Christopher Raymond Hood, Jr.


Christopher Raymond Hood Jr. (born September 28th, 1998) is an American white supremacist, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, self-styled community organizer, and neo-Nazi. Hood has been a member of several far-right groups ranging between the patriot militia III% to the neo-Nazi accelerationist Base before founding his own organization, the Nationalist Social Club of New England. According to Megan Squire, Hood has also had connections with the Proud Boys’ Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights and the League of the South. [1]

Hood aspires to unite nationalist crews operating out of New England under the NSC banner. This does not preclude him from entering into conflicts with other neo-Nazi, nationalist, and fascist groups, such as the Bowl Patrol, the Proud Boys, and Patriot Front. [1] [2] [3] [♣] [4]

As of June 2024, Hood has ostensibly stepped down from organizing NSC. [∗]

Hood hails from a largely Asian family. He is originally from Dorchester MA, and has lived in Malden and Pepperell MA. His currently resides in Newburyport MA. [1] [2] [3]

He currently posts to Telegram under the @crew131guy account. He posts to Twitter under his own name and photo [Speculative: c’mon guy, use a new one, weird to be insecure about aging with an absolute lack of grace when you have so many other problems], as one of a number of neo-Nazi figures previously banned from the service, who rejoined after its purchase by alleged neo-Nazi Elon Musk, a known beneficiary of South African emerald mining under apartheid. He previously operated an Instagram account as @thefuegofascist, and Twitter accounts as @BDthanRed and @ChrisThe131Guy. His Patriot Front serial number was PF-5054. [1] [‡]

This dossier is not intensely concerned with what Hood believes, as that is covered by other extant documents more thoroughly. This dossier’s remit revolves around collecting information about Hood and cataloging his major activities.

Changes since last revision will be highlighted as such. Notes and citations will be provided throughout the document in the form of links to external websites, represented by bracketed numbers. Wherein a set of brackets contains a symbol other than a number, this is meant to represent either a physical document with no online copy (such as a police report or court case), or a database that cannot/will not be cited in a specific manner (such as the ADL’s HEAT Map, or social media accounts operated by known fascists). Find these corresponding citations in the “External citations” section.

Other reference documents


  1. Dossier preamble
    1. Other reference documents
  2. Vitals
  3. Early life
  4. Timeline of activities
    1. 2015
    2. 2017
    3. 2018
    4. 2019
    5. 2020
    6. 2021
    7. 2022
    8. 2023
    9. 2024
    10. 2025
  5. Beliefs
  7. Personal life
  8. Online presence
  9. External citations
  10. Changelog


  • birthdate: 09/28/1998
  • driver’s: upon request
  • locale of residence, current: Newburyport MA
  • locales of residence, previous: Pepperell MA, Malden MA, Dorchester MA
  • height: 5’11”
  • weight (circa 2022): 200lbs
  • weight (circa 2019): 170lbs
  • hair: brown
  • eyes: green
  • notable events:
    • February 15th, 2019: stopped by BPD while flyering East Boston with five other members of neo-fascist group Patriot Front, which escalated after Patriot Front member Matthew Wolf struck a police officer; Hood was found to be carrying a 5” switchblade and arrested
    • November 23rd, 2019: arrested by Auburn MA PD for the assault of Patriot Front member David Spellman-Oldenquist
    • March 20th, 2022: arrested for drinking from an open container by BPD after disrupting Boston’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade
    • July 23rd, 2022: arrested for affray by BPD while protesting a Drag Queen Story Hour at the Loring-Greenough House in Jamaica Plain MA
    • January 17th, 2023: charged with NSC member Cullinan by the New Hampshire Attorney General for trespass over a July 2022 banner-drop in Portsmouth NH

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Early Life

As a child, Hood attended Linden-STEAM Academy in Malden MA. [1]

According to David Copeland:

“In 2017, Hood graduated from Henry W. Owen High School, a Chelsea school for behaviorally and academically challenged students and adults run by the Shore Educational Collaborative. In 2016, the nonprofit featured a photo of Hood on its annual report.” [1]

According to the Shore Educational Collaborative, in their yearly report for 2016:

“Chris completed his Junior year in FY16, […] He lives in Malden and has attended Shore’s Middle and High School Alternative Program since the 8th grade. Chris is a good student, respected by his teachers, counselors, support staff, and peers. He is involved in Shore’s Student Council and is on the Track Team.

“Chris attributes his high school success to the individualized support he has received from his teachers and counselors at Shore. Chris plans to attend college after he graduates in June 2017 and intends to become a police officer. Chris’s effort and self-determination, combined with the opportunities offered by Shore, has made for a great success story.” [1]

Hood is indeed featured on the cover. According to Hood himself, he was already in the process of organizing in the patriot movement, having founded a youth III% chapter with friends, while a student at his high school. [1]

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Timeline of activities

For the full scope of Hood’s activities as they relate to Patriot Front NW7 and NSC-131, reading the respective dossiers for both groups is strenuously recommended. Hood’s actions are integral to both organizations; as such, recounting the entirety of his exploits here would be vastly redundant. This personal timeline will only include notable events as they relate to Hood himself.

Note also that Hood functions as videographer for several NSC events. He’s more likely to be behind a camera instead of in front of it; this rather limits an exhaustive approach to accounting for his presence at every major standout or action in which NSC engages.


During June ‘15, Hood formed III% United Patriots Youth after a discussion with friend John Pruitt. He named Ryan Houghian as a co-founder, and Andrew Reed and Isaiah Jones as co-leaders. He also opened a Facebook group, which reported having 119 members in November ‘15. He was likely a high school sophomore at this time. [1]

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Sometime during ‘17, Hood joined the Northeast US Proud Boys. He was among a number of the administrators for their Facebook group. [1]

On August 19th, Hood attended the disastrous second Boston Free Speech rally. He was one of several attendees interviewed by Alex Ward of Vox, and was also interviewed by Steve LeBlanc of the Associated Press for the Chicago Tribune. He voiced a desire to join the military, and agreed with former U.S. President Donald Trump on “both sides” being responsible for the violence of the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville NC. Notable at the time were Hood’s claims that white supremacists would get kicked out of the rally and that Nazis were not welcome in Boston. Supposedly, this is where Hood first crossed paths with Liam MacNeil, who would later serve as MA regional lead for Hood’s Nationalist Social Club. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Sometime around October ‘17, Hood joined Patriot Front. According to Hood, he had an interview with a United States Marine Corps recruiter around the same time as his membership interview with PF founder Thomas Rousseau, and that Rousseau more or less demanded that he prioritize the Patriot Front interview over the USMC interview. He also began to attend events hosted by Resist Marxism Boston, a rebranding of Boston Free Speech, allegedly seeking to recruit for Patriot Front. [1] [2]

On November 28th, Hood posted to Patriot Front’s “Front and Center” Discord server for the first time. [1]

On November 29th, Hood claimed he “caused trouble” at the Boston Opera House, which at the time was hosting Hillary Clinton for a signing of her new book “What Happened.” He also told Thomas Rousseau that he intended to head down to Texas in March to attend a Trump rally with local friends. [1] [2] [3]

On December 1st, Hood posted on “Front and Center” that he intended to crash a reading of Mark Bray’s “Antifascist Handbook” hosted at the Harvard Coop. He claimed that he would be accompanied by members of Boston Anti-Communist Action and the local chapter of the Proud Boys. Later that day, Hood was joined by Matthias Thorpe and Chris Bartley at said event where they led a small protest. Hood was seen wearing a Patriot Front mask. A scuffle broke out between attendees and the protestors, with Thorpe alleging he was struck repeatedly in the face by attendees. [1] [2] [3]

On December 4th, Hood posted in “Front and Center” that he was asked by the “local civic nationalists” to cease attending events due to his membership in Patriot Front. [1]

On December 7th, John Medlar, Steven “Thanadon” Verrette, and two other members of Boston Free Speech (likely Trevor Carey and Ary Ziegler) staged a “Protest Against Violence” at the Harvard Coop, on behalf of Matthias Thorpe. Hood accompanied them. In the description of a Youtube video of the event posted the next day, Boston Free Speech commented that “Chris is NOT Boston Free Speech.” [1] [2]

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On January 20th, Hood participated in Resist Marxism’s disruption of the Boston Women’s March. [1]

On February 16th, Thomas Rousseau of Patriot Front mentioned Hood by name on their “Front and Center” Discord server, specifically to credit him for his work ethic and to foreshadow Hood being responsible for the foundation of Patriot Front’s New-England-regional Network 7. [1]

On March 1st, Hood and fellow Patriot Front member Michael Barbosa committed a propaganda flyering at the UMass Boston campus. [1]

On March 24th, Hood participated in Resist Marxism Boston’s dual-purpose Defend the 2nd rally and March For Our Lives counter-protest. Hood was photographed as one of the marchers bearing Resist Marxism’s banner. [1]

On May 18th, Luke Barnes of ThinkProgress published an expose on Resist Marxism. Barnes presented Hood’s comments against white supremacy from the ‘17 Vox article alongside his nationalist propaganda efforts as a member of Patriot Front. Among the members of the Resist Marxism chat were Tusitala Toese, a member of the Proud Boys, violent felon, and notable goon. [1]

On September 9th, antifascist researcher “Antifash Gordon” released a thread identifying several members of Boston Free Speech, which included Hood given his proximity to various BFS actions. [1]

On November 18th, Hood was among five members of Patriot Front who attempted to disrupt the Boston Anarchist Bookfair. [1]

On December 1st, Patriot Front members including Hood marched on Washington DC. [1] [2]

On December 6th, Hood was present at an Open Borders Vs. Closed Borders “Debate” at Berklee College, ostensibly held by the resident chapter of Young Americans for Liberty. It was in actuality a Resist Marxism event, with Patriot Front present and operating in a “security capacity.” [1] [2]

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On January 14th, antifascist research collective “North Shore Antifa” revealed that Hood worked out of a Saugus Dick’s Sporting Goods. Boosted by several antifascist social media accounts, actions were taken to notify the staff at the Dick’s of Hood’s affiliations and efforts. Hood was subsequently terminated as a result. [1] [2]

On February 14th, Hood, Matthew Wolf, Tylar Larson, and four other members of Patriot Front attempted to post Patriot Front propaganda in East Boston. They were stopped by police after being seen with spraycans. After a physical altercation between Wolf and the police, Wolf, Hood, and Larson were arrested on weapons charges. According to the BPD, Hood was carrying a 5” spring-loaded knife. They were arraigned on the 19th, and released on $500 cash bail. They were ordered to report back to court for March 26. According to MassCourts, Hood was represented by Nitin Dalal, a local attorney out of Milton MA, and Augustus Invictus, a notable neo-Nazi and attorney out of Florida. These charges would later be dismissed. [♣] [1]

On July 8th, Hood claimed that he was going to begin working as PF’s print shop as a part-time job. [‡]

On July 18th, Hood mentioned in PF internal chats that he had been talking to the leader of American Guard, Brien James, about allowing women and persons of color into PF. Hood balked at this, but revealed that NW7’s photographer at the time was a woman. [‡]

On August 4th, Hood, Thorpe, Noah Bogosh, Robert Budzyna, Mark Hayden, and four other members of Patriot Front attempted to disrupt the Boston March Against Cages, an anti-ICE demonstration. Thorpe was photographed giving the Roman salute during the march. The demonstrators cornered the Patriot Front members in an Orange Line station, where they fled aboard a train. A photo of the event depicted Budzyna and Hood as rattled by the confrontation. [1] [2] [3] [4]

A highlighted picture from a series of photos of Patriot Front's attempts to disrupt the Boston Women's March in August 2019, taken by Emily Goldhammer. Eight members stand in a row, some holding flags. The second, the highlighted member, and the fourth from the left hold a flag of an eagle with spread wings clutching a set of fasces in its talons, seeming to be the war flag symbol used by the Italian Social Republic. The first and second from the right hold an American flag, albeit backwards. From left to right: an unknown Patriot From member, Chris Hood (highlighted), Matthias Thorpe, an unknown Patriot From member, Robert Budzyna, an unknown Patriot From member, Noah Bogosh, and Mark Hayden. A highlighted picture from a series of photos of Patriot Front's attempts to disrupt the Boston Women's March in August 2019, taken by Emily Goldhammer. After being chased onto the Orange Line by enraged participants in the Women's March, several Patriot Front members take refuge in a subway car traveling away from the march. In the background, several members take seats. In the foreground, Robert Budzyna and Chris Hood (highlighted) appear rattled. Another member, occluded behind Hood, pats Budzyna on the shoulder.
Hood in Boston MA, August 2019. Photos courtesy of Emily Goldhammer.

As of August 15th, Hood was no longer marked as “Network Director” in Patriot Front internal logs. [‡]

Sometime during Fall ‘19, Hood attempted to join the Base. He had a vetting interview with Rinaldo Nazzaro, the organization’s founder. Someone in on the vetting interview recorded the vetting conversation, as well as other subsequent conversations between Hood and Nazzaro, possibly Nazzaro himself. During the interview, Hood made note of a generalized dissatisfaction with the progress Patriot Front as a national organization had made, and offered to bring 20 or so other white nationalists into the Base’s fold. [1] [2]

As of September 7th, Patriot Front members out of Texas were handling print duties, apparently having taken them over from Hood. [‡]

On October 3rd, Hood, Budzyna, Zachary Brackett, and other members of Patriot Front dropped a banner from an overpass in Hartford CT. They were accompanied by Michael Moura, Anthony Petruccelli, Sarah Flynn, Cameron Anthony, and an unidentified member of the National Socialist Movement. Moura, Petruccelli, and Anthony would all later join Hood’s Nationalist Social Club of New England. [1]

Sometime after his vetting interview with Rinaldo Nazzaro and expulsion from Patriot Front, Hood had his first in-person meet-up with other members of the New England cell of the Base at a diner in Hartford CT. [1] [Speculative: There’s a non-zero chance this happened during the same timeframe as the Patriot Front banner-drop in Hartford CT on October 3rd.]

On or before October 25th, Hood was expelled from Patriot Front for using chapter print money to purchase recreational drugs, joining the New England cell of the Base, and attempting to inculcate neo-Nazis in NW7 activities. Hood posted a diatribe to the “Massachusetts Front” Twitter account on the topic, which was ostensibly his PF propaganda tracker. Rousseau would respond to Hood’s post in PF internal channels. [1] [‡] [2]

A screengrab from a leak of Patriot Front's internal chats, dated. October 25th, 2019, starting at roughly 6:53AM. The topic at hand concerns Patriot Front founder Thomas Rousseau's reaction to member Chris Hood's own public statement on his own expulsion from Patriot Front.Austin TX: [link to Hood's diatribe] Mark Hayden: "@Austin TX Hurts to read" Rousseau: "Here we go. Let's look at the comments for their worth." Rousseau, quoting Hood: "...ex-member of Patriot Front against their own will..." Rousseau: "Planning for months to create a breakaway group, alluding numerous times to wanting to commit premeditated violence with members, attempting to join an [Atomwaffen Division] spinoff terror group, harassing other members, running away with members' money, et cetera. List goes on. I did not make that call. Chris did." Rousseau, quoting Hood: "Patriot Front is NOT an org in any way focused on ILLEGAL activity." Rousseau: "And he believes I somehow prohibit people from saying this, when I've verbatim told people with other promotional accounts to state as such. Does anyone here honestly believe I want people to think we're some band of petty streetbrawlers and drug dealers?" Rousseau, quoting Hood: "At this point, I have no reason to maintain the sort of ominous vibe Patriot Front puts out." Rousseau: "I have absolutely, positively no idea where Chris got this worm in his mind that I'm somehow trying to create an ominous vibe. It likely extrends from the fact that I don't want every member acting as their own vetting process, which he did, where he would find random people online and after 6 messages back and forth, he'd add them to a separate channel where he planned all his activism. He finally decided to add a dozen ex-[National Socialist Movement]/Hammerskin types with criminal records, drug addictions, and no vetting whatsoever to try to form a breakaway org, which I protested to." Rousseau, quoting Hood: "...the [Massachusetts] guys are fucking great..." Rousseau: "Every shred, every ounce, every single component of everyone's success is owed not to a few propped up individuals, but to every single member. Everywhere. Not in the Northeast. Not in the South. Not in the Midwest. Not in the Northwest. Not on the West Coast. Every. Where. We don't have ranks, we have occupations. We don't have leaders, we have organizers. For the record, once things settled, I don't believe a single member wanted to rush on out with Chris on his quest for self destruction. "As someone who tried to give more to him than any single other member in the org, thousands in legal funding, opportunity to work for the org full time with the print shop, director position, prominent planning roles in many events, he squandered all of it because he wants a street fight." Joseph N. Brown: "Maybe this will serve as a wake up call to him. [I don't know.]"
PF leader Thomas Rousseau replying to Hood’s diatribe on his expulsion from Patriot Front, October 2019. Featuring “Austin TX,” Mark Hayden aka “Bill MA,” and Joseph Nicholas Brown aka “Nick TX.” Logs courtesy of Torch Antifa.

Sometime during September ‘19, Anthony Petruccelli of the National Socialist Movement met with two members of the Base. “Antifash Gordon” noted that Petruccelli began to regularly interact with Zachary Brackett over social media during this time. [Speculative: It was likely that the second member of the Base was Hood.] [1]

On or before November 7th, Hood and several members of the local cell of the Base flyered the Boston University campus, in advance of the Boston Anarchist Bookfair. This resulted in Boston University ostensibly canceling the event, which led the event’s organizers to relocate the Bookfair into the Democracy Center. On the 9th, the Base posted several propaganda photos and a 46-second video of the flyering to their Telegram channel. [1] [2]

On November 23rd, Hood entered the home of Patriot Front member Robert Budzyna in Auburn MA, and assaulted Patriot Front member David Spellman-Oldenquist. Before the assault occurred, Zachary Brackett purportedly contacted Budzyna in order to set up a confrontation between Hood and Spellman-Oldenquist, motivated by Spellman-Oldenquist’s verbal disparagement of Hood over internal PF channels. Budzyna assented, on the terms Brackett and Hood not damage his home. That night in Budzyna’s home, Budzyna, Spellman-Oldenquist, Tyler Primevara, and supposedly other members of Patriot Front were preparing for a “flower-laying” event at a historical site; internal chats suggest Plymouth Rock or one of multiple mausoleums in Springfield MA. Hood was accompanied by his girlfriend at the time Alison Hastings, Anthony Petruccelli, and someone armed with a knife who can be assumed to be Brackett. Hastings recorded the assault as Hood, Brackett, and Petruccelli took turns assaulting Spellman-Oldenquist. Primevara did not intercede on account of Brackett’s open display of a knife; neither did other members of Patriot Front present, likely for the same reason. Budzyna fled to an upper floor, and did not witness the bulk of the assault. After Hood and his cadre left, Primevara drove Spellman-Oldenquist to St. Vincent’s Hospital. A police report was filed concerning the incident that included an eyewitness account from Primevara (submitted on the 28th). When questioned by police, Spellman-Oldenquist and Primevara denied knowing why the assault occurred, and they did not mention the additional Patriot Front members present. Subsequently, Hood and Petruccelli were both subject to charges of assault. Hood responded to being served by reaching out to antifascist researcher “Antifash Gordon” with an implied offer: Hood would disclose the identities of well over 20 fascists in New England if “Gordon” would incite a harassment campaign against Spellman-Oldenquist, Primevara, and potentially other local members of Patriot Front in an attempt to get the charges dropped. Hood claimed that he was done with the white nationalist movement; “Gordon” offered to pair Hood with an exit counselor, which Hood refused. “Gordon” in turn refused Hood’s information, and instead released transcripts of the conversation to social media. Hood denied both the accusations of print fund theft from Patriot Front and “Gordon’s” disclosure of Hood’s attempted mass doxxing as slanderous. Charges against Hood and Petruccelli would later be dismissed. [♣] [‡] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

On December 10th, Zach Brackett released art assets over social media that may have represented the debut of the New England Nationalists Club, the group that would form the foundation of Hood’s Nationalist Social Club of New England. [1]

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On January 22nd. Hood and NSM member and NSC associate Anthony Petruccelli were both tried for “assault and battery with a dangerous weapon (hands and feet), and assault and battery, ordered to stay away and have no contact with [David Spellman-Oldenquist,] continued to March 5,” in Worcester Central District Court in front of Judge David B. Locke. [1]

On May 30th, members of NSC attended an anti-COVID-lockdown “Reopen Massachusetts” rally held at the Massachusetts State House by Super Happy Fun America. Hood was present. [1]

A highlighted picture from a Nationalist Social Club propaganda photo set, depicting a daytime standout at Boston Common during May 2020. From left to right, standing in a row, are Zach Brackett, two unidentified NSC members, Cameron Anthony, Hood (highlighted), Michael Moura, and an unidentified NSC member. Hood's hair is styled into an undercut. He wears a light gray t-shirt with what appears to be an American flag on the left breast pocket, a bodycam chest harness, a silver wristwatch on his left wrist, khakis, and white sneakers. Hood, Brackett, and Moura hold the index fingers of their right hands raised, in a hand gesture that is likely a reference to Nick Fuentes's "American First" movement.
Hood, Boston Common, May 2020.

Sometime during June, a judge ruled that police did not have reasonable suspicion to search Hood or other Patriot Front members during their propaganda campaign in East Boston during February 2019. The charges against them were dismissed. [1]

On June 27th, NSC attended an anti-BLM “Restore Sanity” rally held at the Massachusetts State House by Super Happy Fun America. Hood was present. [1] [2]

A highlighted photo taken by Gregg Housh of a Nationalist Social Club outside of the Massachusetts State House, having joined a daytime protest of coronavirus lockdown conditions by Super Happy Fun America during June 2020. From left to right, standing in a group at a set of metal police barricades, are Edward Stuart, Anthony Petruccelli, Cameron Anthony, Michael Moura, and Hood (highlighted). The other NSC members face away from the State House, their focus on counter-protesters across the street. Only Hood is looking at the camera. Hood's hair is styled into an undercut. He wears his preferred red Oakley Holbrook sunglasses, a black t-shirt with a white NSC logo on the right breast, a bodycam chest harness, a silver wristwatch on his left wrist, khaki shorts, and white sneakers. Petruccelli and Moura both wear black t-shirts with North Face knock-off logos, with "The North Face" replaced by "Nationalist Social Club" and the numbers "131" in each third of the North Face triple-arch logo. Visibly held by Stuart and Anthony, resting on the barricade, is a white flag with a black sonnenrad on it. At their feet lie several protest signs, likely brought by Super Happy Fun America, including "Blue Lives Save Lives" and "Defund UMass."
Hood, outside the Massachusetts State House in Boston MA, June 2020. Photo courtesy of Gregg Housh.

On September 27th, members of NSC joined a pro-police demonstration by America Backs the Blue in Mansfield MA. The NSC members did openly neo-Nazi things, and did not get visibly rebuffed by anyone on their side of the protest for doing so. A large amount of BLM-supporting counter-demonstrators held their own protest across the street. Hood was present. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

A highlighted photo taken from a distance by an antifascist activist of the Nationalist Social Club, having joined a daytime demonstration by America Backs the Blue in Mansfield MA during September 2020. From left to right, standing in a group behind a set of metal sidewalk barricades, are Hood (highlighted), Anthony Petruccelli, Cameron Anthony, an unidentified NSC member, and Tyler Moody. Every member faces counter-protesters across the street, from which side the photo was taken. Hood wears a gray baseball cap, black shades, what appears to be a long-sleeve black t-shirt with the NSC logo in white on the left breast, a bodycam chest harness, a silver wristwatch on his left, khakis, and work boots.
Hood, Mansfield MA, September 2020. Courtesy of Solidarity Against Hate Boston.

In November, during an eviction defense event where unhoused persons created an encampment in front of Manchester NH courthouse, Hood arrived in order to surveil proceedings. [1] [♥]

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On May 8th, Hood and MacNeil appeared on Chris Pohlhaus’s “Hammerstream” over Telegram. [summary pending]

On May 23rd, members of NSC performed a flash rally in front of the Holocaust Memorial in Boston MA. Hood was present. [1] [2]

A highlighted still from a Nationalist Social Club propaganda video, depicting their march through Boston MA during their Holocaust Memorial standout during May 2021. In center frame is Hood (highlighted) as he leads members of NSC, including Tyler Moody, along a crosswalk. Hood wears an off-black Columbia baseball cap, a black North-Face-branded long-sleeve that almost looks like a screenprinted knock-off, khakis, and black sneakers with white soles. Slung over his right shoulder is a carrying strap that holds his red-and-white bullhorn. This is a side-view of Hood that occludes his face, but demonstrates an identifying element of his gait: Hood stands and walks with a forward cant at his hips. This suggests tight hip flexor muscles, possibly due to a lower back injury or a weak posterior chain. A highlighted still from a Nationalist Social Club propaganda video, depicting their march through Boston MA during their Holocaust Memorial standout during May 2021. In the immediate foreground, from left to right, is Hood (highlighted) and an unidentified NSC member as they lead other NSC members in the background, including Liam MacNeil, through the streets of Boston. Hood wears an off-black Columbia baseball cap with a stylized mountain range or trio of trees as a front emblem, black sunglasses that bear some resemblance to Oakley Jawbreakers, a black gaiter with "131" in white lettering across the face, and a black North-Face-branded long-sleeve shirt with sleeves rolled up to the elbows. Slung over his right shoulder is a carrying strap that holds his red-and-white bullhorn. Hood holds his left hand up with the index finger extended, likely harkening to Nick Fuentes's "America First" movement. The unidentified member next to him, clad in black baseball hat, sunglasses, gaiter, and shirt, holds his right hand in the "okay" gesture.
Hood in Boston MA, May 2021.

On May 29th, Hood, MacNeil, and three other unknown members of NSC appeared on Chris Pohlhaus’s “Hammerstream” over Telegram, alongside United Patriots Front member Jacob Hersant and some jackass calling himself Beowulf. [summary pending]

On or before July 10th, members of NSC held a White Lives Matter flash rally in Boston Common. Hood was present. [1]

A highlighted still from a Nationalist Social Club propaganda video, depicting their daytime march through Boston Common during July 2021. Nine members march in roughly two stacks. Hood (highlighted) in his preferred red Oakley Holbrook sunglasses, a slate baseball cap, black polo shirt, and khakis, trails behind two other members, with the other six trailing behind him.
Hood, Boston Common, July 2021.

On August 9th, members of NSC protested outside of the Nashua Board of Education building. Hood was present, and was recorded getting into a shoving match with counterprotesters. [1]

A highlighted still from a Nationalist Social Club propaganda video, shot from a very far distance, depicting counter-protesters placing their bodies between NSC and their staging location across from the Nashua Board of Education building during the daytime in August 2021. Hood (highlighted) can be made out shoving a counter-protester, in an attempt to make way. Hood is visibly wearing a black t-shirt, tan baseball cap, black gaiter, and khakis. A highlighted still from a Nationalist Social Club propaganda video, shot from a very far distance, depicting counter-protesters placing their bodies between NSC and their staging location across from the Nashua Board of Education building during the daytime in August 2021. Hood (highlighted) can be made out shoving the same counter-protester from the previous still, having progressed further toward the building. Hood is visibly wearing a black t-shirt, bodycam chest harness, tan baseball cap, black gaiter, and khakis.
A still from a Nationalist Social Club propaganda video, shot from Hood's bodycam, depicting a shoving match with a counter-protester in Nashua NH during the daytime in August 2021. While Hood is largely not visible, his silver wristwatch is easily visible on his left wrist, as he clutches the counter-protester's shirt. Hood also carries some sort of black, zippered binder in his right hand, which he uses as a surface with which to shove the counter-protester.
Hood, Nashua NH, August 2021. Note the watch on the left wrist, consistent with the watch he wore during NSC standouts during May and June of this year.

On August 21st, NSC planned an action for Manchester NH, likely involving tagging or stickering. The event leaked, and NSC was chased out of town by a large number of antifascists. Footage exists of three vehicles populated by NSC members fleeing the scene. At one point, Hood can be seen inside of a white Jeep being driven by his girlfriend. While Hood was attempting to mace antifascists through the open windows, the windows were rolled up by his girlfriend. This likely resulted in mace being sprayed within the vehicle. It was pretty funny! [1]

A still from an antifascist's video of members of the Nationalist Social Club fleeing in vehicles after getting rumbled before a daytime vandalization campaign in Manchester NH during August NH. In the foreground to right of frame, as well as the background to left of frame, are several antifascists, pixelized to conceal identities. In the background, center frame, is a white Jeep Wrangler backing out of parking space. The passenger side window is rolled down, and Hood's arm (highlighted) is barely visible deploying pepper spray at a nearby antifascist. A highlighted still from an antifascist's video of members of the Nationalist Social Club fleeing in vehicles after getting rumbled before a daytime vandalization campaign in Manchester NH during August NH. In the foreground to right of frame, as well as the background to left of frame, are several antifascists, pixelized to conceal identities. In the background, center frame, is a white Jeep Wrangler driving forward. The driver's side window is rolled down, and Hood's arm (highlighted) is barely visible deploying pepper spray at a nearby antifascist just outside the driver's side door, moments before the driver rolls the window up.
Hood in Manchester NH, August 2021.

On September 16th, six homes in Hesse, Germany were searched by the investigative Besondere Aufbauorgnaisation unit. The BAO reported finding weapons and Nazi paraphenalia. According to a press release, the homes were searched due to residents possibly being members of NSC Germany. According to Belltower.News, Hood (named solely as “131 guy”) encouraged the potential members to form their own German chapter of NSC, and gave feedback on graphic designs meant to be put on stickers and other merchandise. NSC Germany reported dissolving over their Telegram channel shortly thereafter. [1] [2]

On November 13th, members of NSC protested outside of the Lucy Parsons Center in Jamaica Plain MA. This was despite the Boston Anarchist Bookfair, an event Hood has frequently disrupted in the past, being held for the same weekend in Cambridge MA. Hood was present. [∗]

A highlighted still from a Nationalist Social Club propaganda video, depicting their daytime march toward the Lucy Parsons Center in Jamaica Plain MA during November 2021. In the foreground, from left to right, are Hood (highlighted) and Leo Cullinan walking along a sidewalk. Hood is wearing in his preferred red Oakley Holbrook sunglasses, a black gaiter with a stylized white "H" over the mouth, a slate baseball cap with an unidentifiable patch, a black Carhartt hoodie, and khakis. In the background, several members of NSC follow.
Hood, Jamaica Plain MA, November 2021.

Sometime during fall 2021, Chris Hood and Thomas Rousseau of Patriot Front were photographed in Boston’s Quincy Market, supposedly having reconciled. [⊗]

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On January 22nd, members of NSC protested outside of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston MA, contemporaneously with the “No Jab, No Heart Rally for David Ferguson of Massachusetts” event promoted by Dianna Ploss and Health Rights MA. Hood was present. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

A highlighted still from a Nationalist Social Club propaganda video, depicting traveling through Boston's subway system around their Brigham & Women's standout during January 2022. In the foreground, from left to right, are Leo Cullinan, Robert Budzyna, and Hood (highlighted) as they descend a flight of stairs underground. Hood wears his "H" gaiter, a North Face overshell jacket, a tan Condor Tactical baseball hat adorned with a black patch with a white "131" on it, black winter gloves, and khakis.
Hood, Boston MA, January 2022.

On February 12th, NSC conducted a banner drop over the Storrow Bridge in Boston MA as part of a White Lives Matter National Day of Action event. Hood was present. [1] [2] [3]

A highlighted still from a Nationalist Social Club propaganda video, depicting NSC traveling during the day on a Red Line train toward Boston MA from Quincy MA during February 2022. In the foreground, taking up center and right frame, are a number of NSC members seated on the train. In the midground to the left of frame is Hood (highlighted), advancing toward the camera and grasping an overhead handrail with his left hand, while his right hand is in his pants pocket. Hood wears a tan Condor Tactical baseball cap with a "131" patch on the front, what appear to be black Oakley Jawbreaker sunglasses, his stylized "H" gaiter, a Carhartt hoodie, khakis, and black sneakers with white soles. A highlighted still from a Nationalist Social Club propaganda video, depicting NSC walking along the Dr. Paul Dudley White Bike Path during the daytime after their Storrow Drive standout during February 2022. In the foreground are a number of NSC members marching in double-stack. Toward the rear of the march, from left to right, are Leo Cullinan and Hood (highlighted). Hood wears a tan Condor Tactical baseball cap with a "131" patch on the front, what appear to be black Oakley Jawbreaker sunglasses, his stylized "H" gaiter, a Carhartt hoodie, khakis, and black sneakers with white soles. In the background is Storrow Drive; further beyond are several buildings along Back Street.
Hood in Boston MA, February 2022.

On March 20th, NSC attended the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in South Boston. They remained until local documentarian-activists & performance artists Rod Webber & Lauren Pespisa pointed out to other parade-goers that NSC were, in fact, neo-Nazis. During this, Hood approached two BPD officers (including BPD Detective and member of Boston’s JTTF Unit Andrew Creed) while drinking from an open container and was promptly arrested. The charge was later dismissed by the Commonwealth. [1] [2] [♣]

A highlighted still from a Nationalist Social Club propaganda video, depicting their daytime march toward Boston's Saint Patrick's Day parade during March 2022. In the foreground, from left to right, are Hood (highlighted) and an unidentified NSC member as they march along the sidewalk. Hood wears a baseball cap, his preferred red Oakley Holbrook sunglasses, and an olive green Champion hoodie. Hood' face is blurred, but the Oakleys are still readily identifiable. In the background is a procession of NSC members, walking in two stacks.
Hood, Boston MA, March 2022.

On April 16th, NSC members performed a flash rally in Hartford CT, and distributed propaganda in East Hartford and Southington, as part of a White Lives Matter National event. Hood was present. [1]

A highlighted still from a Nationalist Social Club propaganda video, depicting their daytime march through Hartford CT during April 2022. In the foreground, from left to right, are Chase Gilroy, an unidentified NSC member, and Hood (highlighted) and an unidentified NSC member as they cross a bridge. Hood wears a Condor Tactical baseball cap with a "131" patch on the front, a black gaiter with a stylized white "H" over the mouth, a black Carhartt hoodie personalized with "131" in white lettering on the left breast, his preferred red Oakley Holbrook sunglasses hanging from the hoodie's collar, and khakis. In the background are several other NSC members.
Hood, Hartford CT, April 2022.

On May 1st, Hood, at-the-time regional lead for NSC’s New Hampshire chapter Leo Cullinan, and two unknown members operating cameras surveilled May Day proceedings in Manchester NH. They followed a local activist after the event concluded in a vehicle, having been stalking said activist over Twitter. Upon confronting the activist, Cullinan punched out the driver’s side window of the activist’s car. On camera. Like an idiot. NSC released footage of the crime over their social media accounts the next day. Like idiots! [∗]

A highlighted still from a Nationalist Social Club propaganda video, depicting their daytime stalking of a local activist in Manchester NH during May Day 2022. From left to right are Hood (highlighted), Leo Cullinan, and the local activist's vehicle. Both Hood and Cullinan are standing facing the driver's side window of the car, and their faces are pixelized to ostensibly disguise their identities. Hood wears a olive or brown baseball cap, a black Carhartt hoodie, a bodycam chest harness, and khakis.
Hood, Manchester NH, May 2022.

On May 7th, several members of NSC held a flash rally in Downtown Crossing and Boston Common. Hood was present. [1]

A highlighted still from a Nationalist Social Club propaganda video, depicting their daytime standout outside of Park Street Station in Boston MA during April 2022. In the foreground, from left to right, are Hood (highlighted), Leo Cullinan, and two passers-by occluded by pixelization. Hood wears a tan Condor Tactical baseball cap with a "131" patch on the front, a black gaiter with a stylized white "H" over the mouth, a black hoodie, a bodycam chest harness, his preferred red Oakley Holbrook sunglasses hanging from the harness, and khakis. Hood is also holding a piece of paper, likely a propaganda flyer. Cullinan is positioned to screen Hood from the passers-by.
Hood, Boston MA, April 2022.

On July 23rd, several members of NSC held a flash rally outside the Loring-Greenough House in Jamaica Plain MA, in response to a Drag Queen Story Hour hosted by local drag performer Patty Bourrée being held at the local Boston Public Library Branch. Hood was arrested on charges of disturbing the peace and affray, alongside two counter-protestors. NSC regional leads Leo Cullinan and Austin Conti were recorded by local documentarian-activists & performance artists Rod Webber & Lauren Pespisa bailing Hood out of jail from BPD Precinct E-5 later that day; Webber appeared to get Cullinan to confirm that Hood was with Patriot Front on the July 2nd event. [1] [2] [3] [♣]

A still from video recorded by Rod Webber, depicting Chris Hood's arrest by BPD in Jamaica Plain MA, after the Nationalist Social Club's daytime protest of a Drag Queen Story Hour during July 2022. In the immediate foreground is an unidentified BPD officer, holding open the back door to a police wagon. In the mid-ground, framed on the left by the officer in the foreground, and on the right by the wagon's door, is Hood. Hood wears a white button-up shirt with pockets on both breasts, a black backpack, and a bodycam chest harness. He is unmasked, and grinning at the camera, possibly in disbelief. Hood's hair is a greasy mess, likely from basting in his own sweat under his baseball cap, in the sun, all afternoon.
Hood being put into the back of a BPD wagon, Jamaica Plain MA, July 2022. Video still courtesy of Rod Webber.

On July 25th, Hood arrived at the BMC West Roxbury District Courthouse for the arraignment related to his arrest two days previous. He was joined by Moody, Gilroy, Farrea, and a small cadre of other NSC members. In the process of entering the courthouse, they assaulted local documentarian-activist & performance artist Rod Webber. Hood’s driver was identified as Gilroy, through the use of his grandmother’s car to ferry the various NSC members to and fro the courthouse. [1] The same car was photographed as present at the July 23rd event. Later that day, NSC would use their social media as a platform to whine about charges against the opposing antifascists being dropped, not mentioning that the antifascists’ criminal records were non-existent compared to Hood’s own. [∗]

On July 30th, Hood led roughly eleven members of NSC in banner-drops in Portsmouth NH, Dover NH, and Providence RI. Hood and Cullinan would later be charged with trespass and civil rights violations by the New Hampshire Attorney General for the Portsmouth banner-drop. [∗] [1]

On August 13th, roughly 20 members of NSC held a standout in Nashua NH, protesting the murder of Julie Graichen by Jose Miguel Ramirez-Vasquez. This followed a set of posts NSC had made on social media regarding the same topic on August 11th. The story had found a place in right-wing media, including Breitbart, on account of Ramirez-Vasquez being an undocumented immigrant. Hood, Cullinan, Conti, and Gilroy were present. [∗]

A highlighted still from a Nationalist Social Club propaganda video, depicting their daytime march through Nashua NH during August 2022. In the immediate foreground, from left to right, are two unidentified NSC members. In the mid-ground, from left to right, are Cullinan (partially occluded by the members in the foreground) and Hood (highlighted) as they walk underneath a construction scaffold in front of a building under renovation. Hood wears a tan Condor Tactical baseball cap with a "131" patch on the front, a black gaiter, his preferred red Oakley Holbrook sunglasses, an olive green Carhartt button-up, and khakis. His hands are in his pants pockets. In the background are several other NSC members, trailing behind.
Hood, Nashua NH, August 2022.

On or before August 31st, NSC once again responded to a flyering campaign targeting MacNeil in Waltham MA. At least nine members took down posters asking for information about MacNeil, and put up their own. A still from their propaganda video on the event revealed that at least four members were armed with expandable batons, weapons that are illegal to carry in Massachusetts. Hood was present, and was photographed as armed with a baton. [∗]

A highlighted propaganda photo taken by a member of the Nationalist Social Club during their nighttime counter-flyering of Liam MacNeil's neighborhood in Waltham MA during August 2022. In the foreground, eight NSC members stand in a row in a parking lot, with the four in the center holding an NSC anticommunist/anticapitalist flag. The outer four members are carrying expandable batons. Second from the right is Leo Cullinan, and first on the right is Hood (highlighted). Hood wears a black gaiter, a black North Face overshell jacket with the hood up, a bodycam chest harness, khakis, and black sneakers with white soles. He holds the baton in his right hand, and has his left tucked into his pants pocket. In the background is a chainlink fence in front of bare trees, Further still appears to be the Charles River, with more cityscape across the water.
Hood, Waltham MA, August 2022.

On October 2nd, roughly 23 members of NSC marched and held a banner in Lewiston ME, calling for greater charges against Somali refugee Emmanuel Nkurunziza for his role in the murder of Donald Giusti, a white man. This followed a post NSC had made on social media regarding the same topic on September 13th. Hood was present. [∗]

A highlighted still from a counterprotester's video, depicting the Nationalist Social Club's daytime standout in Lewiston ME during October 2022. In the immediate foreground is a welcome sign for Kennedy Park, at the northwest corner of the park. In the mid-ground, from left to right, are an unidentified NSC member, someone who is likely Jason Lowe, Hood (highlighted), and two unidentified NSC members and chase Gilroy, largely occluded by the Kennedy Park sign. Hood wears a tan baseball cap, a black gaiter with a stylized white "H" over the mouth, his preferred red Oakley Holbrook sunglasses, a black overshell jacket, blue jeans, and black sneakers with white soles. Hood's hands are in his jacket pockets, and his gaiter has slipped underneath his nose. In the immediate background is an unidentified skateboarder, making passes by NSC's protest while recording on his phone. In the far background is 40 Pine Street, a brutalist-style two-story building.
Hood, Lewiston ME, October 2022.

On October 30th, roughly 25 members of NSC held a stand-out in Kingston MA. They were there to protest an influx of immigrants sent by bus from Texas. Hood and Gilroy was present. [∗]

A highlighted still from a Nationalist Social Club propaganda video, depicting their daytime march through Kingston MA during October 2022. In the immediate foreground, to the left of frame, is Hood (highlighted) as he leads several NSC members, including Leo Cullinan and unidentified member designation "Longneck," through a parking lot. Hood wears a tan Condor Tactical baseball cap with a "131" patch on the front, a black gaiter with a stylized white "H" over the mouth, his preferred red Oakley Holbrook sunglasses, a black Carhartt hoodie personalized with "131" in white lettering on the left breast, and khakis. He carries a red and white bullhorn in his right hand, and has a black walkie-talkie with teal trim clipped to a pocket on his pants leg.
Hood, Kingston MA, October 2022.

On November 13th, roughly 15 members of NSC attempted to disrupt the Boston Anarchist Bookfair, held at the Democracy Center in Cambridge MA. Hood was present. [∗] [1]

A highlighted still from a Nationalist Social Club propaganda video, depicting their overcast daytime attempt to disrupt the Boston Anarchist Bookfair at the Democracy Center in Cambridge MA during November 2022. In the immediate foreground, to the left of frame, is Hood (highlighted) as he squawks on his bullhorn. Hood wears a black hoodie with the hood up, and a tan baseball cap that peeks out of the hood. Center of frame are a number of NSC members, milling about the sidewalk in front of the Democracy Center. To the right of frame, in the background, is the Democracy Center. Largely barren trees are overhead. A highlighted still from a video shot by a passer-by of the Nationalist Social Club as they depart from the sidewalk in front of the Democracy Center in Cambridge MA during November 2022. Across the street from the point-of-view, several NSC members turn to leave, moments after Rhode Island regional lead Austin Conti wrangled unidentified NSC member designation "Longneck" in the face of the latter threatening a justly irritated Cambridge local. To the right of frame, the only member turned toward the camera, is Hood (highlighted) as he watches members move toward NSC's rental vans parked nearby. Hood is faintly visible wearing a black Carhartt hoodie, a black gaiter, a tan baseball cap, khakis, and gray sneakers. He carries his red-and-white bullhorn in his right hand.
Hood in Cambridge MA, November 2022. The latter still courtesy of /u/ianondon.

On December 10th, several members of NSC attempted to disrupt a Drag Queen Story Hour in Fall River MA. Antifascists prevented Cullinan, Farrea, and other members of NSC from entering the library. Hood was present. [∗] [1]

A highlighted still from a Nationalist Social Club propaganda video, depicting their overcast daytime attempt to disrupt a Drag Queen Story Hour held at the People's University Public Library in Fall River MA during December 2022. In the immediate foreground, to the lower left of frame, is Hood (highlighted) as he squawks on his red-and-white bullhorn. Hood wears a tan Carhartt baseball cap, a black gaiter, a black hoodie with the hood up, and his preferred red Oakley Holbrooks hanging from the hoodie's collar. The gaiter is partially sucked into his mouth, as he breathes in to continue blathering on his bullhorn. Lower center and lower right of frame are a number of NSC members, including Cullinan and designation "Longneck," mostly standing in a row with their backs to the library and the point-of-view. In the background, to the upper right of frame, is the 79 North Main Street building, a brutalist-style office complex largely built of brick. In the background, to the upper left of frame are a number of distant trees, either barren or still bearing red leaves from the fall. A highlighted still from a video shot at a distance by a passer-by of the Nationalist Social Club after they failed to rush the entrance of the People's University Public Library in Fall River MA during December 2022. Across the street from the point-of-view, several NSC members either ascend or descend the staircase at the library's entrance. Higher on the staircase, in between the door and the various NSC members, is a number of antifascist activists, their faces obscured by pixelization. In the middle of the frame, slightly to the left, with his back to the point-of-view, is Hood (highlighted) as he speaks nonsense through his bullhorn up at the antifascists at the door. Hood is faintly visible wearing a black hoodie with the hood up, khakis, and black sneakers with white soles.
Hood in Fall River MA, December 2022. The latter still courtesy of Sean Connell.

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On January 14th, members of NSC attempted to disrupt a Drag Queen Story Hour in Taunton MA. In the lead-up to the event, antifascists mobilized in order to safeguard another DQSH event happening in Fall River MA on this same day; roughly 200 revelers showed, and the DQSH in Fall River was not disrupted. NSC opted to pointedly avoid being overwhelmingly outnumbered, and diverted to Taunton MA. A handful of members, including Hood, physically entered the library and attempted to crash the reading. The heckling did not deter the performer, who continued until the end of their appointed time. [∗] [1]

Hood, Taunton MA, January 2023.

On January 17th, Hood and NSC member Leo Cullinan were charged by the New Hampshire Attorney General’s office for trespass regarding a banner-drop members of NSC conducted in Portsmouth NH during July 2022. [1]

On April 1st, members of NSC held a march and standout in Portland ME. They were met with a trio of counter-protesters bearing a Pride flag with an antifascism emblem on it. Several members of NSC assaulted the counter-protesters after a member tried to steal the Pride flag from one of them. Hood was present. [∗]

A highlighted still from a Nationalist Social Club propaganda video, depicting their overcast daytime protest at the Immigrant Welcome Center in Portland ME during April 2023. In the immediate foreground, at the lower bound of the frame, are a number of NSC members, including Chase Gilroy, holding a banner, pixelized to obscure its message. Behind them stands a smaller number of NSC members, including Hood (highlighted) Hood wears a tan Carhartt baseball cap, a black gaiter, a black Carhartt hoodie with the hood up, and khakis. Hood appears to be adjusting his gaiter with his right hand. In the background is the Immigrant Welcome Center, as well as an alley between it and the next building over, blocked off by a chainlink fence. A still from a Nationalist Social Club propaganda video, depicting their overcast daytime protest outside of Portland City Hall in Portland ME during April 2023. This is shortly after their assault of local antifascists and concerned citizens, whereupon the local police held NSC at gunpoint before letting them leave with no members under arrest. In the immediate foreground, center frame, from the waist up, is Hood. He wears a tan Carhartt baseball cap, a black gaiter, and a black Carhartt hoodie with the hood up. There is a faint look of incredulousness on his face. In the background is the part of Portland across from City Hall. To the left, to Hood's back, is a police truck, lights flashing.
Hood in Portland ME, April 2023.

On April 20th, NSC announced the poorly thought-out “People’s Initiative of New England Initiative,” the “PINE Initiative” for short and for concealing redundancy. This project seems to be an attempt to distance members from their own violent brand, a performatively civic yet still overtly nationalist cover for NSC to conduct certain low-impact activities in light of their recent run-ins with various legal bodies (particularly the restraining order levied against NSC by NH Attorney General John Formella). This also seems to be a way for members to include women, who would otherwise be excluded by NSC, in activities without diluting NSC’s brand as a men’s-only street crew. [∗]

On April 27th, members of NSC handed out PINE flyers at a Trump rally in Manchester NH. Most were in PINE garb, with two members in NSC attire providing “security,” and an unknown blonde woman as one of the ostensible PINE members. They were confronted by documentarian-activist & performance artist Rod Webber, Black Lives Matter activist Antuan Castro Del Rio, and erstwhile Libertarian Party presidential candidate Vermin Supreme. [∗] [1]

A highlighted still from video recorded by Rod Webber, depicting members of the Nationalist Social Club, as their civic group PINE, in the midst of handing out PINE literature at a daytime Trump rally in Manchester NH during April 2023. In the foreground, from left to right, is Hood (highlighted) and an unidentified NSC member in all black. Hood wears an olive green Carhartt baseball cap, an olive green hoodie with the sleeves rolled to the elbows and the hood up, and a Nikon DSLR camera slung around his neck. He is unmasked, and avoiding eye contact with the point-of view. In the background is the Consolidated Communications building on Elm Street.
Hood, Manchester NH, April 2023. Courtesy of Rod Webber.

On June 5th, NH Judge Ruoff dismissed Attorney General Formella’s civil rights case against Hood, Cullinan, and NSC in Rockingham County Superior Court, based on a Motion to Dismiss filed by NSC’s attorney William Gens. Formella’s office claimed it would file a Motion to Reconsider in an attempt to revive the case. It does not appear the Motion to Reconsider was successful. [♣] [∗] [1]

On June 15th, a Boston judge ordered that Hood be found “not guilty” for affray, relating to his July ’22 arrest in Jamaica Plain MA. [1]

On June 18th, members of NSC attempted to disrupt a Drag Queen Story Hour at the Teatotaller in Concord NH. While he was not recorded in NSC’s propaganda video of the attempt, Hood was present, unmasked and shooting video. [∗] [1]

A highlighted still from a video shot by drag performer Juicy Garland from within the Teatotaller, as the Nationalist Social Club lined up outside the building in an attempt to disrupt the day's Drag Queen Story Hour in Concord NH during June 2023. The inside of the Teatotaller is visually warm and comfortable, with an array of colorful couches and a small chandelier overhead. Flower beds line the room's large exterior windows. Outside those windows are a visible line of NSC members, including Farrea and Gilroy, in the middle of a chant. Passing behind the NSC members, barely visible between two unidentified members, is Hood (highlighted). Hood is wearing a tan baseball cap, his Oakley Jawbreakers, some variety of dark-colored shirt, a black backpack, and khakis. He's also holding some manner of selfie stick, at the far end of which a video camera of some kind is attached.
Hood, Concord NH, June 2023. Courtesy of performer Juicy Garland.

On October 25th, Army Reservist Robert Card committed a spree shooting in Lewiston ME, killing 18 people and injuring 13. [1] Later that evening, NSC posted about the shooting on their Telegram channel, directing “all New England Nationalists” to contact Hood and coordinate a manhunt for Card. [∗] The next day, NSC released a video via their Telegram channel that included scenes of members carrying firearms while conducting their manhunt. Hood is highly likely to have been one of the members present.

On September 26th, Hood registered a personal “Chris Hood Official” Telegram channel. He would use this channel to offer advice on starting one’s own neo-Nazi street crew, as well as offering personal musings on developments in white nationalist organizing and American politics. [∗] 

On December 7th, MA Attorney General Campbell filed a civil complaint against Hood, MacNeil, and NSC for a slew of unlawful and discriminatory conduct committed in Massachusetts. Among the events cited included the disruption of Drag Queen Story Hours in Jamaica Plain, Boston’s Seaport, Fall River, and Taunton, the harassment of migrants at hotels in Kingston, Woburn, and Marlborough (though not the similar harassment campaigns in Quincy or Framingham), and armed patrols in unnamed residential neighborhoods. NSC responded by launching a “Legal Defense Fund” Telegram channel, launching a fundraiser on Christian crowdfunding website GiveSendGo, and soliciting donations made in cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Monero, on the 9th. [∗] Hood eventually hired William E. Gens, of boutique law firm Gens & Stanton, to represent himself and NSC. This story is developing! [1] [2] [♣]

On December 13th, NH Attorney General Formella filed a civil complaint against Hood and NSC under the NH Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Unit, citing NSC’s standout against the Teatotaller Cafe in Concord NH. Specifically, Formella claimed that NSC “attempted to incite, compel, or coerce the Teatotaller Cafe to refuse to make its place of public accommodation[…] available to certain performers because of those performers’ actual or perceived sex, sexual orientation, and/or gender identity.” As with the Massachusetts civil rights lawsuit, Hood hired William Gens to represent himself and NSC. This story is developing! [1] [2] [♣]

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On January 24th, Hood posted a brief video to his personal Telegram channel. Taken from the backseat of a vehicle, someone who appears to be Hood shows a can of nicotine supplement Zyn to the camera. In the background, to Hood’s apparent left, another likely NSC member fiddles with a firearm. The video was accompanied by the text “come and take it.” [∗] [1] [2]

On June 3rd, Hood announced via his personal Telegram channel that he was “stepping down from things for the foreseeable future.” Given he pledged to continue representing NSC in the various civil rights cases, he almost certainly meant stepping down from organizing within the reactionary right, including the operational duties of running NSC. He cited no longer having his “heart being in it,” and the birth of a daughter as his rationale. [Speculative: The death of NSC’s NH regional lead Leo Cullinan by way of methamphetamine & fentanyl overdose the previous year, the arrest of long-term NSC member Stephen Farrea for possession of child sexual abuse materials some ten days beforehand, and the weight of having to deal with multiple civil rights lawsuits also probably had some role in damaging Hood’s morale.] [∗]

On November 3rd, Hood indicated he attended a Trump rally held out of the New England Sports Center in Derry NH. [1] [∗]

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On January 2nd, Hood launched “The Nationalist Report,” a podcast hosted on Rumble with NSC member alias “James Ambrose.” It appears to run bimonthly. [∗]

On January 24th, Hood used his personal Telegram channel to organize a disinformation campaign against a community safety resource used to track ICE sightings. [∗]

On January 31st, Hood, NSC member Anthony Piccadaci (alleged to be the current leader of NSC after Hood stepped down), and an unknown amount of other members of NSC confronted former NSC member Charles Netter and an unknown quantity of members of the Atlantic Nationalist Club, outside of Netter’s home in Stratford CT. A brawl ensued, with Hood recording the fracas. The fights reportedly ended when at least two people involved were stabbed. Local police are reportedly investigating. This story is developing. This is an apparent consequence of allegations Netter had sent several threatening messages to members of NSC-131 over Telegram, including messages to Hood specifically denigrating his perceived “racial impurity.” Local police are reportedly investigating, and this story is developing. [1]

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Hood is anti-semitic, anti-immigration, and third-positionist, if the propaganda that NSC puts out is any indication. He has also indicated that he’s a proponent of the Great Replacement conspiracy theory, and believes that white people are under existential threat not only from non-white races but from capitalism.

According to garbage human Patrick Howley of The National File:

“NSC 131 leaders made clear that they see Zionist Jewish ethnonationalism as a driving force pushing White Genocide — including mass immigration — in Washington, D.C. and in the media and halls of academia.”[1]

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Quotes from any member of NSC are to be taken with a grain of salt, given the need to maintain nonviolent optics and the willingness to contradict their practical actions with their party line.

“If [they] show up, we’ll kick them out. No one wants them here.


“This is Boston. We don’t support Nazis here.”

— Hood lying brazenly to Alex Ward of Vox during the second Boston Free Speech Rally, August 19th 2017 [1]

“That was never the intention. We’ve only come here to promote free speech on college campuses, free speech on social media for conservative, right-wing speakers. And we have no intention of violence.”

— Hood whining to Steve LeBlanc of the Chicago Tribune about how unfair it was that counter-protesters were making the second Boston Free Speech Rally out to be a “white supremacist Klan rally,” August 19th 2017 [1]

“So, I was in the Proud Boys, but as of now, uh, I’m with the regional director for the Northeast, for Patriot Front. We’ve definitely been wanting to get into more of the, you know, survivalist or self-defense, uh, type of stuff that, you know, we’re definitely used to the idea of, like, traveling far distances to meet with other, like, networks of guys that do similar things and, you know, planning things that kind of veer, you know, out of the lines of legality. You know, as of recently, we did this, like, confrontation at, like, an antifa rally, and that didn’t pan out well for legal reasons.”

— Hood during his interview with Rinaldo Nazzaro

“We definitely got disillusioned with, you know, the standard schedule of [Patriot Front]. I mean, I guess not giving too much detail, you know, there’s not a peaceable solution, to, you know, our, our racist problems, then, you know, there’s a numerous amount of actions that you could take.”

— Hood during his interview with Rinaldo Nazzaro

“The member of PF that ran this twitter account is now an ex-member of Patriot Front against their own will for a multitude of unrelated personal reasons. I am now in a position to say some things that I was not before. Patriot Front is NOT an org in any way focused on ILLEGAL Activity, it is a recovery program, an outreach group, a sticker effort, and a patriotic flash mob organization. There has never been ill or illegal intentions of the organization, despite public and legal opinion. Patriot Front has undergone tremendous censorship and judicial persecution for simply, “getting together” like-minded American men to hangout and do legal activism. There’s hikes, cookouts, birthday parties, stickers, piecing together letters and paint on canvas, and general self-improvement encouraged by everyone involved. At this point, I have no reason to maintain the sort of ominous vibe Patriot Front puts out, and I have nothing to lose in putting out this message on their behalf. I’ve spent years in the organization and despite ups and downs it has tremendously improved my life. Don’t listen to the sideline [quarterbacks] yelling fed at everyone who doesn’t give your along with their own info the opposition who will surely be in the comment section of this very post soon enough. Get involved, the MA guys are fucking great and it’s a hell of a family. LLV!”

— Hood on his expulsion from Patriot Front, October 25th 2019

“It speaks to the dynamic we live in today in which white people are being pushed in every way and we are relegated to being quiet and taking it, but now with groups like us and Patriot Front, and the America First Political Action Conference with Nick Fuentes, this issue is rising to the forefront and these groups are taking physical space.”

— Hood during his National File interview

“It’s so rare that a white kills a black.”

— Hood during his National File interview, just unbelievably boneheaded words

“I would say we are not really a political representation. We are much more metapolitical. We are trying to create a vanguard of white New Englanders. As things get more turbulent, we lose more political representation. White people will have less money, they’ll have fewer possessions, they’ll be more vulnerable. We are a fraternity of young action-oriented white men. We can defend them from Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Even if people don’t support us we will protect them anyway. If we can create a vanguard for our people, it won’t really matter how mean our views are when we’re the only ones stepping up to defend them.”

— Hood during his National File interview

“[It’s] not good for white people to get beaten by mobs of angry Africans in the streets.”

— Hood during his National File interview

“We are normal guys who have jobs, guys go to college, we have families, homes. If we didn’t wear masks, there would be non-governmental corporate conglomerates and Antifa hunting us down. We would have a million people call our work call CPS and get the kids taken away. We don’t want anybody to go to jail. We are peaceful First Amendment activists.”

— Hood during his National File interview

“That [Zionist Jewish influence] is the overarching factor here. These conservative personalities have nothing tangible to offer to people. These conservative personalities are just here to make money, sell things, and be popular. Regardless if their audience calls us Feds or not we are going to provide protection for people.”

— Hood during his National File interview

“We do physical training, sparring, MMA stuff, hiking, workouts. We make sure our people can defend themselves.”

— Hood during his National File interview

“A group like ours, there’s only so many things we can do to show people what’s going on in the paradigm that we live in. We can challenge political things. We challenged Critical Race Theory in New Hampshire, anti-white women’s hospital policies, drag queen story hour. But when we have the economic despair and social unrest on a regular basis, then people will really understand the dynamic we are living in. We would like to remain in our New England states ideally, but a territorial thing is on the table. In 5 years our networks will be a lot bigger. You’ll be seeing a lot more of us, organizing our people, and disrupting those who wish to see the White Race die.”

— Hood during his National File interview

“They are the new barbarians of the coming age. They must be lean and mean. Their function is to search out, attack and DESTROY the enemy through political confrontation and controlled aggression. The law requires that we will never throw the first punch, but we shall always throw the last!”

— what is likely an excerpt of a speech Hood gave during NSC’s “Summer Conference 2022,” as part of NSC’s White Affinity Initiative’s sole day of action, July 9th 2022

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Personal life

Hood has been dating a long-term partner whom he occasionally complains about over Telegram. Said partner has been providing Hood with transportation during events, despite Hood being licensed to drive himself. [♥]

Hood previously dated Alison Hastings, with whom he had an off-and-on-again relationship. [♥]

His Pepperell address was 20 Leighton St. His Malden address was 25 Blaine St #1. [♣]

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Online presence

There are a number of Twitter accounts that have been or are being run by Hood.

    • Hood:
    • Massachusetts Front: @BDthanRed

There are a handful of Twitter accounts that may be Hood.

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External citations

∗ – See social media belonging to Patriot Front and NSC. Where possible, dates have been revised to be correct. More robust sources should be found for these events, as a fascist’s accounts of their own activities should be taken with a grain of salt.

† – See the ADL H.E.A.T. Map. Where possible, dates have been revised to be correct. More robust sources should be found for these events, as the Map seems to be under a state of constant revision.

‡ – See the Torch Network Patriot Front Rocketchat leaks:

      • For Hood’s serial number, check most of any leaks before Hood’s expulsion on October 25th, 2019.
      • For Rousseau’s remarks on his motivation for expelling Hood, see 2019/PF general chat 10.25.19 afternoon.pdf
      • For Rousseau’s plans for a Thanksgiving 2019 event, prior to the assault of David Spellman-Oldenquist by Chris Hood in Robert Budzyna’s home, see 2019/PF general chat 11.17.19 evening.pdf

⊗ – See the New England Nats chat leaks.

♠ – See various police reports:

♣ – See various court records:

      • For information relating to the arrests of several members of Patriot Front in East Boston during August 2019, see Trial Court of Massachusetts, Boston Municipal Court, East Boston Division case #1905CR000161, 1905CR000162, & 1905CR000163, BPD Incident Report #I192012175.
      • For information relating to the assault of David Spellman-Oldenquist by Chris Hood, Zachary Brackett, and Anthony Petruccelli in November 2019, see Trial Court of Massachusetts, Worcester District Court case #1962CR008358 (Petruccelli, Anthony) & 1962CR008360 (Hood, Christopher), Application for Criminal Complaint & Statement of Facts in Support of Application.
      • For information relating the the arrest of Chris Hood during the 2022 St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Boston MA, see Trial Court of Massachusetts, South Boston District Court case #2203CR000154 (Hood, Christopher), Application for Criminal Complaint.
      • For information relating the the arrest of Robert Budzyna for the 2019 Auburn MA arsons during April 2022, see Trial Court of Massachusetts, Worcester Superior Court case #2285CR00093 (Commonwealth vs. Budzyna, Robert), Application for Criminal Complaint.
      • For information relating the the arrest of Chris Hood at the Loring-Greenough House during July 2022, see Trial Court of Massachusetts, Boston Municipal Court, West Roxbury Division case #2206CR000677 (Hood, Christopher), BPD incident report #222055219.

♥ – See various eyewitness accounts:

      • For information on Hood’s presence in Manchester NH during November 2020, I’m afraid you’ll have to trust me on this one. I will not be making this particular account available.

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February 4th, 2025

  • The stabbings in Stratford CT! Updated the timeline.

January 31st, 2025

  • Cleared previously marked edits.
  • Revised the preamble.
  • Updated the timeline.

October 22nd, 2023

  • A handful of unmarked corrections, minor and grammatical in nature.

October 18th, 2023

  • Finally nailed down the date of the 2018 Washington DC march.

August 16th, 2023

  • Added a caveat to the “Timeline of activities” preamble.
  • Further unmarked timeline additions with images, including alt text. Still not done with this process, just need to get to Resist-Marxism-era events.
  • Added timeline entry for the arrests of NSC Germany members, and its subsequent dissolution.
  • Added a timeline blurb about PINE, for context.

August 15th, 2023

  • Updated the header image with something more timely yet also derisive.
  • Added a blurb to the “Early life” subsection about Hood organizing while in high school.
  • Corrected a bit about Hood’s joining Patriot Front. Previous versions implied that Rousseau asked Hood to join; a closer read of Hood’s statements on the subject indicate more that Rousseau simply demanded he prioritize Patriot Front over joining the Marines.
  • Noted the dismissal of Hood’s charges in East Boston.
  • Added speculative note about Hood’s first in-person meet-up with members of the Base.
  • Several unmarked timeline additions with images, including alt text. This is a continuous process that’s likely going to take a few revision days, as adding alt text is more time-consuming than editing photos and stills.
  • Added mention of Farrea to Hood’s first West Roxbury court apperance.

June 28th, 2023

  • Minor unmarked style change for naming Patriot Front and NSC members outside of the context of their group pages.
  • Removed the J6 entry, as video cited in the indictment of NSC member Richard Ackerman has made clear Hood was not in attendance in Washington DC, at least not with other known members.
  • Added timeline entries for recent foibles of the state.

February 5th, 2023

  • Released this dossier publicly. This is a publication version of an extant document with an extensive changelog, which will not be migrated.

April 25th, 2022

  • Created this document.

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