The Blood Tribe is a neo-pagan-themed neo-Nazi group founded by Christopher Pohlhaus in 2023, in light of Pohlhaus’s purchase of property in Springfield ME for the doomed purpose of crafting a white ethnostate in Maine. Blood Tribe purports to maintain nine North American regional chapters encompassing the contiguous United States as well as Canada. [1] Originally a moniker Pohlhaus bestowed onto followers of his “Hammerstream” Telegram channel, Blood Tribe appears to be intended as a reactionary outrage coalition group, open to members already carding with other neo-Nazi groups, and intended exclusively to traumatize attendees at LGBTQ+ events. According to Pohlhaus himself:
Pohlhaus appears to fund operations of Blood Tribe and construction of his camp in Maine through a $1.5k/month pension [Speculative: This can’t be from his time in the Marines, can it? He said he only served for four years. [1] I’d think qualifying for even a paltry military pension would take longer than that.], tattoo artistry, crypto donations, and merchandise proceeds and donations via Dissident Mind Books. This relatively unstable source of funding, combined with his stated, outright intent of traumatizing his perceived opponents, seems to make him incredibly vulnerable to civil lawsuits.
[Speculative: Pohlhaus is an idiot blowhard who abuses both steroids and recreational substances, and also maybe HGH. I think his treatment of his body is going to kill him, especially given he’s gotten spooked out of substance use by some test results from whomever is monitoring his health at least once. To be frank, I think he’s barely worth the time it took to compile this document. Still, his apparent ability to organize a certain strain of neo-Nazi troll by way of endlessly running his mouth, and years of connections developed through his Hammerstream interviews, means that an eye must be pointed toward him and whatever it is he thinks he’s trying to accomplish. His downfall will be hilarious, whether he gets sued into oblivion or passes into the night like Leo Cullinan did before him. He appears to be a decent artist, so it’s such a shame he’s a neo-Nazi dumbass.]
As of October 2023, Pohlhaus has fled Springfield ME in the wake of several threats of harm and death made upon him by local residents. [3]
This dossier is not largely concerned with what Blood Tribe believes or how it functions. This dossier’s remit revolves around collecting information about its members and cataloging their activities, thus forming a foundational knowledge base composed from an antifascist perspective.
Changes since last revision will be highlighted as such. Notes and citations will be provided throughout the document in the form of links to external websites, represented by bracketed numbers. Wherein a set of brackets contains a symbol other than a number, this is meant to represent either a physical document with no online copy (such as a police report or court case), or a database that cannot/will not be cited in a specific manner (such as the ADL’s HEAT Map, or social media accounts operated by known fascists). Find these corresponding citations in the “External citations” section.
Other reference documents
- Crash Barry’s Disinfomaniacs: Episodes 03 – “Hammer Pt. 1,” 04 – “Hammer Pt. 2,” 05 – “Hammer Pt. 3,” 08 – “Hammer Pt. 4: The Curse of Boneface,” & 10 – “Good News, Bad News and Really Sad News”
- The Crash Report by Crash Barry: “No Hugs for Chuds, Part 1” & “No Hugs for Chuds, Part 2”
- FashAlert MA: “NSC-131 New England: Chris Pohlhaus aka “Hammer”, b.1998, ME”
- Dossier preamble
- Membership
- Timeline of activities
- Member info & vitals
- Online presence
- External citations
- Changelog
This section is meant to list known members of varying status and associates of Blood Tribe, and provide citations specific to those members. For known objective information such as heights and birthdays, please refer to the “Member info & vitals” section.
It should be stressed that Blood Tribe does not appear to admit women, persons of color, and Jewish folks as members.
Known Members
- Christopher Alan Pohlhaus, aka “Hammer,” of Bozeman MT, previously of Springfield ME, Cheyenne WY, and San Antonio TX, Blood Tribe’s founder and figurehead [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
- Steven Jason Parr, a/k/a “Sam Izdat,” of Athens GA, leader of Blood Tribe’s Dixie chapter [1]
- Drake R. Berentz, a/k/a “Herzong Higgers,” “Nate Higgers,” & “The Wizard,” of Senecaville OH [1]
- Shaun T. Mulville, a/k/a “Millenial Honkey,” of Ventura CA, also a member of the “Legion XIV” Active Club [1] [2]
- Joshua James Rapin, of Green Bay WI, also a member of Raven Folk United, White Lives Matter WI, and the Goyim Defense League [1]
- Sterling Joseph Long, a/k/a “Jarl Bwandin,” of Black River Falls WI, also an apprentice Folkbuilder for Asatru Folk Assembly and a member of White Lives Matter WI [1]
Former Members
- Kent R. McLellan, a/k/a “Boneface,” of Pensacola FL (expelled) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
- Fred Boyd Ramey, of Springfield ME, previously of Cheyenne WY and Maricopa AZ (expelled, likely after missing tax payments on Pohlhaus’s Maine property) [1] [2]
- Anthony J. Altick, a/k/a “Combat Carl,” of St. Louis MO, also a member of the Goyim Defense League (likely left to establish Hate Club) [1] [2] [3]
Known Associates
- Riley Junes Williams, a/k/a “whitepillgroyper” of Harrisburg PA, convicted J6 insurrectionist, felon, and supporter and fan of Pohlhaus’s “Hammerstream” [1] [2] [3]
- Jonathan Eugene Minadeo Jr., a/k/a “Handsome Truth,” of West Palm Beach FL, previously of Petaluma CA, founder of the Goyim Defense League [1]
- Colby Alexander Frank, a/k/a “Ace,” of North Port FL, member of the Goyim Defense League, founder of the Florida NSDAP [1] [2] [3]
- Michael David Weaver, a/k/a “Michael Carothers,” of Cartersville GA, member of the Goyim Defense League [1] [2]
- Brian Keith Hulliger, a/k/a “Handsome Truth’s Barber,” of Bradenton FL, member of the Goyim Defense League [1] [2] [3] [4]
- Zane Fenton Morris, a/k/a “Navo,” of DeBary FL, member of the Goyim Defense League and Hate Club [1]
- Aimenn D. Penny, a/k/a “The Reclaimer,” of Alliance OH, also likely a member of White Lives Matter OH [1] [2] [3]
- Robert Bray, of TN, member of the Vinland Rebels, formerly of the Proud Boys [1] [2] [3]
- Chris Hood of Newburyport MA, Liam MacNeil of Waltham MA, Leo Cullinan of Manchester NH, and the Nationalist Social Club of New England [1]
- Kathie Greear, owner of the Loon’s Nest Lodge at Silver Lake, a vacation rental lodge in Lee ME [1]
- Chaya Raichik of Los Angeles CA and formerly Brooklyn NY, operator of the “Libs of TikTok” account on various social media platforms, self-described stochastic terrorist, context source for one of Blood Tribe’s standouts [∗] [1] [2]
- Patrick Landon, Ryan Michael Roberson, and Charles Anthony Wilder II, members of Anthony J. Altick’s Hate Club [1] [2] [3] [4]
Timeline of activities
This timeline is not an exhaustive one, as a good amount of historical data on Pohlhaus’s various Telegram channels has been nuked by both Telegram and Pohlhaus himself.
On April 14th, antifascist researcher “Garfield but Anti-Fascist” released identifying documentation on Chris Pohlhaus, in his capacity as a prolific Telegram poster, neo-Nazi tattoo artist and t-shirt salesman, former United States Marine, and amateur baker and brewer. [1]
On January 6th, supporters of since-adjudicated rapist-&-felon and at-the-time former United States President Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol Building in an attempt to interrupt the certification of Trump’s election loss. Among the insurrectionists was Riley June Williams, a self-described groyper and apparent neo-Nazi. During the putsch, Williams entered the Capitol, urged other insurrectionists to resist Capitol Police, and possibly stole a laptop from the office of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Following the putsch, Williams was also alleged to have attempted to sell said laptop to a Russian intelligence agency. She allegedly destroyed copious amounts of material likely to have evidentiary value before her arrest by law enforcement. Robert Evans of Bellingcat later released a dissection of a video Williams had posted to Telegram; it featured herself quoting Pohlhaus and wearing Hammershades, indicating her as a noted admirer of Pohlhaus who had gone as far as purchasing his merchandise. During November ’22, Williams was found guilty of various charges related to her actions during J6. During March ’23, Williams was sentenced to 36 months in prison, just as much time under supervised release, and a $2000 fine. [1] [2] [3]
On May 8th, Pohlhaus’s hosted Chris Hood and Liam MacNeil of the National Socialist Club of New England on his Hammerstream Telegram channel. [summary pending]
On May 29th, Pohlhaus hosted Hood, MacNeil, and three other unknown members of NSC on his Hammerstream Telegram channel, alongside United Patriots Front member Jacob Hersant and some jackass calling himself Beowulf. [summary pending]
On June 22nd, Ben Makuch via VICE News reported that Pohlhaus had floated a plan over Telegram to disrupt supply chains in the United States, using sniper attacks to murder truck drivers. [1]
On November 13th, Pohlhaus hosted NSC member and currently dead neo-Nazi Leo Cullinan on his Hammerstream Telegram channel, alongside other white nationalist garbage. Just previous to this interview, Cullinan had joined NSC in a protest outside of the Lucy Parsons Center in Jamaica Plain MA. [summary pending]
On March 11th, Pohlhaus and Ramey purchased their first plot of land in Springfield ME. [1]
On June 13th, Ramey filed paperwork to create an LLC called “White Working Class Consulting” in Wyoming. [Speculative: This may be indicative of Ramey choosing not to move to Maine with Pohlhaus, despite co-owning the property with him.] [1]
On October 2nd, roughly 23 members of the National Socialist Club of New England marched and held a banner in Lewiston ME, calling for greater charges against Somali refugee Emmanuel Nkurunziza for his role in the murder of Donald Giusti, a white man. This followed a post NSC had made on social media regarding the same topic on September 13th. They were visibly accompanied by Pohlhaus. [∗]
On December 3rd, several different reactionary right groups protested a canceled “Holi-Drag” Drag Queen Story Hour in Columbus OH. To Pohlhaus’s own admission, members of Blood Tribe were present. [∗] [1] [2]
On January 19th, Pohlhaus registered the latest version of his personal Telegram channel, after shuttering the previous version himself. In his first update video, he reported attempting to travel to the United Kingdom via an international flight from Logan Airport, with his tattoo equipment in tow. He was subsequently deported before ever leaving Manchester Airport for not obtaining a work visa. [Speculative: This video, by way of Pohlhaus recounting a series of clueless self-owns, is genuinely funny if you’re into schadenfreude. It also goes a long way to validating my opinion that he’s an idiot!] Pohlhaus would later request that the UK government destroy his tablet, given it was not returned by mid-February. By the point of this initial post, Pohlhaus was already coordinating neo-Nazi social and camping events at his Springfield ME property. [∗]
On January 27th, Pohlhaus posted a link to a Blood Tribe Telegram chat, via his personal Telegram channel. In the body of the post, he claimed that “the Camps are now live,” and that the chat was the “front door to the [Blood Tribe] experience.” In a subsequent post later that day, he requested that his followers share the link freely. He reposted this specific invitation a handful of times in the next month, before the link expired. [∗]
On January 31st, Pohlhaus once again posted a link to a Blood Tribe Telegram chat, via his personal Telegram channel. In the body of the post, he claimed that it was the “most aggressive and hostile vetting engine in white nationalism.” The implication that “aggressive” and “hostile” are not statements of competence would later bear itself out in the fracas surrounding Blood Tribe member Kent “Boneface” McLellan later this year. [∗]
On February 8th, Pohlhaus posted a video to his personal Telegram channel. It features a hazing of a potential member of Blood Tribe by an administrator of Pohlhaus’s camp. In later posts, Pohlhaus would indicate that the harsh treatment of camp hands is intentional. [Speculative: The potential member urinated himself on camera. Did the administrator draw a rifle on him or what?] [∗]
On February 8th, Pohlhaus posted media to his personal Telegram channel. It features the Blood Tribe initiation ritual, which involves a potential member cutting their hand on the blade of a spear, applying their blood to the spear’s haft, then shaking bloodied hands with Pohlhaus. Videos of this ritual would become a fixture of the channel, and it’s clear that Pohlhaus travels out-of-state to conduct it. [∗] Journalist Crash Barry would later post an example of such a video to Twitter. [1]
On March 1st, Pohlhaus posted a video to his personal Telegram channel. It features someone else making commentary on the Overton window, and how neo-Nazis should openly wear swastikas in order to drag the window as far to the right as possible. In his own commentary response, Pohlhaus asks that history not remember him as a “sly and cunning man.” [Speculative: Don’t worry, Topher. It won’t.] [∗]
On March 11th, members of Blood Tribe attempted to disrupt a Drag Story Hour in Wadsworth OH. Pohlhaus, Ramey, and likely Berentz were present. [1] [2] [3]
On March 25, Aimenn Penny made an arson attempt against the Community Church of Chesterland OH, using homemade Molotov cocktails. [1] According to antifascist researcher “Comrade Bumblejack 🌽🏴” Penny self-identified as a Blood Tribe member on his Telegram profile. Blood Tribe released a statement distancing themselves from Penny on March 30th. [2] Penny pled guilty on October 23rd, and was sentenced to 18 years on January 29th the following year. [3] [4]
On April 29th, members of Blood Tribe attempted to disrupt a drag brunch fundraiser in Columbus OH. Pursuant to a FOIA request, several police bodycam videos were released of the disruption. Pohlhaus was present. [1] [2]
On July 8th, Ben Makuch via The Intercept reported on Pohlhaus’s connections to Denis Kapustin, neo-Nazi and founder of the Russian Volunteer Corps. [1]
On July 23rd, a tax lien was issued against Pohlhaus and Ramey’s property in Springfield ME. Pohlhaus and Ramey would not pay it until October of this year, when they sold the land. [1]
On July 27th, Jeff Tischauser via the Southern Poverty Law Center reported on the specific lot that Pohlhaus and Ramey had purchased in Springfield ME. [1]
On July 28th, Lindsay Putnam of Bangor Daily News reported that Pohlhaus had been banned from the Bangor ME location of gym chain Planet Fitness. [1]
On July 29th, members of Blood Tribe attempted to disrupt an LGBTQ+ “Pride in the Park” event in Watertown WI. Rapin and Long were present. At one point, a member of Blood Tribe who appears to be Rapin threatened stringer, former Three-Percenter, and confoundingly functional white nationalist propagandist Ford Fischer and various journalists for following members, by chambering a round into his openly-carried AK-style rifle. [1] [2] [3]
On August 3rd, Steve Robinson of The Maine Wire published a report claiming that ME Governor Janet Mills was taking steps to resettle “75,000 foreign-born migrants in Maine by 2029.” This is of course an egregiously bad faith read of the executive order Mills issued on the topic, skewed either by motivated reasoning or poor reading comprehension; developing an Office of New Americans is part-and-parcel of the solution to adding “at least 75,000 people to [Maine’s] workforce over the next ten years,” as laid out by the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development, and not the only strategy for reaching that number of new workers. According to journalist Crash Barry, Robinson’s article spurred Pohlhaus to call for a rally against Governor Mills, which materialized nine days later. [1] [2] [3] [4]
On August 5th, Pohlhaus and Berentz appeared on Chris Cantwell’s Radical Agenda webshow. According to video of the interview, Pohlhaus and Berentz joined each other in the bathroom during a break in the interview. After leaving the bathroom, Pohlhaus seemed “energized” according to journalist Crash Barry. [Speculative: Cocaine? I think Berentz holds it for Pohlhaus.] [1]
On August 12th, members of the National Socialist Club of New England protested in front of the Maine Governor’s Mansion and Maine State House in Augusta ME. They claimed it was in response to a decision made by ME Governor Janet Mills to “import 75,000 Africans into Maine by 2029,” which was itself a mutated take on the egregious Maine Wire story published on the 3rd. NSC was once again joined by Pohlhaus, who appeared to have flagged the Maine Wire story to other neo-Nazis, and called for the protest to happen. Berentz was present. [∗] [1] [2] [3]
On August 24th, WFVX Bangor, a local Fox News affiliate, made the baffling decision to platform Pohlhaus, and allowed him to pretend not to be furious over the idea of losing his guns to potential anti-militia legislation floated by Maine state senator Joseph Baldacci. [1] [2]
On August 27th, Kathleen Phalen Tomaselli of Bangor Daily News released an article concerning Kathie Greear, owner of the Loon’s Nest Lodge at Silver Lake. The article revealed that Greear was banned from using Airbnb as a rental owner, citing her allowing Pohlhaus to work on her property while guests were present. [1]
On September 1st, Pohlhaus posted a statement to his personal Telegram channel, declaring that Blood Tribe would be referred to as a “religious institution.” [Speculative: This is likely a poorly-thought out counter to Senator Baldacci’s intent of submitting anti-militia legislation designed specifically to target the Blood Tribe Camps in Springfield ME. That is, it appears to be an attempt to make Blood Tribe a 1st Amendment issue instead of a 2nd Amendment issue.] [∗] [1] [2]
On September 2nd, Blood Tribe held a “March of the Redshirts” standout in Altemont Springs FL. Pohlhaus, Minadeo, Parr, McLellan, Frank, Altick, Weaver, Bray, Rapin, Long, Berentz, and Morris were present. Despite claiming attendance in the triple digits during the lead-up, only 30 or so members were present, including the members of the Goyim Defense League and Vinland Rebels who joined. At one point, failed Republican political candidate and conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer stopped by; members of Blood Tribe responded by slurring her and telling her to leave. Loomer later attempted to make noises about McLellan, who had attended the standout unmasked, being a federal plant. [1] [2]
From September 9th to the 10th, Pohlhaus streamed a two-part “Trial of Boneface” event, with the apparent intent of questioning McLellan about his purported paramilitary history. McLellan had come under scrutiny for his claims about fighting alongside Azov Battalion in Ukraine, including from neo-Nazis who had fought in Ukraine, who claimed both that McLellan had never fought with them and that McLellan’s supporting documents were obvious forgeries. During the first day of the event, McLellan was asked to speak Ukrainian. According to Mack Lamoureux of VICE News: “The neo-Nazi said he knew how to speak it and attempted to get some sentences out but, according to a person listening who knows Ukrainian, he was just saying random words and making vaguely Slavic noises.” McLellan did not appear for the second day of the event, and was subsequently expelled from Blood Tribe. [1]
On September 13th, Michael Colborne and Tristan Lee of Bellingcat released an exposé that made counter-claims against McLellan’s purported timeline of fighting in Ukraine. They provided legal documents that proved McLellan was either engaged in legal proceedings or barred from traveling abroad at times he claimed to be overseas. They also contacted McLellan directly, who continued to lie about his paramilitary activities, and made claims about using an RPG during combat that were easily debunked. [1]
On October 18th, Pohlhaus and Ramey sold their land in Springfield ME to a dentist in Malden MA. In the process of selling it, Pohlhaus and Ramey had to pay off their back-taxes in order to discharge the lien placed against it earlier in the year. The document was notarized in Belgrade MT; this ended up being indicative of the area Pohlhaus was spending most of his time after being driven out of Springfield ME. [1] [2] [∗] [3]
On November 18th, roughly two dozen members of Blood Tribe and the Goyim Defense League held a “Blood in the Snow” rally in Madison WI, making stops at the Wisconsin State House and the Gates of Heaven Synagogue. Pohlhaus, Altick, Rapin, Long, and Berentz were present. [1] [2]
On November 30th, satirical news outfit The Onion released “Nazi Hopes Elon Musk Antisemitism Apology As Disingenuous As It Seemed.” The brief story features quotes and and image of “Phil Behrens of Murfreesboro TN,” who voices concern about Musk stating that all Jews are white. The image appears to be a photoshopped image that is obviously based on Pohlhaus, down to his outfit and specific runic facial tattoo. [1]
On January 17th, Claire Goforth of The Daily Dot released the third part of “Naziland,” a series of stories focusing on the impact of neo-Nazis on the communities in which they reside. Focusing on Pohlhaus and Springfield ME, the article includes Pohlhaus’s claims that he excommunicated Ramey from Blood Tribe, and his standing by previous remarks he made about the acceptability of sexually assaulting and forcefully impregnating liberal women taken as “war wives.” Goforth also pushed back against Pohlhaus’s claims that his life is “f*cking great,” stating:
On January 25th, antifascist researcher “Antichud™ ⭐️” released identifying documentation on Blood Tribe members Joshua J. Rapin and Sterling J. Long, both also members of the Wisconsin chapter of White Lives Matter. [1]
On February 8th, antifascist researcher “Fash Free NW” released identifying documentation on Pohlhaus’s new locale of residence in Bozeman MT, and identified his local gym as Access Fitness in the same city. [1]
On February 17th, members of Blood Tribe marched in Nashville TN. Video recirculated by journalist Crash Barry indicated that members were transported to their march site by U-Haul, a tactic favored by Patriot Front. [1] During their march, they were recorded by State Representative Justin Jones, and confronted by local activists. [2] [3] Pohlhaus, Rapin, Berentz (who was recorded putting an unidentified passer-by into a chokehold at one point), and likely Mulville were present. [4] [5] In response to the march, antifascist researcher Kate Ross released identifying documentation on Berentz. [6]
On June 8th, members of Blood Tribe marched in Pierre & Deadwood SD, reportedly in protest of South Dakota House Bill 1076 over its defining of “antisemitism” as a term in state law. Notably, they marched around the governor’s mansion and up the state’s capitol building without permits. Pohlhaus, Berentz, and likely Mulville were present. [1] [2] [3]
On August 10th, members of Blood Tribe marched in Springfield OH, in light of a post concerning Haitian refugees made by Chaya Raichik, a/k/a “Libs of TikTok” which Blood Tribe social media accounts directly cited and recirculated. Pohlhaus and Berentz were present. [1] [2]
On August 24th, members of Blood Tribe marched in Harrisburg PA. Pohlhaus and likely Mulville were present. [1] [2]
On August 27th, Berentz spoke during a meeting of the Springfield OH City Commissioners. Introducing himself as “Nathaniel Higgers,” Berentz made nonsensical claims about an increase of crime should the city allow more refugees. Some degree of hay was made about Berentz’s speech being the source of a slanderous rumor that local refugees were hunting domestic pets for food, particularly after it broke into nationwide discourse; Berentz never made such a statement during this meeting. [1] [2]
On November 1st, Atavist Magazine released issue #156, which included “The Crash of the Hammer,” an article by Mira Ptacin. The article makes it clear that Pohlhaus was vastly unwelcome in Springfield ME, and was motivated to leave by the open hostility violent overtures of local residents. According to one resident:
On November 16th, Altick led members of “Hate Club,” a neo-Nazi group heavily styled in aesthetic and intent after Blood Tribe, in a march through Columbus OH. Members were recorded pepper-spraying a crowd outside of a local bar. They were later stopped by local police, riding inside of a U-Haul that Altick was driving. No arrests were made by police, citing a lack of probable cause. Pursuant to a FOIA request, a great deal of police bodycam footage was released of the U-Haul stop. Another FOIA request revealed that Columbus PD were communicating with the FBI, DHS, JTTF, STACC, and CTU during the event. Alongside Altick, Landon, Morris, Roberson, and Wilder were present. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Member info & vitals
This section is meant to centralize objective information on members of Blood Tribe, as noted in arrest reports and other public records.
Kent Ryan McLellan
- birthdate: 04/22/1999
- locale of residence, current: Pensacola FL
- height: 6′
- weight (circa 2022): 185 lbs
- hair: shaved bald
- eyes: green
- notable events (this will not be exhaustive for the time being):
- May 4th/7th, 2012: arrested alongside several members of American Front on felony conspiracy and hate crime charges by the JTTF in Osceola County FL, supposedly related to preparation made by American Front toward the aim of attacking Orlando City Hall
- February 4th, 2017: arrested for selling/purchasing/delivering meth, among other charges, in Osceola County FL
- March 8th, 2017: arrested for trafficking and conspiracy to traffic amphetamine in Osceola County FL
- April 1st, 2022: arrested on felony battery charges in Pensacola FL
Online presence
There are a few Telegram channels, and they all suck.
External citations
∗ – See Blood Tribe and Chris Pohlhaus’s own social media. Where possible, dates have been revised to be correct. More robust sources should be found for these events, as fascists’ accounts of their own activities should be taken with a grain of salt.
† – See the ADL H.E.A.T. Map. Where possible, dates have been revised to be correct. More robust sources should be found for these events, as the Map seems to be under a state of constant revision.
♠ – See various police reports:
- …
♣ – See various court records:
- For information regarding McLellan’s wide variety of criminal charges in Osceola County FL from 2012 onward, please, by all means, run the search and check for yourself.
- For information regarding McLellan’s felony battery charge in Pensacola FL during April 2022, see Trial Court of Florida, Escambia County Court case #2022-CF-001367-A (State of Florida v. McLellan, Kent Ryan).
♦ – See various locally cached copies of previously online content:
- Regarding the NSC interview videos, copies can be made available upon request.
♥ – See various eyewitness accounts:
- …
January 20th, 2025
- Unmarked typo corrections.
- Added Riley Williams and Chaya Raichik to “Known Associates.” Added a timeline entry for Williams’s actions during J6.
January 14th, 2025
- Unmarked style changes.
- Cleared previously marked revisions.
- Updated the preamble.
- Removed ADL material from and added The Crash Report’s “No Hugs for Chuds” articles to “Other reference documents.” Updated a handful of timeline entries to include Crash Barry’s review of Berentz’s activity before his unmasked appearance during November ’23.
- Added Mulville to “Known Members” and updated relevant timeline entries.
- Added Landon, Morris, Roberson, and Wilder to “Known Associates,” and updated relevant timeline entries.
- Moved Ramey and Altick to “Former Members.”
- Added a link to a Youtube playlist consisting of a great deal of police bodycam footage related to the timeline entry concerning the April ’23 DQSH disruption in Columbus OH.
- Added Pohlhaus & Berentz’s August ’23 Radical Agenda appearance to the timeline.
- Corrected the location of the September ’23 standout in Florida.
- Corrected my claim that The Onion’s November ’23 graphic of “Phil Behrens” was an AI-generated image; apparently those are forbidden in their union contract!
- Updated the timeline.
February 18th, 2024
- Added Berentz to “Known Members.”
- Moved Altick from “Known Associates” to “Known Members,” given his increasing proximity to Blood Tribe.
- Added Aimenn Penny to “Known Associates,” and added a timeline entry to reflect this.
- Added new citation for Hulliger’s ID.
- Revised timeline entries to reflect the identifications of Rapin, Long, and Berentz.
- Updated the timeline.
February 8th, 2024
- Cleared previously marked revisions.
- Updated Pohlhaus’ locale of residence in “Known Members.”
- Added Rapin and Long to “Known Members.”
- Added Hulliger to “Known Associates.”
- Added what seems to be Blood Tribe’s first event in Columbus OH during December ’22 to the timeline.
- Added a speculative for the February ’23 social media post featuring the hazing of a Blood Tribe camp hand.
- Revised timeline entry for the July ’23 Watertown WI event in light of Rapin’s identification and further information about Ford Fischer.
- Removed timeline entry regarding the announcement of the “Blood in the Snow” rally.
- Added a note to the timeline entry corresponding to Pohlhaus’s sale of the Springfield ME property.
- Updated the timeline.
November 14th, 2023
- Corrected the oversight of not adding Kathie Greear to the “Known Associates” subsection.
- Added references to the tax lien placed against the Springfield ME property to the timeline.
- Updated the timeline.
September 15th, 2023
- Published this document.
September 3rd, 2023
- Created this document.