his ID as “Ultima Ratio,” a user on both Twitter and Gab. It’s under this username on Twitter that Patry continued making grievous mistakes!

A screenshot of UnicornRiot's Discord leaks, specifically a subsection of Jacob Patry's messages to the "Vibrant Diversity" server as Discord user "Arch Dornan." Patry, in chat messages dated November 1st, 2017, discloses that he controls the "@_romanungern_" Twitter account and the "Ultima_Ratio" account on social media platform Gab. A screenshot of a Twitter profile belonging to user @_Ultima_Ratio_, with the account name set as "Koevoet." The profile photo is an image of Donald Trump attempting to grin. The top banner is a "the power to cause pain is the only power that matters" quote from Orson Scott Card's "Ender's Game." The bio reads "under budget, and ahead of schedule." The user's location is tagged as a Gab profile for user "Ultima_Ratio". The account is marked as having been registered during February 2016.

The worst error of which was posting a screenshot of a desktop terminal Patry claimed he was putting together for his oldest sister, a wedding photographer (a claim in common with his “Roman Ungern” account).

A screenshot of a Twitter thread featuring replies from Jacob Patry as user @_Ultima_Ratio_, dated September 24th, 2016. The first tweet features Patry posting "That's what I'm currently doing for my sister, putting together a photography workstation tower." A direct reply is missing, marked as from a suspended account. A direct reply to that, from Patry, reads "I think it'll be fine." It features a screenshot of a Windows desktop, with apps open disclosing the system info and hardware components. Some file folders are visible, but their names cannot be made out. The screenshot of a Windows desktop Patry was working on, as shared via his posts on September 24th, 2016. The names on the file folders are visible. One is intentionally redacted, marked to have arrows pointing at with a nearby message that says "It's his sister's first name! It's RIGHT HERE".

That directory in the upper left? yeah that’s her first name

Unfortunately for Patry, his sister’s name is not a common one! Appending the .net domain to her name brings up her professional wedding photography website, based out of Knoxville TN.

A screenshot of a website with belonging to Jacob Patry's sister, a wedding photographer based ouf of Knoxville TN. There are several redactions, including one personal photo and several instances of the sister's name. Text on the webpage reads "Hi, I’m [redacted], as a Knoxville Wedding Photographer, I love incorporating beautiful moments and the beauty of your venue into wall-worthy signature art work highlighting the esthetic of your vision. I turn real moments into cover-worthy photos. You are amazing, you just need a little direction. That’s where I come in."

Moreover, basic searches of her full name dug up obituaries pointing at Jacob Patry’s family, bolstered by Patry’s own admission regarding how many paternal aunts & uncles he has.

An screenshot for a obituary, belonging to Jacob Patry's paternal grandmother. Several redactions have been made to preserve the privacy of Patry's family members. Notes have been made to label the redactions of names belonging to Patry's grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, siblings, and cousins. Particularly, the redactions of Patry's father, uncles, and aunts are numbered, to indicate that Patry's father was one of nine children to their own parents. A screenshot of a Twitter thread featuring replies from Jacob Patry as user @romanungern_, dated September 11th, 2017. The first tweet is from a suspended account, whereas all of the three subsequent replies are from Patry. He posts: "And you think his parents won't do the same shit for the next 13 years that they've already done for the previous five? And even then, the odds of a child turning out significantly differently than their parents is quite low. My father, out of nine children, was the only shitlord of that whole family."

While Patry is not the only son amongst his immediate family, he couldn’t help but whine that his given name was Hebrew in origin, a normal thing for a fascist to complain about. His brother’s name, meantime, is Greek by way of Russia.

A screenshot of a Twitter post from Jacob Patry as user @romanungern_, dated September 7th, 2017. He posts: "Naw, my family name is patrician as fuck, just my first and middle are straight up [redacted]." The redacted word, in context, is a neologism with connotations of slur regarding proximity to Jewish origin.

That all led to a Twitter account with Patry’s name on it, with his own face set as the PFP, which then led to his LinkedIn profile.

A screenshot of a Twitter profile belonging to user @ZAxisRapid, with the profile name set as "Jacob Patry," with a lock symbol designating the account's activity as private The profile photo is a selfie of Patry wearing safety goggles. The bio reads "CNC Machinist, CNC Programmer, PC gamer, and general tech junkie." The location is marked as Vermont. The account is marked as having been registered during April 2014.

Now that we’ve concluded with The Claw’s stellar tracing work, I can say that Patry was somewhat active in the Patriot Front chats during April 2019, and not much otherwise.

Patry admitted to being present at PF’s 2018 Washington DC march, as noted previously. PF lifer Ryan Roy admitted that Patry joined him during an August 2019 camping trip, alongside members Jarek Reihner, Mark Hayden, David Spellman-Oldenquist, and Kyle Morelli.

A screenshot of "PF general chat 8.11.19.pdf," a document created by Torch Network from leaks of Patriot Front's internal Rocketchat server. In it, Ryan Roy as "Rex VT" claims that he "had a great time camping last night" with Patriot Front members Jarek Reihner a/k/a "James MA," Mark Hayden a/k/a "Bill MA," David Spellman-Oldenquist a/k/a "Marshall MA," Kyle Morelli a/k/a "Vincent MA," Jacob Patry a/k/a "Logan VT," and others. Subsequent banter with at-the-time Network 9 Director Victor Staab a/k/a "Victor MD" indicates he may have brought a contingent of his local members up to Vermont to join, and tormented his underlings with a sampling of Roy's music on the drive.

There’s a pretty good chance Patry was at the July 2019 Bunker Hill flash rally, given the opportunity to carpool with Ryan Roy? Roy was definitely there, given indications he took a camera drone right to face during the event. I think it’s unlikely Patry was captured doing much outside of Vermont.

Even if I don’t have nearly enough information about Patry to ID him by sight in Patriot Front’s current propaganda, I have no compunctions about IDing him otherwise! Jacob Patry was and is still an incredibly noxious shithead, a foul loser who seems to think it’s good to be how he is.

A screenshot of UnicornRiot's Discord leaks, specifically a subsection of Jacob Patry's messages to the "Vibrant Diversity" server as Discord user "Arch Dornan." Patry, in chat messages dated August 18th, 2017, in reply to another poster stating "she definitely knows about the Jewish Question," states "anyone who has ever worked for a jew does." A screenshot of a Twitter post from Jacob Patry as user @ArchDornanMKII, dated May 10th, 2018. He posts: "Blacks have no reasonable expectation of being welcome in White society, you are here because we take pity on, and tolerate, your statistical ineptitude."
A screenshot of a Twitter post from Jacob Patry as user @smugfrog_, dated June 17th, 2024. He posts: "Ethnic minorities in a society always favor socially destructive policies, as the less cohesive the society is the lower the likelihood of their disenfranchisement and or expulsion. You can't be evicted from a house that belongs to no one at all." This is a possible reference to the antisemitic canard & conspiracy theory concerning Jewish folks puppeteering racial minorities to cause civil unrest, both as an exercise in control and in an attempt to create a scapegoat more likely to be persecuted in lieu of Jewish folks. A screenshot of a Twitter post from Jacob Patry as user @smugfrog_, dated from one day ago (at the time of this post, this would be March 3rd, 2025). In reply to a post about how another user out of the United States would prefer their tax money go to reparations for black folks than Ukraine or Israel, Patry posts: "Blacks aren't American. But at least that money would be wasted quickly, and on products of little consequence."
A screenshot of a Twitter post from Jacob Patry as user @smugfrog_, dated November 19th, 2024. In reply to a post made by failed Republican Senate candidate Sam Parker, Patry posts: "Jew says if we let China win, it'll be the end of Israel and Chine will enslave Jews & blacks in chains. Now, don't threaten me with a good time."

What else is there to say? Jacob Patry, of Tellico Plains TN & previously Fairfax VT, is another note of reek in the putrescine that haunts the neo-Nazi movement. May he repel every person with the stench that hangs on every fascist worldwide. ∴

ADDENDUM: I was reluctant to call Patry a neo-Nazi until I found his catchphrase!

Folks, over on Twitter, Jacob Patry has a “neither Adolf Hitler nor Joseph Stalin did anything wrong except fight each other” reposting rate of 0.56 posts/month, which is 0.13 posts/week, an awful use of statistics