Charles Y. Netter


Charles Netter is a current member of the tri-state neo-Nazi group Atlantic Nationalist Club, and a former member of the neo-Nazi Nationalist Social Club of New England. He was possibly a member of the Cut Throat AC, a Connecticut-local Active Club likely to have largely been composed of NSC members, during the latter half of 2023. He is notably aggressive, and has taken part in at least one violent assault on antifascists in Maine.

Netter is last known to reside in Stratford CT, in a home owned by his parents.

Netter operates a Telegram account as “Untermensh RGD-5,” and purportedly operates an alternate account on the same service as “Polska 966.” He likely operated an account on defunct LAN-over-Internet service Tunngle as “Polska1488.” His unofficial designation as an unidentified member of NSC-131 was “Longneck.” [Speculative: This was entirely inspired by how his particular choice in  face-concealing balaclava made him look like he had a pretty generous goiter. I was considering nicknaming him “Goiter-done,” but it didn’t test well. Also, the aliases he assumes himself seem to frequently refer to WWII-era military explosives: the M966 was another name for the M2 antipersonnel mine, and the RGD-5 was a Soviet fragmentation grenade.]

This dossier’s remit revolves around collecting information about Netter and cataloging his major activities, and will be updated should his identity become public information in the future.

Changes since last revision will be highlighted as such. Notes and citations will be provided throughout the document in the form of links to external websites, represented by bracketed numbers. Wherein a set of brackets contains a symbol other than a number, this is meant to represent either a physical document with no online copy (such as a police report or court case), or a database that cannot/will not be cited in a specific manner (such as the ADL’s HEAT Map, or social media accounts operated by known fascists). Find these corresponding citations in the “External citations” section.

Other reference documents


  1. Dossier preamble
    1. Other reference documents
  2. Timeline of activities
    1. 2022
    2. 2023
    3. 2024
    4. 2025
  3. Lookbook [in progress]
  5. External citations
  6. Changelog

Timeline of activities


On October 2nd, NSC members marched and held a banner in Lewiston ME, calling for greater charges against Somali refugee Emmanuel Nkurunziza for his role in the murder of Donald Giusti, a white man. Netter was present. [∗]

The Nationalist Social Club in Lewiston ME during October 2022. Members are largely dressed in black hoodies, khaki pants, black face masks, and tan or black baseball caps, the black apparel occasionally emblazoned with the numbers "131" in white. Netter, of lean build and average height, wears a plain balaclava that covers his mouth but not his nose, black sunglasses, a black baseball cap, a black collarless overshell with a prominent brass-colored zipper, and slim-fit khaki pants. He stands in the background, milling among a small group of members, as another line of members holds their banner (intentionally defaced by the editor) on the edge of what appears to be Kennedy Park. The Nationalist Social Club in Lewiston ME during October 2022. Members are largely dressed in black hoodies, khaki pants, black face masks, and tan or black baseball caps, the black apparel occasionally emblazoned with the numbers "131" in white. Netter, of lean build and average height, wears a plain balaclava that covers his mouth but not his nose, black sunglasses, a black baseball cap, a black collarless overshell with a prominent brass-colored zipper, and slim-fit khaki pants. He stands next to NSC associate Chris Pohlhaus, who himself stands next to several members holding a banner. They stand at the northwest corner of Kennedy Park, the Park Street entrance of Lewiston City Hall visible in the background.
The Nationalist Social Club in Lewiston ME during October 2022. Members are largely dressed in black hoodies, khaki pants, black face masks, and tan or black baseball caps, the black apparel occasionally emblazoned with the numbers "131" in white. Netter, of lean build and average height, wears a plain balaclava that covers his mouth but not his nose, black sunglasses, a black baseball cap, a black collarless overshell with a prominent brass-colored zipper, and slim-fit khaki pants. He stands in a line with other members in the background of a photo. In the foreground is another line of members, holding a banner that has been intentionally defaced by the editor. The Nationalist Social Club in Lewiston ME during October 2022. Members are largely dressed in black hoodies, khaki pants, black face masks, and tan or black baseball caps, the black apparel occasionally emblazoned with the numbers "131" in white. Netter, of lean build and average height, wears a plain balaclava that covers his mouth but not his nose, black sunglasses, a black baseball cap, a black collarless overshell with a prominent brass-colored zipper, and slim-fit khaki pants. Hands in his pockets, he marches behind a line of members holding a banner (intentionally defaced by the editor) as they walk in the middle of a road, along a double yellow line.
Netter in Lewiston ME, October 2022

On October 15th, NSC members marched and held a banner in Quincy MA for a WLM National Day of Action, calling for hate crime charges to be pressed against Rakeima Norris, a black mother who alongside her daughter assaulted a white woman in the area. They were confronted by at least two locals, one of whom brandished a pair of scissors, but were not assaulted themselves. Netter was present, and recorded as one of the members attempting to physically confront the locals. [∗]

The Nationalist Social Club in Quincy MA during October 2022. Members are largely dressed in black hoodies or long-sleeved t-shirts, khaki pants, black face masks, and tan or black baseball caps, the black apparel occasionally emblazoned with the numbers "131" in white. Netter, of lean build and average height, wears a plain balaclava that covers his mouth and nose, black sunglasses, a tan baseball cap with a black "131" patch on the front, a black long-sleeve t-shirt tucked into his pants, and casual-fit light gray khakis. He stands in a group with members of NSC's Bully Squad, including Austin Conti and Chase Gilroy, as they attempt to surround and menace a resident of Quincy. The resident, choosing to confront the neo-Nazis marching through his neighborhood while armed with a pair of scissors, is considerably outnumbered. His identity has been concealed. The Nationalist Social Club in Quincy MA during October 2022. Members are largely dressed in black hoodies or long-sleeved t-shirts, khaki pants, black face masks, and tan or black baseball caps, the black apparel occasionally emblazoned with the numbers "131" in white. Netter, of lean build and average height, wears a plain balaclava that covers his mouth and nose, black sunglasses, a tan baseball cap with a black "131" patch on the front, a black long-sleeve t-shirt tucked into his pants, and casual-fit light gray khakis. He stands in a line with several other members, some of whom are holding a banner, in what appears to be a residential neighborhood of Quincy.
Netter in Quincy MA, October 2022

On October 30th, roughly 25 members of NSC held a stand-out in Kingston MA. They were there to protest an influx of immigrants sent by bus from Texas. Netter was present. [∗]

The Nationalist Social Club in Kingston MA during October 2022. Members are largely dressed in black hoodies, khaki pants, black face masks, and tan or black baseball caps, the black apparel occasionally emblazoned with the numbers "131" in white. Netter, of lean build and average height, wears a plain balaclava that covers his mouth but not his nose, black sunglasses, a tan baseball cap with a black "131" patch on the front, a black collarless overshell with a prominent brass-colored zipper, and slim-fit khaki pants. He marches alongside several members of NSC through a commercial parking lot in Kingston. The Nationalist Social Club in Kingston MA during October 2022. Members are largely dressed in black hoodies, khaki pants, black face masks, and tan or black baseball caps, the black apparel occasionally emblazoned with the numbers "131" in white. Netter, of lean build and average height, wears a plain balaclava that covers his mouth but not his nose, black sunglasses, a tan baseball cap with a black "131" patch on the front, a black collarless overshell with a prominent brass-colored zipper, and slim-fit khaki pants. He stands next to NSC associate Chris Pohlhaus, who himself stands next to several members holding a banner. Hands in his pockets, he stands next to several other members holding a banner on a sidewalk somewhere in Kingston.
Netter in Kingston MA, October 2022

On November 13th, NSC members attempted to disrupt the Boston Anarchist Bookfair, held at the Democracy Center in Cambridge MA. They arrived in a pair of rental vans, and left after 10-15 minutes. Netter was present, and recorded as aggressively challenging a passer-by before getting wrangled by RI regional lead Austin Conti. [∗]

The Nationalist Social Club in Cambridge MA during November 2022. Members are largely dressed in black hoodies, khaki pants, black face masks, and tan or black baseball caps, the black apparel occasionally emblazoned with the numbers "131" in white. Netter, of lean build and average height, wears a plain balaclava that covers his mouth but not his nose, black sunglasses, a tan baseball cap with a black "131" patch on the front, a black collarless overshell with a prominent brass-colored zipper, and slim-fit light gray khaki pants. From a perspective in front of the Democracy Center, Netter diagonally crosses Mount Auburn Street and Dewolfe Street, in an attempt to confront members of the public who are decidedly displeased by having to tolerate neo-Nazis in their neighborhood. The Nationalist Social Club in Cambridge MA during November 2022. Members are largely dressed in black hoodies, khaki pants, black face masks, and tan or black baseball caps, the black apparel occasionally emblazoned with the numbers "131" in white. Netter, of lean build and average height, wears a plain balaclava that covers his mouth but not his nose, black sunglasses, a tan baseball cap with a black "131" patch on the front, a black collarless overshell with a prominent brass-colored zipper, and slim-fit light gray khaki pants. From a perspective across the street from the Democracy Center, Netter diagonally crosses Mount Auburn Street toward the point of view, in an attempt to confront members of the public who are decidedly displeased by having to tolerate neo-Nazis in their neighborhood. To Netter's right is NSC member Chase Gilroy, in the process of trash-talking local residents. Behind them both is a group of NSC members, milling about on the sidewalk in front of the Democracy Center.
The Nationalist Social Club in Cambridge MA during November 2022. Members are largely dressed in black hoodies, khaki pants, black face masks, and tan or black baseball caps, the black apparel occasionally emblazoned with the numbers "131" in white. Netter, of lean build and average height, wears a plain balaclava that covers his mouth but not his nose, black sunglasses, a tan baseball cap with a black "131" patch on the front, a black collarless overshell with a prominent brass-colored zipper, and slim-fit light gray khaki pants. From a perspective across the street from the Democracy Center, Netter has crossed two lanes of car traffic on Mount Auburn St and is about to enter the bike line. Netter's walking posture reflects the standard teenage "go on, hit me right in the face" pose of arms back, head forward. While not obvious in the video still, he has begun screaming misogynist slurs at various Cambridge residents. A lane of traffic behind Netter is Austin Conti, ready to wrangle him back toward the group. In the background are several NSC members, milling about in front of the Democracy Center. The Nationalist Social Club in Cambridge MA during November 2022. Members are largely dressed in black hoodies, khaki pants, black face masks, and tan or black baseball caps, the black apparel occasionally emblazoned with the numbers "131" in white. Netter, of lean build and average height, wears a plain balaclava that covers his mouth but not his nose, black sunglasses, a tan baseball cap with a black "131" patch on the front, a black collarless overshell with a prominent brass-colored zipper, and slim-fit light gray khaki pants. From a perspective across the street from the Democracy Center, Netter is being wrangled back toward the large majority of NSC members in front of the Democracy Center. NSC member Austin Conti has his hands at Netter's back, guiding him urgently back toward the opposing sidewalk and away from agitated Cambridge residents.
Netter in Cambridge MA, November 2022

On December 10th, NSC members attempted to disrupt a Drag Queen Story Hour in Fall River MA. Antifascists prevented members of NSC, led by NH regional lead Leo Cullinan, from entering the library. Netter was present, and recorded in video as holding NSC’s banner as other members charged the door to assist Cullinan in trying (and failing) to force the door through antifascists. [∗]

The Nationalist Social Club in Fall River MA during December 2022. Members are largely dressed in black hoodies, khaki pants, black face masks, and tan or black baseball caps, the black apparel occasionally emblazoned with the numbers "131" in white. Netter, of lean build and average height, wears a plain balaclava that covers his mouth but not his nose, black sunglasses, a tan baseball cap with a black "131" patch on the front, a black collarless overshell with a prominent brass-colored zipper, and slim-fit pale khaki pants. He marches in some fashion with members of NSC as they approach the Fall River Public Library.
Netter in Fall River MA, December 2022

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On January 14th, NSC members disrupted a Drag Queen Story Hour in Taunton MA. A handful of members physically entered the library and attempted to heckle the reading. This did not deter the performer, who continued until the end of their appointed time. Netter was present, and remained outside during the attempted disruption. [∗] [1]

The Nationalist Social Club in Tauntonr MA during January 2023. Members are largely dressed in black hoodies, khaki pants, black face masks, and tan or black baseball caps, the black apparel occasionally emblazoned with the numbers "131" in white. Netter, of lean build and average height, wears a plain balaclava that covers his mouth but not his nose, black sunglasses, a tan baseball cap with a black "131" patch on the front, a black collarless overshell with a prominent brass-colored zipper, and slim-fit pale khaki pants. He stands in a line with several members along the sidewalk outside of the Taunton Public Library.
Netter in Taunton MA, January 2023

On March 1st, NSC founder Chris Hood and Cullinan appeared in Rockingham County Superior Court, as defendants in a civil case brought against them by NH Attorney General John Formella. Hood was accompanied by several NSC members, including Conti, Stephen Farrea, Tyler Moody, and Netter. [1]

A video still of a WMUR news report on Chris Hood and Leo Cullinan receiving court support by NSC-131 members during their initial NH civil rights trial in Rockingham County Superior Court during March 2023. Several members have been visually shot from behind in the court's gallery. One of whom is Charles Netter, wearing his usual protest uniform minus the baseball cap, shades, and balaclava. Instead, he wears a black N95 mask. Netter, a white man with a shaved head, is visibly blond only because of his eyebrows. One of the other members seated in Netter's row is visibly Austin Conti. A video still of a WMUR news report on Chris Hood and Leo Cullinan receiving court support by NSC-131 members during their initial NH civil rights trial in Rockingham County Superior Court during March 2023. Several members have been captured leaving the courtroom and making their way toward the exit, including Netter, again in his usual outfit and a black N95 instead of most of his usual headgear. He is among NSC several other NSC members, including Stephen Farrea.
Netter in Brentwood NH, March 2023

On April 1st, NSC members held a march and standout in Portland ME. They were met with a trio of counter-protesters bearing a Pride flag with an antifascism emblem on it. After one NSC member tried to steal the Pride flag from one of the counter-protesters, other members assaulted the three of them. Netter was the second member to join the fracas, assisting the first member in attempts to steal the Pride flag. [∗] [1]

The Nationalist Social Club in Portland ME during April 2023. Members are largely dressed in black hoodies, khaki pants, black face masks, and tan or black baseball caps, the black apparel occasionally emblazoned with the numbers "131" in white. Netter, of lean build and average height, wears a plain balaclava that covers his mouth but not his nose, black sunglasses, a tan baseball cap with a black "131" patch on the front, a black collarless overshell with a prominent brass-colored zipper, and slim-fit pale khaki pants. He mills about in a group of members, his attention on something off-frame. He is likely paying attention to a small group of antifascists who have arrived to protest NSC's presence in Portland, one of which includes the person recording the video from which this still has been sourced. The Nationalist Social Club in Portland ME during April 2023. Members are largely dressed in black hoodies, khaki pants, black face masks, and tan or black baseball caps, the black apparel occasionally emblazoned with the numbers "131" in white. Netter, of lean build and average height, wears a plain balaclava that covers his mouth but not his nose, black sunglasses, a tan baseball cap with a black "131" patch on the front, a black collarless overshell with a prominent brass-colored zipper, and slim-fit pale khaki pants. Netter is prominently in the foreground, struggling to wrest something out of an off-frame someone's hands.
The Nationalist Social Club in Portland ME during April 2023. Members are largely dressed in black hoodies, khaki pants, black face masks, and tan or black baseball caps, the black apparel occasionally emblazoned with the numbers "131" in white. Netter, of lean build and average height, wears a plain balaclava that covers his mouth but not his nose, black sunglasses, a tan baseball cap with a black "131" patch on the front, a black collarless overshell with a prominent brass-colored zipper, and slim-fit pale khaki pants. Netter is prominently in the foreground, struggling to wrest something out of an off-frame someone's hands. The recorder of the video, from which this still was sourced, appears to be attempting to help resist Netter's attempts. The Nationalist Social Club in Portland ME during April 2023. Members are largely dressed in black hoodies, khaki pants, black face masks, and tan or black baseball caps, the black apparel occasionally emblazoned with the numbers "131" in white. Netter, of lean build and average height, wears a plain balaclava that covers his mouth but not his nose, black sunglasses, a tan baseball cap with a black "131" patch on the front, a black collarless overshell with a prominent brass-colored zipper, and slim-fit pale khaki pants. Netter is prominently in the foreground, struggling to wrest something out of an off-frame someone's hands. Standing behind him is member Stephen Farrea, shortly before Farrea struck a Portland local for attempting to intervene.
Netter in Portland ME, April 2023

On June 18th, members of NSC attempted to disrupt a Drag Queen Story Hour at the Teatotaller in Concord NH. Netter was present. A later propaganda video release shows a confrontation between understandably angry locals and several members as NSC left the Teatotaller, including “Longneck,” who verbally harassed a young woman. [∗] [1] [Speculative: His outfit is different. Given this event occurred not even a week after this dossier’s initial release, it’s safe to assume that his change in wardrobe is in response to being tracked here. It’s a shame visual identifications are just as much about posture and behavior as they are about outfits. As long as he’s an aggressive neo-Nazi dickhead, I’ll continue to track him.]

The Nationalist Social Club in Concord NH during June 2023, as they leave the scene of one of their anti-DQSH standouts outside the Teatotaller. Members are largely dressed in black hoodies, khaki pants, black face masks, and tan or black baseball caps, the black apparel occasionally emblazoned with the numbers "131" in white. Netter, of lean build and average height, wears a plain balaclava that covers his mouth but not his nose, black sunglasses, a black Champion bucket hat, black leather gloves, a black long-sleeve shirt with NSC-131 branding on it in white, and slim-fit pale carpenter khakis. Netter is glaring at a confrontational young woman whose identity has been redacted. Netter is moments away from yelling misogynist and homophobic slurs at the woman before being wrangled by NSC member Stephen Farrea. The Nationalist Social Club in Concord NH during June 2023, as they leave the scene of one of their anti-DQSH standouts outside the Teatotaller. Members are largely dressed in black hoodies, khaki pants, black face masks, and tan or black baseball caps, the black apparel occasionally emblazoned with the numbers "131" in white. Netter, of lean build and average height, wears a plain balaclava that covers his mouth but not his nose, black sunglasses, a black Champion bucket hat, black leather gloves, a black long-sleeve shirt with NSC-131 branding on it in white, and slim-fit pale carpenter khakis. Netter is yelling misogynist and homophobic slurs at the woman as NSC member Stephen Farrea attempts to wrangle him away.
The Nationalist Social Club in Concord NH during June 2023, as they leave the scene of one of their anti-DQSH standouts at the Teatotaller. Members are largely dressed in black hoodies, khaki pants, black face masks, and tan or black baseball caps, the black apparel occasionally emblazoned with the numbers "131" in white. Netter, of lean build and average height, wears a plain balaclava that covers his mouth but not his nose, black sunglasses, a black Champion bucket hat, black leather gloves, a black long-sleeve shirt with NSC-131 branding on it in white, and slim-fit pale carpenter khakis. Netter, rubbing his gloved hands together, is among several NSC members standing outside the side of the Teatotaller, largely composed of large windows with a clear view inside the building, in the process of protesting a DQSH being held there. The Nationalist Social Club in Concord NH during June 2023, as they leave the scene of one of their anti-DQSH standouts outside the Teatotaller. Members are largely dressed in black hoodies, khaki pants, black face masks, and tan or black baseball caps, the black apparel occasionally emblazoned with the numbers "131" in white. Netter, of lean build and average height, wears a plain balaclava that covers his mouth but not his nose, black sunglasses, a black Champion bucket hat, black leather gloves, a black long-sleeve shirt with NSC-131 branding on it in white, and slim-fit pale carpenter khakis. Netter is at the edge of a group of NSC members standing along a sidewalk in front of the Teatotaller. The attention of several members, including Netter, have been turned on an unknown man who is likely not saying kind things to them. The man's identity has been redacted.
Netter in Concord NH, June 2023

On August 27th, members of NSC held standouts outside of the Crowne Plaza Boston, the Sonesta Select, and the Red Roof Plus Inn in Woburn MA. The unifying factor to these hotels was their housing of migrant families in the face of a State of Emergency passed by Governor Maura Healey. Netter was present. [1] [2]

Netter, Woburn MA, August 2023

On September 2nd, members of NSC held a standout at the Extended Stay America in Marlborough MA. Again, this hotel was targeted due to its hosting of migrant families. Netter was present. [1]

Netter, Marlborough MA, September 2023

On September 9th, members of NSC held a standout at a building in Eastern Nazarene College in Quincy MA, being used to house migrant families. Netter was present. [1]

Netter, Quincy MA, September 2023

On September 16th, members of NSC held a standout at the Red Roof Plus Inn in Framingham MA, which was housing migrant families. Netter was present. [1]

Netter, Framingham MA, September 2023

On December 7th, MA Attorney General Campbell filed a civil complaint against NSC founder Chris Hood, MA regional lead Liam MacNeil, and the Nationalist Social Club for a slew of unlawful and discriminatory conduct committed in Massachusetts. Among the events cited included the disruption of Drag Queen Story Hours in Jamaica Plain, Boston’s Seaport, Fall River, and Taunton, the harassment of migrants at hotels in Kingston, Woburn, and Marlborough (though not the similar harassment campaigns in Quincy or Framingham), and armed patrols in unnamed residential neighborhoods. [1] [2] Six days later, NH Attorney General Formella filed a civil complaint against Hood and NSC under the NH Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Unit, citing NSC’s standout against the Teatotaller Cafe in Concord NH. Specifically, Formella claimed that NSC “attempted to incite, compel, or coerce the Teatotaller Cafe to refuse to make its place of public accommodation[…] available to certain performers because of those performers’ actual or perceived sex, sexual orientation, and/or gender identity.” [3] [4] The filing of these lawsuits heralded a cessation of NSC claiming credit for on-the-ground activities, with  devoted members instead diverting to the more civic “PINE” effort and other members diverting to several NSC-controlled Active Clubs for physical training. [Speculative: I think this, the change of tactics from aggro on-the-street confrontations to relatively pacifistic standouts & jogging on the beach, is more likely to be the main thrust of Netter leaving NSC-131 to join ANaC than anything else he’s said publicly. Netter would later cite NSC’s “issues” with pedophilia, drugs, and racial impurity as sticking points between himself and NSC, but those were already widely publicized issues before he joined. I mostly think Netter wanted to get his rage fix, and NSC wasn’t doing that for him anymore.]

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On April 27th, roughly sixteen members of NSC held a standout in Greenwich CT. This was in response to the circulation of a video which purported to depict the assault of a white woman following her use of a racial slur against a group of non-white women. Based solely on NSC’s own propaganda, as well as on-the-ground footage from the NY Post, Netter’s presence at this event is inconclusive. [∗] [1] [Speculative: I’m largely noting this here as marking the last time NSC went out in numbers as themselves in Netter’s home state, or in fact anywhere excluding the New England Minuteman thing the next month.]

On May 24th, NSC member Stephen Farrea was arrested on charges of possessing child pornography. This appears to have been a significant motivator in compelling Chris Hood to step down as leader of NSC-131 ten days later. [1] [∗] [Speculative: This is likely the thing Netter would later talk about as NSC’s “problem with child porn.” You joined 15 months after Andy Hazelton got arrested and ousted for that same shit. [2] You knew what you were in for, buddy.]

On December 21st, members of the Atlantic Nationalist Club attempted to stage an after-hours protest at the office’s of Daryle Lamont Jenkins’s One People’s Project. Jenkins, having interrupted ANaC’s pre-protest dinner, confronted them at their protest location. Netter was almost certainly present, and in control of the megaphone he used to direct chants. [1]

The Atlantic Nationalist Club, staging an after-hours protest outside of the One People's Project Office in New Brunswick NJ during December 2024. Members largely wear black hoodies or long-sleeved t-shirts, pale khaki pants, black baseball caps, black footwear, and black facial coverings. One member appears to be Charles Netter. He wears a black long-sleeve hoodie with the hood up, brown work gloves, and a black ski mask. He speaks into a black megaphone. Several members stand in a line behind him on the sidewalk, with a number of them holding a banner redacted by the editor. The Atlantic Nationalist Club, staging an after-hours protest outside of the One People's Project Office in New Brunswick NJ during December 2024. Members largely wear black hoodies or long-sleeved t-shirts, pale khaki pants, black baseball caps, black footwear, and black facial coverings. One member appears to be Charles Netter. He wears a black long-sleeve hoodie with the hood up, brown work gloves, a black ski mask, pale khaki pants, and black sneakers. He holds a black megaphone lowered in front of him. He keeps pace behind a handful of other ANaC members as they leave the site of their protest outside of the One People's Project, in a slow attempt to escape Daryle Lamont Jenkins as he records video of them.
Likely Netter by his build, gait, footwear, & voice, New Brunswick NJ, December 2024

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On January 31st, Netter and unknown members of ANaC were confronted at Netter’s home in Stratford CT by NSC founder Chris Hood, alleged current leader of NSC Anthony Piccadaci, and an unknown amount of other members of NSC. A brawl ensued, with Hood recording the fracas. The fights reportedly ended when at least two people involved were stabbed. Local police are reportedly investigating. This story is developing. [1]

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[in progress]

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Quotes from any member of ANaC or NSC are to be taken with a grain of salt, given the need to maintain nonviolent optics and the willingness to contradict their practical actions with their party line. It should be noted that the only known statements “Longneck” has made in this section were recorded in his capacity as an NSC member at their events, and are likely more reflective of who he is than statements made by most other members.

“You wanna punch a f█████’ Nazi? C’mon motherf█████! What? Back up, b████. The f███ outta here, f█████’ b████.”

— what can be understood of Netter during NSC’s attempt to disrupt the Boston Anarchist Bookfair in Cambridge MA, toward a member of the public who challenged them, November 13th 2022. [∗]

“F███ you, you f██████ d███.”

Netter during a verbal altercation with a young woman in Concord NH, as NSC was leaving their standout site at the Teatotaller, ever the charmer, June 18th 2023. [∗]

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External citations

∗ – See social media belonging to ANaC or NSC. Where possible, dates have been revised to be correct. More robust sources should be found for these events, as a fascist’s accounts of their own activities should be taken with a grain of salt.

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February 4th, 2025

  • He was identified, and how! Updated the title and preamble to reflect this. Much credit to Daryle Lamont Jenkins and IdaVox for spiking this guy’s anonymity into the dirt.
  • Cleared previously marked edits.
  • Fixed the first handful of images cutting into the tag sidebar.
  • Replaced most mentions of his designation with his surname.
  • Updated the timeline.

August 17th, 2023

  • Updated the timeline.
  • Added a quote from the Concord NH standout.

June 12th, 2023

  • Published this document.

June 11th, 2023

  • Created this document.

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