Mark J. Hayden (born November 28th, 2000) is an American white supremacist, failed musician, antisemite, misogynist, and neo-fascist. Hayden is a long-standing member of Patriot Front, and is likely a founding member of the Bay State Active Club.
Hayden is an involved and highly active member in Patriot Front, contributing to their social media presence through his “Patriotic Frontline” Gab account. Media of Patriot Front actions indicate he is physically aggressive, and willing to engage in violence against members of the public disinclined to quietly tolerate the presence of open neo-fascists.
Hayden is originally from Brockton MA. He currently resides in Spencer MA with his wife, in an apartment owned by a former member of Patriot Front. He’s also the older brother of Patriot Front member Jake Hayden, a/k/a “Victor MA.”
His Patriot Front moniker is “Bill MA,” and his serial number is PF-6309. [1] He also goes by several handles, including “Stickbug” as the drummer of his high school band, “Brockton Boxer,” and “weedleboy.”
This dossier’s remit revolves around collecting information about Mark Hayden and cataloging his major activities, thus forming a foundational knowledge base composed from an antifascist perspective. As with the other dossiers, changes since last revision will be highlighted as such. Notes and citations will be provided throughout the document in the form of links to external websites, represented by bracketed numbers. Wherein a set of brackets contains a symbol other than a number, this is meant to represent either a physical document with no online copy (such as a police report or court case), or a database that cannot/will not be cited in a specific manner (such as the ADL’s HEAT Map, or social media accounts operated by known fascists). Find these corresponding citations in the “External citations” section.
Other reference documents
- Unicorn Riot: “Southern Front Logs Expose Neo-Nazi Extremist Cell,” “‘We’re Americans, and We’re Fascists’: Inside Patriot Front,” “A Guide To Patriot Front’s Leaked Media Files,” “Patriot Front Leaks Reveal Group’s Ideology: ‘Jews attack all things good in this world,’” “Patriot Front Meetings Spell Out Racist Network’s Plans & Hateful Operations”
- Rose City Antifa: “Patriot Front Member Gallery”
- Confronting White Supremacists in New England, by Radio Antifa: New England: “Patriot Front”
- FashAlert MA: “Patriot Front: Mark Hayden, Spencer MA, ‘Bill MA'”
- Dossier preamble
- Vitals
- Early life
- Timeline of activities
- Beliefs
- Quotes
- Personal life
- Online presence
- External citations
- Changelog
- birthdate: 11/28/2000
- driver’s: upon request
- locale of residence, current: Spencer MA
- locale of residence, previous: Brockton MA
- height: 5’10”
- weight (circa late 2019): 151lbs
- hair: short black
- eyes: blue
- build: medium
- notable events:
- February 14th, 2019: stopped by BPD while flyering East Boston with five other members, resulting in the arrests of Hood, Wolf, and Larson
- December 9th, 2021: named as a member of Patriot Front by Framingham University Police, during the investigation of PF member Smaller’s promat campaign on the university’s campus
- July 2nd, 2022: likely took part in Patriot Front’s march through Boston MA, likely involved in the assault of local performer Charles Murrell III
Early Life
Hayden attended Brockton High School, and graduated with the Class of 2018. [1] Hayden was previously the drummer for Acid Raīn Forest, a band composed of his high school friends which self-described as “the whitest, most politically incorrect heavy metal band in all of Brockton.” Acid Raīn Forest broke up in November 2018. [2] [3] [4]
Timeline of activities
For the purposes of this timeline, the subject of this dossier will be referred to solely as “Hayden.” Jake Hayden, Mark’s younger brother, will either be referred to by his full name or as “the younger Hayden.” Collectively, when attending the same event, they will be referred to as “the Haydens.” Also, the New England regional chapter of Patriot Front will be referred to as “NW7,” short for “Network 7.”
While Patriot Front Network 7 has held a large number of events in eastern and central Massachusetts that more likely involved Hayden than not, attempts will be made to only include events where proof exists Hayden may have been present, whether by his own admission or through plausible identifications of him through Patriot Front’s own propaganda materials.
Timeline entries featuring media taken from the Patriot Front Bitchute and Telegram channels are not necessarily reflective of the date the corresponding event occurred. Turnaround for network-local pro[paganda] mat[erials] appears to be 30-45 days; events involving national holidays and marches through cities, on the other hand, can take as little for one day for processing.
Note also that date stamps may differ from citations provided by the Unicorn Riot Discord leaks, as their time stamps at stored in UTC. For the purpose of this timeline, these dates will be cited in Eastern Time.
Finally, mentions of “Patriot Front internal comm[unication]s” will refer to the various Patriot Front Discord servers from May 2017 to March 2018, and the Patriot Front Rocketchat server from March 2018 to the time of this dossier’s last update. Assume any timeline entry tagged with the [‡] external reference is based at least in part on conversations via the Rocketchat server specifically.
On or before March 27th, Hayden registered an account on the short-lived Google+ social media site. Surviving screen-captures of his posts there indicate a progression from self-identifying libertarian and nihilist to self-identifying white nationalist and outwardly-projecting racist well into 2018. [1] [♦]
On May 13th, Hayden attended Boston Free Speech’s first rally at the Parkman Bandstand in Boston MA, alongside Acid Raīn Forest bandmate Maverick D’Amato. Rightwing musician Don Dunst a/k/a “Duerst the Wuerst” later uploaded video from the rally and the following march, which included Hayden heckling counter-protesters with a slur against trans people and joining in on a chant of “let the [chicken] tendies hit the floor.” [1]
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Hayden in Boston MA, May 2017. His bandmate, D’Amato, stands to Hayden’s right in the second still. |
On April 28th, Hayden purportedly joined Patriot Front. He would later claim, during 2020, that he and member “Jones MA” joined on the same day. [Speculative: Non-zero chance that “Jones MA” was D’Amato. While it theoretically can also be any of the Patriot Front members arrested in East Boston during February 2019 besides Hood, Wolf, and Larson, later admissions by Hayden suggest this possibility is unlikely.] [‡]
On May 4th, Mark Hayden registered an account on the Patriot Front Rocketchat server. [1]
On February 1st, the Patriot Front Bitchute channel released video of a nationwide banner-drop event. The very first sequence of members traveling toward a banner-drop location is of NW7 on their way to the Arthur Fiedler Footbridge and the Mass Ave/Commonwealth Ave overpass in Boston MA. Hayden was likely an active participant at this event locally, and was recorded marching alongside Hood. [∗]
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Likely Hayden in Boston MA, during or before February 2019. |
On February 14th, Hayden was among several Patriot Front members attempting to post propaganda in East Boston, alongside members Chris Hood a/k/a “Chris MA,” Matthew Wolf a/k/a “Sam MA,” Alex Barker a/k/a “Zach ME,” Colin Miller, Kenneth Armstrong, (all of whom were likely Network 7) and Tylar Larson (of Network 10). They were stopped by police after being seen with spraycans. After a physical altercation between Wolf and the police, Wolf, Hood, and Larson were arrested on weapons charges. According to the BPD, Hood was carrying a 5” spring-loaded knife, Larson was carrying brass knuckles, and Miller was carrying a can of mace, all of which were confiscated. Wolf, Hood, and Larson were arraigned on the 19th, and were ordered to report back to court for March 26. These charges were dismissed in 2020. [♣] [1] [2] [3]
On March 4th, antifascist researcher “Antifash Gordon” released identifying documentation on Mark Hayden in his capacity as a Patriot Front member and as an incel-adjacent musician. [1] [2]
On or before July 16th, members of Patriot Front postered in Leominster MA. In Patriot Front internal comms, Hayden and member Ryan Roy a/k/a “Rex VT” both indicated that nearly 100 posters were put up by 8 members split in two teams. [‡] [1]
On August 4th, Hayden, alongside Patriot Front members Hood, Jarek Reihner a/k/a “James MA” and “Matthias Thorpe,” Robert Budzyna a/k/a “Peter MA,” Matt Smaller a/k/a “Jim MA,” Noah Bogosh, and three other members attempted to disrupt the Boston March Against Cages, an anti-ICE demonstration. Hayden was likely photographed attempting to punch a counter-protester. The demonstrators cornered the Patriot Front members in an Orange Line station, where they fled aboard a train. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
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Likely Hayden in Boston MA, August 2019. Photos courtesy of Boston Herald staff photographer Nancy Lane and Emily Goldhammer. |
On August 11th, Patriot Front member Ryan Roy claimed over over PF internal comms that he had spent the previous night camping with Hayden, as well as members Jarek Reihner, David Spellman-Oldenquist a/k/a “Marshall MA,” Kyle Morelli a/k/a “Vincent MA” at the time, and others. [‡]
On September 5th, Hayden posted a Telegram channel link to over Patriot Front internal comms. It pointed at a “New England Nationalism” channel, which has since been deleted. Rousseau immediately criticized the channel for juxtaposing Patriot Front propaganda with a statement about “strengthening the Groyper Taliban” by subscribing to the channel. Hayden admitted the “Groyper Taliban” remark was a Nick Fuentes reference. [Speculative: His claim that “as far as anyone’s concerned that’s just a meme channel that just so happens to be a big fan of PF” suggests that it’s his channel, and he wanted more followers through the PF social network. If an accurate assumption, this is the earliest evidence that Hayden has maintained some amount of neo-Nazi social media output. This bears out in Hayden’s interest in social media and the dissemination of ideas.] [‡]
On September 28th, Hayden posted a video to over Patriot Front internal comms. Claiming it was shot in Boston MA, its thumbnail depicts someone trying to fly a Patriot Front flag out of a vehicle, while traveling down a highway. Rousseau criticized it as “not a good idea.” Roughly an hour later, Hayden wished Hood a happy birthday. [‡]
On September 30th, Patriot Front member “Sal VA” posted a screenshot of antifascist researcher “Antifash Gordon” threatening to doxx further members of Patriot Front should they continue their activities in New England. In said post, Gordon name-dropped several members who had been stopped during the February 2019 arrests of members Wolf, Larson, and Hood. Hayden commented that “only OGs know what all those initials are.” [Speculative: This suggests to me that those were members who had since left the organization, whether through attrition or otherwise, and thus would not be known to newer members.] Later this day, Hayden posted a link to an Instagram post over Patriot Front internal comms. The Instagram post was directly critical of Patriot Front; members seem to share links to material critical of Patriot Front internally in order to target the material’s creator, and foment members to dogpile said creator with sock-puppet accounts. Timestamps on replies to the post suggest that Hayden was not successful in getting fellow members to do so. Even later that day, Hayden voiced support for renting billboard space to advertise Patriot Front. Patriot Front member Kieran Morris, a/k/a “Patrick NY” at the time, shot the idea down, claiming vandalizing existing billboards was a more effective use of resources. [‡]
On or before October 25th, Hood was expelled from Patriot Front for using chapter print money to purchase recreational drugs, joining the New England cell of the Base, and attempting to inculcate neo-Nazis in NW7 activities. Hood posted a diatribe to the “Massachusetts Front” Twitter account on the topic, which was ostensibly his PF propaganda tracker. Rousseau would respond to Hood’s post over PF internal comms. Hayden responded as well, remarking that Hood’s statement “hurt to read,” and claiming that Hood believed he was too far-right for Patriot Front. [1] [‡] [2]
On October 28th, Hayden voiced support for Identity Evropa founder Patrick Casey as a social commentator, while criticizing Casey in his capacity as a “serious activist.” [‡]
On October 30th, Hayden briefly argued with Rousseau on the inaccessibility of Patriot Front content to most people outside of Gab and Telegram. [‡]
On October 31st, Hayden spent a good portion of his day defending Nick Fuentes to several other Patriot Front members (including Rousseau) critical of the conflict between Fuentes’s “groyper” fans and Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point USA. [‡]
On November 12th, unidentified Patriot Front member “Sal VA” tagged Hayden over Patriot Front internal comms, regarding a social media post made by someone who claimed they were seeking out Patriot Front stickers that may have been posted in Middleboro & West Bridgewater MA. The post included a link to a story by Enterprise News about Patriot Front stickers found in those cities as well as Brockton MA. Hayden replied that he was going to pick up a copy of the Enterprise News edition that contained a print version of the story. In reply to the Middleboro and West Bridgewater stickers, Hayden thanked Morelli by his moniker for joining him. [‡] [1]
On November 15th, Hayden posted a screenshot of a video, which seemed to be of a police officer peeling a Patriot Front sticker off a piece of public property. Hayden claimed responsibility for posting the sticker, admitting that he had posted stickers in that location without realizing it was outside of a police station. [‡]
On December 6th, Hayden mentioned that “twice our current numbers” had joined and left NW7 since its establishment. [‡]
On December 11th, Hayden posted an image to Patriot Front internal comms. Featuring a collage of promat images edited to resemble promotional art for the Grand Theft Auto series, one of the images included a man in Patriot Front’s uniform going down the Saco River in Maine, while waving a Patriot Front flag, on an orange jetski. When questioned by Patriot Front member Victor Staab a/k/a “Victor MD,” Hayden claimed that the jetski driver was Barker, a resident of Kennebunk ME. [‡]
On December 16th, during a late night Patriot Front Mumble call, Hayden commented that there were 88 members involved in the call. [Speculative: While this can be a reference to David Lane’s “88 Precepts,” it is more commonly understood as alphanumeric code for “Heil Hitler.”] Hayden also remarked on Patriot Front propaganda being recirculated by the now-defunct “Terrorwave” Telegram channel, indicating his thoughts via a grimace emoji. [‡]
On December 22nd, during another argument with Patriot Front members about the merits of Nick Fuentes, Hayden mentioned that he would not be a member of Patriot Front if it hadn’t been for people like Sam Hyde, Jim Goad, and Jared Taylor appearing on The Gavin McInnes Show. He also claimed that Fuentes had gotten “pretty chummy” with former Patriot Front member “Nicholas MA,” triggering a response from Rousseau that indicated said member was attempting to leave Patriot Front. [Speculative: “Nicholas MA” may be “Millennial Matt” Colligan? He is the most prominent Massachusetts native in Fuentes’ entourage. Noah Bogosh is also a candidate as a MA-local Patriot Front member, as I understand he returned to Florida sometime after his arrest. I don’t think I’ve seen him in any material involving Fuentes though.] [‡]
On January 22nd, Hayden was one of several members to remark on the arrest of Patriot Front member Noah Bogosh, who had been arrested while out stickering for Patriot Front while openly smoking marijuana. On the matter, Hayden claimed that Bogosh was “going to be under a great deal of scrutiny until their habits are under control.” [1] [‡]
On February 8th, Hayden may have taken part in the Patriot Front march through Washington DC. He seems to have indicated that he was present for the march then next day, via Patriot Front’s internal comms. [1] [‡]
On February 16th, Hayden shared what appears to be a link to a video on Jared Taylor’s Youtube channel, wherein Hayden claimed that Taylor spoke well of Patriot Front. [‡]
On March 5th, Hayden indicated that Patriot Front’s Telegram channel achieved 2k subscribers. [‡]
On April 19th, Hayden posted an image of Patriot Front members marching in Lexington and Concord for Patriots’ Day. [‡]
On April 28th, Hayden claimed that he and Patriot Front member “Jones MA” had joined on the same day, and celebrated being members for two years. [‡]
On April 29th, Hayden claimed that he served as a model for a particular Patriot Front promat sticker presented to internal comms by Rousseau. [‡]

On May 5th, the Patriot Front Bitchute channel released a video of aggregated promat and training activities from late April. It included video of a hike and sparring session in New Hampshire. Hayden was present, and sparred with a member who appears to be Harwood and another unidentified member. [∗]
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Hayden in New Hampshire, April 2020. |
On July 2nd, Hayden made his final appearance in the Torch leaks of Patriot Front’s internal Rocketchat server. Specifically, he complained that engagement on social media website Gab was “abysmal,” and that Patriot Front’s own activism posts struggled to achieve double digits on engagement “likes.” [‡]
On December 15th, the Patriot Front Telegram channel released photos of NW7 members sparring somewhere in eastern MA, then laying flowers in Minute Man Park in Concord MA. Hayden was likely present, and seems to have spoken a few words at Minute Man Park. [∗]
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Hayden in eastern MA and Concord MA, based on his visible face, build, and height relative to other members, during or before December 2020. |
On December 19th, the Patriot Front Telegram channel released photos of NW7 members conducting a variety of activities in central and eastern MA, including banner-drops in Worcester and Boston and graffiti in Quincy. While it is unclear if Hayden participated in the banner-drops outside of taking video or acting as lookout, Hayden was an active participant at the Quincy graffiti event. [∗]
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Hayden in Quincy MA, during or before December 2020. |
On July 24th, Hayden attended the fifth party meeting of the National Justice Party, alongside Thomas Rousseau and a number of other Patriot Front members. The NJP is a project of several known, high-visibility white supremacists and neo-Nazis. Patriot Front’s own attendance roll indicated that Hayden was joined by his then-fiancée, Catey Crain. [1] [2]
On July 27th, the “Active Club XIV” Telegram channel cross-posted the first of a number of photos from the first iteration of the “Bay State Active Club” channel. While a number of these cross-posts indicated affiliation with Patriot Front, some would also include propaganda materials from Michael Moura organizing project Revolt Through Tradition, Rob Rundo project Will2Rise, and Alex Jones’s right-wing conspiracy show InfoWars, as well as books from Antelope Hill Publishing. [∗]
On September 26, the “Active Club XIV” Telegram channel cross-posted a photo from the “Bay State Active Club” channel. This photo features a member who is likely to be Hayden. [∗]

On October 17th, Hayden and several other members of Patriot Front met at Draper Fields in Hopedale MA to train and spar. A number of leaked videos include Hayden, with videos of him jogging, attempting to spar with Alex Beilman a/k/a “Tyler CT,” sparring with Brian Harwood a/k/a “Henry MA,” and another of him giving a reading. [µ] [1] On this same day, the “Active Club XIV” Telegram channel cross-posted from the first iteration of the “Bay State Active Club” channel for the last time. The cross-post appears to include a photo from the Patriot Front sparring session in Hopedale MA. At some point after this, BSAC’s Telegram channel was deactivated, and not re-registered until 2023. [∗] Material from this event was not posted onto Patriot Front’s Telegram channel until November 27th. [∗]
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Hayden in Hopedale MA, including Bay State Active Club’s propaganda, October 2021. |
On October 23rd through the 24th, Hayden, Harwood, Beilman, Smaller, Sal Munafo a/k/a “Phillip MA,” Wyatt Trahan a/k/a “Josh NH,” Nick Cerce a/k/a “Mike RI,” and another member of Patriot Front planned to camp out and spar at Purgatory Chasm in Sutton MA. Hayden was recorded spending much of the hike in boxing gloves, in a baffling choice of hiking gear. [µ] Once on site, he sparred with Smaller and Beilman. [µ] The second day also saw distribution of propaganda, with the members splitting into two groups. Hayden was slated to join Harwood, Munafo, and Trahan in a plan to spray graffiti at the Clinton Train Tunnel and banner-drop in Worcester (which instead appears to have materialized as postering), while the other group was to travel to Newton (planned in error, as the location was actually Waltham) and Rutland. [µ] Material from this event was not posted onto Patriot Front’s Telegram channel until December 19th, mixed with photos of another graffiti event in Quincy MA during October of this year, in six separate posts. The Telegram release suggests that the day’s plan may have been revised sometime after the planning document was published. [Speculative: This specific release also indicates that Hayden likely switched from the Clinton-Worcester group to the Waltham-Rutland group, probably to join his brother alongside Beilman, Smaller, and Cerce.] [∗]
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Hayden hiking, sparring with Smaller, and sparring with Beilman in Sutton MA, and likely Hayden in Rutland MA, October 2022. |
On November 7th, members of Patriot Front Network 9 hiked in Wheeling WV. They were joined by members of Network 7, including Hayden. [µ] Material from this event was not posted onto Patriot Front’s Telegram channel until December 30th. [∗]
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Hayden in Wheeling WV, November 2021. Note the Camelbak flask with the bite valve. |
On November 13th, Hayden and his then-fiancée visited a monastery to take engagement photos. He shared these with other members of Patriot Front. [1] Later that day, Hayden was contacted by Brenner Cole, a/k/a “James TX,” Network Director of NW2. [2] Cole assigned Hayden, as well as the younger Hayden, to function as “rearguard” for the upcoming Washington DC march. [3]
On November 14th, early in the morning during conversation with Beilman, Hayden hedged on being able to make the day’s planned activities in Auburndale MA, citing a nebulous but painful arm injury. [1] Hayden also mentioned touring his wedding venue, noting that the location and inexpensive cabin rentals might be useful for future Patriot Front activities. [2] Despite his injury, Hayden joined his younger brother, Harwood, Beilman, Smaller, Spellman-Oldenquist, Trahan, Tyler Primevara a/k/a “Joe MA,” and another member of Patriot Front for a planned two-group propaganda distribution activity. After sparring in Auburndale MA (incorrectly identified as Wellesley MA in PF’s documentation), Hayden would join Beilman, Smaller, Primevara, and “Norman MA” in a banner-drop in Boston MA, then a stickering in Cambridge MA. [3] [4] [µ] [5] [6] [7] Hayden later took responsibility for stickerings in the Oakham & Barre State Forests, likely on the way from Cambridge MA to Spencer MA. [8] [9] [10] Material from this event was not posted onto Patriot Front’s Telegram channel until December 29th & 30th, in five separate posts. [∗]
On November 16th, Hayden invited the entirety of NW7 to celebrate his birthday a day early, at his home in Spencer MA. [1]
On November 20th, just after midnight, Hayden claimed responsibility to a postering in Spencer MA. [1] Later in the morning, Hayden claimed responsibility for a stickering in Framingham MA. [2] [3] Even later that day, Hayden joined Harwood, Beilman, and Trahan to hike in Cape Neddick ME. [µ] Material from this hike was not posted onto Patriot Front’s Telegram channel until December 31st. [∗] This was part of a larger excursion that continued in New Hampshire well into the next day.
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Hayden with NW7 members Wyatt Trahan (wearing a blue jacket and no eyewear) and Alex Beilman (wearing a blue jacket and the corrective lenses), Cape Neddick ME, November 2021. |
On November 21st, Hayden, Harwood, Beilman, and Trahan engaged in various promat activities in Dover NH and Greenland NH, including banner-drops. [1] [2] [3] Leaked materials indicate that Hayden likely participated in a graffiti spray-painting at a Dover NH underpass, and banner-drops in Greenland & Dover NH. [µ] [µ] [µ] Hayden also took responsibility for a stickering in York ME with Nathanial Whitfield, a/k/a “Joshua UT,” at the time acting Network Scribe for NW5. [4] [5] Beilman later claimed in Patriot Front internal channels that the members of NW7 present in New Hampshire, including Hayden, were stopped by a police officer during one of the banner-drops. [6] Material from these events were not posted onto Patriot Front’s Telegram channel until December 31st, in three separate posts. [∗]
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Likely Hayden spraying graffiti in Dover NH, banner-dropping in Greenland NH, and banner-dropping in Dover NH, based on his build, height relative to other members, and attire, November 2021. |
Also on November 21st, late in the evening, Hayden started an extended conversation with Cerce about unidentified former Patriot Front members “Lawrence RI” and “Vinny RI.” [Speculative: This conversation seems to indicate that Rousseau instructs current members to treat former members as persona non grata regardless of pre-existing relationships, and that members adhere to said decree with varying levels of reliability.] [1]
On November 23rd, Hayden was once again contacted by Cole, who informed Hayden that he had been re-assigned to Harwood’s shield team for the upcoming Washington DC march. [1]
On November 24th, Hayden took responsibility for stickering in Framingham MA. [1] [2] [3]
On November 27th, Hayden celebrated his birthday at his home in Spencer MA. In the lead-up, he invited several members of Patriot Front, including a specific invitation to Cerce. [1]
On November 16th, Daniel Turetchi a/k/a “Grant MD” contacted Hayden to recruit him for assisting in security and travel party coordination for the upcoming Washington DC march, at Morelli’s behest. Turetchi allowed Hayden a teammate. Hayden accepted the offer, and chose Munafo as his teammate. [1] [2]
On November 30th, Hayden mentioned to the #NW7 chat that former Patriot Front member Matthew Wolf a/k/a “Sam MA” was interested in rejoining Patriot Front. Rousseau’s immediate response was to implicitly turn Wolf down. This led to a private Mumble call between Hayden, Harwood, and Beilman, which itself led to a larger discussion between Rousseau, Harwood, Beilman, and Morelli. Morelli in particular was highly critical of Wolf, calling him a “morally bankrupt, Jewish revolutionary” man. Eventually, Rousseau messaged Hayden privately on why they would not be re-admitting Wolf; they were not comfortable with the intersection between Wolf’s Jewish background, his ownership of residential rental properties, and his inactivity during his previous tenure as a member. Among the discussions, Hayden revealed a number of things: that Wolf was his landlord; that Hayden vouched for Smaller and Munafo in their re-application processes, much like he was vouching for Wolf; that Hayden accepted Rousseau’s cue that he simply cite Wolf’s inactivity rather than his Jewish background when telling Wolf why he would not be re-admitted into Patriot Front, and; that Hayden had an image depicting what he claimed was Wolf’s ancestry, which he shared with Rousseau. [1] [2] [3]
On December 3rd, members of NW7 readied a caravan in preparation for the Washington DC march the next day. The elder Hayden was to transport Cerce and “Peter CT” in his RAV4. [1] They would join other members of Patriot Front at the Rocky Mount Trailhead in Spotsylvania Courthouse VA. Instructions for camp watch included a cover story involving all of the members being part of the Turning Point USA community who had never met before, looking to network with each other and disconnect from the material world. Later that night, after being advised by an unknown party to not sleep at the trailhead, Hayden and several members (likely the cadre of NW7 members with whom he was traveling) were discovered camping Anna Lake State Park by park police. The officer demanded to see licenses and registrations; members complied, and were told to leave the park. They then left for the Dollar General in Spotsylvania PA; they likely spent the night in the parking lot there. It appears that this prevented Hayden and Munafo from following through on their duties to serve as camp security for their designated shift, due to the lack of sleep. [2]
On December 4th, Patriot Front marched on Washington DC. Amongst them was a contingent of members from Network VII, led by Harwood and serving as the “right screen” shield section, which the documentation from the previous day indicated would include the Haydens, Spellman-Oldenquist, Smaller, Trahan, Munafo, Cerce, and “Peter CT.” Purportedly, antifascists ascertained where Patriot Front was staging their vehicles and were unkind to their paintjobs. Hayden reported having his tire popped in conversation with Beilman. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

On December 8th, Hayden took responsibility for stickerings in Southbridge MA and Sturbridge MA, as part of a weekly action report. [1]
On December 9th, Smaller committed a propaganda campaign on the Framingham State University campus. A series of tips from the public and federal law enforcement led FSU police to ID Smaller. FSU PD named Beilman and Harwood as conspirators based on Unicorn Riot’s leaked RocketChat logs. While Hayden was not involved in this specific event, he was named and identified by the investigating officer, via the Unicorn Riot chat leaks, as a Patriot Front member in the subsequent police report. [♣] [1] [2]
On December 11th, NW7 scribe Alex Beilman claimed responsibility for a stickering in New Haven CT; he indicated that Hayden had joined him. [1] Later that day, Hayden claimed responsibility for stickerings in Manchester CT. [2] [3]
On December 12th, members of Patriot Front planned to deface a Black Lives Matter mural in Brockton MA. While Hayden did not join this specific activity, conversation between Hayden and Beilman during the week leading up to this defacement indicated that a number of members planned to stay the previous night at Hayden’s home. [1] [2] [3] Later on the 12th, the Haydens, Harwood, Beilman, Spellman-Oldenquist, Munafo, and Cerce planned to meet in Draper Fields in Hopedale MA to spar and plan more propaganda distribution activities. Beilman, Spellman-Oldenquist, and the elder Hayden would banner-drop over two Storrow Drive footbridges in Boston before proceeding to Shrewsbury MA to put up posters. He took responsibility for these activities early the next morning via Patriot Front internal comms. [4] [5]
On December 15th, via his PatrioticFrontline account on right-wing social media website Gab, Hayden spent his afternoon arguing with other users who were voicing suspicions that Patriot Front was a federal honeypot operation or planning false flag terror attacks meant to incriminate Christians. Hayden was accused of being a bot and a federal plant for his efforts. [1] [2] Later that day, Hayden took responsibility for stickerings at Yale University and in Manchester CT, stenciled graffiti in Leicester MA, and his various activities from the 12th as part of a weekly action report. [3]
On January 20th, Patriot Front marched with anti-abortion groups to counter-protest the March For Our Lives in Washington DC. Hayden was almost certainly an active participant, engaged in the role of handing out propaganda flyers to passers-by. [Speculative: He was also likely engaged in scouting outside and around Patriot Front’s marching route, surreptitiously so.] [1] [2]

On June 23rd, the Patriot Front Telegram channel released photos of NW7 members sparring somewhere in eastern MA. Hayden was likely present. [∗]
On July 2nd, roughly 70 members of Patriot Front held a flash rally and march in Boston MA. During the march, several members assaulted local performer Charles Murrell III. Murrell, carrying a basket in one arm and holding his phone in the other hand, was assaulted by several members with shields, before the assault was broken up by law enforcement. [1] Patriot Front would later release video of their side of the assault, which gives a much clearer view of members actively inciting the fracas with Murrell. [∗] After the march, Patriot Front disembarked at Oak Grove station; several members had staged their cars nearby, just over the Malden town line into Melrose. Antifascist research outfit “By Way of Plymouth” would later speculate that Hayden and his younger brother were two of the shield-carrying members involved in the assault on Murrell, and that the Haydens were also present at the Oak Grove staging location, attempting to conceal plates from local documentarian-activist & performance artist Rod Webber’s camera. [2] [3] Murrell later filed a civil rights suit against Patriot Front; this suit is ongoing at the time of this writing. [4]
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Likely Hayden in eastern MA, based on his build, height relative to other members, and attire, July 2022. Note in the second photo that the member suspected to be Hayden is keeping an eye on the Patriot Front member in the white belt, who is highly likely to be Hayden’s younger brother Jake Hayden. Stills from Oak Grove courtesy of Rod Webber. The second image has been intentionally defaced. |
On September 16th, the Patriot Front Telegram channel released photos of NW7 members training in a park in Massachusetts. Hayden was likely present. [∗]
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Likely Hayden in eastern MA, based on his build, height relative to other members, and attire, during or before September 2022. |
On September 1st, antifascist researcher “Fashalert MA” released an update on the whereabouts of Patriot Front member Mark Hayden, identifying him as “Bill MA.” [1]
On September 6th, antifascist researcher “Fashalert MA” released identifying information on Patriot Front member Jake Hayden, a/k/a “Victor MA,” Mark Hayden’s younger brother. [1]
On March 21st, the second version of the “Bay State Active Club” Telegram channel was registered on Telegram. Its first post featured a photo of two people posing in front of Patriot Front graffiti in Templeton MA. The subjects appear to be Harwood and Schlegel, likely a recent Patriot Front recruit at the time. [Speculative: Hayden was likely present, if as cameraman.] [∗] A subsequent post later in the evening included a pair of lightning bolt emojis side-by-side. [Speculative: This is generally an allusion to the Nazi SS paramilitary in neo-Nazi circles.] [∗]

On April 2nd, the Patriot Front Telegram channel released photos of NW7 members spray-painting graffiti in Templeton MA. This seems to correspond with the first post of the revived BSAC Telegram channel from March 21st. [Speculative: Hayden was again likely present, if as cameraman. I’ve included this and the previous timeline entry as a reference point on BSAC and its relationship with NW7.] [∗]
On April 29th, roughly a dozen members of Patriot Front held a standout across from the Boston Marriott in Copley, which was hosting the Satanic Temple’s SatanCon for the weekend. The Patriot Front members would be monitored at various points by several antifascists, including tracked by Rod Webber and Lauren Pespisa, confronted by Antuan Castro Del Rio, and copiously photographed by antifascist researcher “Claud Southend.” After the standout, members were photographed loading into two vehicles: a car with RI plates, and a RAV4 that is known to be owned by Hayden. In a subsequent ID thread the next day, antifascist research outfit “By Way of Plymouth” identified Hayden as present. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] While video taken from other sources was posted the day of, material from this event was not posted onto Patriot Front’s Telegram channel until May 2nd. [∗]
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Likely Hayden in Boston MA, based on his build, height relative to other members, and attire, April 2023. Non-propaganda photo courtesy of Claud Southend. |

On May 31st, the Patriot Front Telegram channel released photos of NW7 members taking part in a variety of activities across New England. Hayden was likely an active participant, taking part in a banner drop in Auburn MA. [∗]

On June 1st, the Patriot Front Telegram channel released photos of NW7 members sparring somewhere in Massachusetts and dropping a banner in Leominster MA. Hayden was likely an active participant, taking part in the sparring session. A car that matches the model and trim of Hayden’s vehicle was also photographed at this event. [∗]

On or before July 29th, the Bay State Active Club Telegram released a photo of two members at an unknown place in Massachusetts. Hayden was likely present. [∗]

On August 8th, Thomas Rousseau and 99 unnamed members of Patriot Front became subject to a federal civil rights lawsuit for their assault on Charles Murrell III during their march through Boston MA of July 2021. Hayden is likely to become one of the John Does as the suit continues to identify members. This story is developing! [1] [2]
On November 4th, members of Patriot Front sparred in Boston Common before joining the Men’s March to Abolish Abortion and Rally for Personhood, at the march’s destination of the Parkman Bandstand at Boston Common. Hayden was likely present. [1] [2] Material from this event was not posted onto Patriot Front’s Telegram channel until November 28th. [∗] [Speculative: I have reason to believe the gentleman in the tank-top included in the propaganda release is a dedicated Active Club trainer. I’ll be doing more work on this when I can.]

On November 23rd, the Patriot Front Telegram channel released photos of NW7 members holding a Thanksgiving dinner in an unknown function hall. Hayden was likely present, as was his wife and child. [∗]
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Likely Hayden, his wife, and their child, likely somewhere in central MA, based on his build, height relative to other members, and attire, Thanksgiving 2023. |
Hayden appears to be a neo-Nazi, inasmuch as he is a rather loud antisemite and has indicated that a purported desecration of Hitler’s remains hurt his feelings. His earlier diatribes via Patriot Front internal comms also indicate he is a misogynist; there is no telling how this influences his relationship with his wife.
Hayden to his own admission is a follower of various American fascist and nationalist figures, including Nick Fuentes, James Allsup, Jared Taylor, Sam Hyde, and Jim Goad.
Hayden is a COVID denialist. He claimed he would not be taking the COVID vaccine despite warnings of possible vaccine mandates issued by his workplace, and advised other members to avoid receiving the vaccine likewise. [1] [2]
Quotes from any member of Patriot Front are to be taken with a grain of salt, given the need to maintain nonviolent optics in the face of pressure from founder Thomas Rousseau to avoid presenting as anything beyond a club for American nationalist activists even in private channels. The more noxious slurs will be redacted. Typing errors will not be corrected.
— Hayden identifying himself in his Google+ profile, obviously off to a great start down the libertarian-to-alt-right pipeline, March 27th 2017 or thereabouts [1]
— Hayden heckling at the first Boston Free Speech rally (for context on “trap,” a slur for transgendered persons, see the “Terms describing transgender and non-binary people” section of this LGBT slang Wikipedia article), May 13th 2017 [1]
— Hayden posting to a “Right Wing Meme Squad” Google+ group as his Acid Raīn Forest member persona “Stickbug,” in favor of being a “white power libertarian,” May 13th 2017 [♦]
— Hayden posting to a “Right Wing Meme Squad” Google+ group as his Acid Raīn Forest member persona “Stickbug,” making clear he was less on a libertarian-to-alt-right pipeline and more a libertarian-to-fascist one, February 10th 2018 [♦]
— Hayden’s first recorded remarks over the Patriot Front Rocketchat server, in conversation with “Scott NC” and Austin James Amato a/k/a “Adam TX,” March 30th 2019 [‡] [1]
— Hayden’s remarks on the treatment of Hitler’s tombstone, “blackpilling” in this specific context being a term connotating a quality of defeatist hopelessness, May 5th 2019 [‡] [1] [2]
— what passes for camaraderie in Patriot Front, jokes about punching each other in the face, May 27th 2019 [‡] [1] [2]
— Hayden and Clinton William Hudson a/k/a “William OK” on Mayor Walsh, July 16th 2019 [‡] [1] [2]
— Hayden arguing with several other members on the topic of the value of women (note that the censored c-slur is not the one against women, but rather the one against black folks), July 18th 2019 [‡]
— Hayden whining and being brain-dead, during an extended conversation about the difficulty of uniting “white” people, July 23rd 2019 [‡]
— Hayden defending Nick Fuentes and James Allsup to other members of Patriot Front, touching on enmity between Patriot Front and Patrick Casey of Identity Evropa/American Identity Movement, while disclosing an age consistent with the birthday that he’d have later that month, November 13th 2019 [‡]
— Hayden, a dumbass, November 15th 2019 [‡]
— Hayden commenting on white flight into rural areas, December 21st 2019 [‡]
— Hayden coming up in conversation between Beilman, Harwood, Morelli, and Rousseau, a legitimately funny and human moment amidst Rousseau’s continued attempts to leverage control over Spellman-Oldenquist’s life, December 13th 2021 [1]
— Hayden getting into fights on Gab, December 13th-15th 2021 [1]
— Hayden getting into more fights on Gab, December 15th 2021 [1]
Personal life
While Hayden played the drums during high school, it is not known if he abandoned performing music to focus on neo-fascist organizing. Hayden boxes as a hobby, which dovetails easily into his organizing with Patriot Front.
Hayden is a practicing Catholic. He and his wife likely attend “Mary, Queen of the Rosary Parish” in Spencer MA, where they were married; Hayden has invited other members of Patriot Front to join him during Sunday Mass there. [1] [2]
Hayden’s current residence in Spencer MA is an apartment owned by Matthew M. Wolf, previously “Sam MA” of Patriot Front. [1]
[Speculative: He seems to work with paint or plaster given the condition of his boots. His lack of professional licensure in Massachusetts lends credence to that brainwave. I would bet he’s a union guy. I wonder which one? Maybe International Union of Painters and Allied Trades District Council 35, or Boston Plasterers’ and Cement Masons’ Local 534?]
Hayden and Catey Crain were married on April 30th, 2022. [1] At the time of this writing, they have recently become parents.
Hayden appears gregarious to a degree. Beyond inviting members to attend Mass at his church, he has attempted to arrange several social engagements with other members of Patriot Front outside of the organization’s strictures. He has attempted to bring Beilman to pubs to meet women. [1] [2] He has also invited Cerce and his wife to have dinner at his place; Cerce theorized it was part of a larger effort to get their wives to develop a friendly relationship that would continue into their transitions into motherhood. [3]
Online presence
Hayden maintains a good degree of social media presence, whether running PatrioticFrontline on Gab for Patriot Front, or almost certainly operating the Bay State Active Club channels on Telegram.
Puzzlingly, while Bay State Active Club boosts propaganda from Patriot Front and Active Clubs across the United States and Europe, it does not boost propaganda from other Active Clubs based out of New England. [Speculative: I believe this is one of many indications that said clubs are run by members of the Nationalist Social Club rather than members of Patriot Front, and that Hayden is avoiding boosting them to dodge incurring a scolding by Rousseau.]
External citations
∗ – See social media belonging to Patriot Front and Bay State Active Club. Where possible, dates have been revised to be correct. More robust sources should be found for these events, as a fascist’s accounts of their own activities should be taken with a grain of salt.
† – See the ADL H.E.A.T. Map. Where possible, dates have been revised to be correct. More robust sources should be found for these events, as the Map seems to be under a state of constant revision.
‡ – See the Torch Network Patriot Front Rocketchat leaks:
- For Hayden’s first recorded posts in the Patriot Front Rocketchat server, see 2019/PF general chat 3.30.19.pdf.
- For Hayden’s remarks on the supposed desecreation of Hitler’s corpse, see 2019/PF general chat 5.5.19.pdf.
- For “Scott MA’s” remarks on Hayden punching him in the mouth, see 2019/PF general chat 5.27.19.pdf.
- For remarks made by members about the Bunker Hill flash rally in July 2019, see 2019/PF general chat 7.6.19.pdf, 2019/PF general chat 7.7 evening.pdf, and 2019/PF general chat 7.8.19 evening 2.pdf.
- For remarks made by members about the mass flyering of Leominster MA in July 2019, see 2019/PF general chat 7.16.19.pdf.
- For Hayden’s remarks on at-the-time Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, see 2019/PF general chat 7.16.19.pdf.
- For Hayden’s remarks on women’s role in the white nationalist movement, see 2019/PF general chat 7.18.19.pdf.
- For Hayden’s remarks on the difficulty of uniting white people under white nationalism, see 2019/PF general chat 7.23.19.pdf.
- For Hayden’s remarks on at-the-time Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, see 2019/PF general chat 7.16.19.pdf.
- For Roy’s remarks on camping with multiple PF members including Hayden, see 2019/PF general chat 8.11.19.pdf.
- For Hayden’s sharing of the first iteration of the “New England Nationalism” Telegram channel, see 2019/PF general chat 9.5.19.pdf.
- For Hayden’s sharing of a video of PF members behaving dangerously in a vehicle, see 2019/PF general chat 9.28.19 night.pdf.
- For Hayden’s remarks on past PF members, see 2019/PF general chat 9.30.19 evening.pdf.
- For Hayden’s sharing of an Instagram post critical of PF, and his voicing of desire to rent billboard space for PF, see 2019/PF general chat 10.1.19 early morning.pdf.
- For Hayden’s remarks on the expulsion of Chris Hood from Patriot Front, see 2019/PF general chat 10.25.19 afternoon.pdf.
- For Hayden’s remarks on Patrick Casey, see 2019/PF general chat 10.28.19 evening.pdf.
- For Hayden’s remarks on the inaccessibility of PF propaganda, see 2019/PF general chat 10.30.19 evening.pdf.
- For Hayden’s remarks on Nick Fuentes and Charlie Kirk, see 2019/PF general chat 10.31.19 morning.pdf.
- For “Sal VA’s” remarks on Hayden’s stickering efforts in Middleboro MA and elsewhere, see 2019/PF general chat 11.12.19 evening.pdf.
- For Hayden’s ardent defense of Nick Fuentes and James Allsup as American nationalist figures, see 2019/PF general chat 11.13.19 evening.pdf.
- For Hayden’s remarks on a MA police officer peeling off a PF sticker Hayden had placed personally, see 2019/PF general chat 11.15.19 evening.pdf.
- For Hayden’s remarks on white flight into urban areas, see 2019/PF general chat 11.21.19 morning.pdf.
- For Hayden’s remarks on Network 7’s fluctuating membership numbers, see 2019/PF general chat 12.6.19 afternoon.pdf.
- For Hayden’s sharing of promat material featuring PF member Alex Barker, see 2019/PF general chat 12.11.19 evening.pdf.
- For Hayden’s remarks on the value of gateway figures into the white nationalist movement, see 2019/PF general chat 12.22.19 evening.pdf.
- For Hayden’s remarks on the arrest of PF member Noah Bogosh, see 2020/PF general chat 1.22.20 evening.pdf.
- For Hayden’s remarks on his possible attendance of PF’s February ’20 march, see 2020/PF general chat 2.9.20 afternoon.pdf.
- For Hayden sharing Jared Taylor’s positive words on Patriot Front, see 2020/PF general chat 2.16.20 afternoon.pdf.
- For Hayden’s remarks on the subscriber count of PF’s Telegram channel, see 2020/PF general chat 3.6.20 early morning.pdf.
- For Hayden’s sharing of NW7 members marching for Patriots’ Day, see 2020/PF general chat 4.19.20 afternoon.pdf.
- For Hayden’s remarks on his own join date into Patriot Front, see 2020/PF general chat 4.28.20 afternoon.pdf.
- For Hayden’s remarks on a PF sticker design based on a photo of himself, see 2020/PF general chat 4.29.20 afternoon.pdf.
- For Hayden’s final recorded post in the Torch PF leaks, remarks on PF’s sluggish social media performance on Gab, see 2020/PF general chat 7.2.20 morning Meghan Squire.pdf.
♠ – See various police reports:
- …
♣ – See various court records:
- For information relating to the arrests of several members of Patriot Front in East Boston during August 2019, see Trial Court of Massachusetts, Boston Municipal Court, East Boston Division cases #1905CR000161, 1905CR000162, & 1905CR000163, BPD Incident Report #I192012175.
- For information relating the the arrest of several members of Patriot Front following Smaller’s flyering of the Framingham State University campus during December 2021, see Trial Court of Massachusetts, Framingham District Court cases #2249CR000741, 2249CR000742, & 2249CR000743, Framingham State University Police case #21-0000334 Narrative.
♦ – See various locally cached copies of previously online content:
- For screen captures of Hayden’s Google+ account, copies can be made available on request.
- For videos of Hayden performing as the drummer of Acid Raīn Forest, copies can be made available on request.
♥ – See various eyewitness accounts:
- …
March 10th, 2025
- Removed redactions concerning the identity of former Patriot Front member Jarek Reihner of Somerville MA, which were added during the previous update.
October 22nd, 2024
- Unmarked style change.
January 24th, 2024
- Revised mentions of a certain unknown member of Patriot Front and the Bay State Active Club to account for the identification of Vaughn Schlegel of North Brookfield MA. Cleaned up relevant timeline entries.
December 31st, 2023
- Published this document.
September 18th, 2023
- Created this document.