Jarek L. Reihner


Jarek L. Reihner (born July 19th, 1989) is an American white supremacist, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, U.S. Air Force veteran, and self-declared neo-Nazi. Reihner was most recently a member of Patriot Front, having likely been recruited from multi-tendency neo-fascist coalition Resist Marxism by Chris Hood. Reihner’s status as a member of other neo-Nazi groups in proximity to Hood, such as NSC-131, is currently unknown.

Reihner hails from a Polish family, and previously lived in Washington PA. He has previously lived in Waltham MA, and his last known locale of residence is Somerville MA.

Reihner posts to Instagram and a personal WordPress site under his own name, and to Tiktok as “NE Naturalist” and “New England Nat.” [Speculative: This seems like a play on “New England Nationalist,” a term frequently bandied about by members of both the local Patriot Front chapter and NSC alike.] Reihner went by the alias “Matthias Thorpe” as a member of Boston Free Speech and Resist Marxism. His Patriot Front moniker was likely “James MA,” and his serial number was PF-8190. [1] [‡]

Reihner is licensed as a math teacher under Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education license #542123. [1]

[Speculative: I’m told it’s pronounced “REE-ner.”]

This dossier’s remit revolves around collecting information about Reihner and cataloging his major activities, thus forming a foundational knowledge base composed from an antifascist perspective. As with the other dossiers, changes since last revision will be highlighted as such. Notes and citations will be provided throughout the document in the form of links to external websites, represented by bracketed numbers. Wherein a set of brackets contains a symbol other than a number, this is meant to represent either a physical document with no online copy (such as a police report or court case), or a database that cannot/will not be cited in a specific manner (such as the social media accounts operated by known fascists). Find these corresponding citations in the “External citations” section.

Other reference documents


  1. Dossier preamble
    1. Other reference documents
  2. Vitals
  3. Early life
  4. Timeline of activities
    1. 2017
    2. 2018
    3. 2019
  5. Beliefs
  7. Personal life
  8. Online presence
  9. External citations
  10. Changelog


  • birthdate: 07/19/1989
  • locale of residence, last known: Somerville MA
  • locales of residence, previous: Waltham MA, Washington PA
  • notable events:
    • December 1st, 2017: attempted to disrupt a reading of Mark Bray’s Antifascist Handbook, started a fight, lost it
    • December 3rd, 2017: appeared on InfoWars
    • on or just after February 15th, 2019: bailed out Patriot Front member Chris Hood after Hood and several other Patriot Front members were arrested while flyering in East Boston MA
    • August 4th, 2019: unmasked as a member of Patriot Front after throwing a Roman salute during the March Against Cages in Boston MA

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Early Life

Reihner attended Penn State University, graduating with the Class of ’11 with a Bachelor’s in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. While there, he joined the local Air Force ROTC. He claims a 3.42 GPA. [1]

From 2012 to 2016, Reihner served as a Project Engineer with the United States Air Force, stationed at Hanscom Air Force Base in Bedford MA. [1] Reihner coordinated a “Study Buddy” program, where Hanscom AFB offered free tutoring from officers to K-12 students. [2] He was promoted to the rank of Captain during February 2016 for duty performed in the Command, Control, Communication, Intelligence, & Networks Directorate. [3]

From summer 2016 to spring 2019, Reihner spent time on sabbatical. He spent the first year backpacking across Europe, and likely spent the remainder in the United States. [1] [Speculative: Did Reihner ever travel through France? It’s not impossible that he was a bridge between Boston Free Speech and whomever their contacts were among the Yellow Vests in Paris during winter 2018. [2] ]

On August 3rd, 2016, not long after he began backpacking across Europe, Reihner performed at an open mic event hosted by a performing arts theatre on the Faroe Islands. Of Reihner, the theater published the following statement:

“Jarek Reihner, who hails from Somerville, Massachusetts, formed the 2012 project Travelin Blues. He is inspired by The Avett Brothers, The Head and the Heart, Of Monsters and Men, Band of Horses, and Andrew Bird. The music, which is marked by country, folk and blues, will be woven together into one contemporary Americana poem.

— translated from the original Icelandic via Google Translate [1]

The Open Mic Open Stage event promoting Reihner’s appearance

Sometime during March 2017, Reihner stumbled across an attempt to airlift a downed hiker while traveling a five-hour route up Scafell Pike near Seathwaite, England. To his own admission, he continued his hike after witnessing the airlift, then flirted with hypothermia after failing to return to his hostel and sleeping in an abandoned barn for the night. [1]

Reihner admits to not attending the first Boston Free Speech rally during May 2017, having not returned from Europe until June 2017. [1]

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Timeline of activities

Note that there is a decent possibility that Reihner was a member of the Boston Free Speech Blue Bloc during its activity with Resist Marxism. The members of Blue Bloc assumed a dress code that concealed their identities, for fear of ties with Resist Marxism sabotaging their lives in both social and professional capacities. This, along with the similarly anonymizing dress code of Patriot Front, may rather limit an exhaustive approach to accounting for his presence at every major standout or action in which he may have engaged.

[Speculative: There’s also a non-zero likelihood that Reihner is or was at some point a member of the Nationalist Social Club of New England, given his social proximity to Chris Hood. I’ve been working on a visual match for a good amount of time. I’ve also decided it’s more important to release this than it is to have all possibly available info lined up. I’ll keep at it.]


On October 17th, Reihner joined Resist Marxism organizers Mark Sahady and Samson Racioppi, to convince the Boston Parks & Recreation Department to allow their permit for their upcoming Rally For the Republic event. Sahady had booked the event at the Parkman Bandstand on Saturday, November 18th. The Parks & Rec department were interested in convincing Resist Marxism to book for the next day, Sunday the 19th. The organizers agreed to a meeting the following week that would include the BPD Commissioner. [1]

On October 23rd, Reihner and Racioppi met with a Boston Parks & Rec official and the BPD Commissioner for the purpose of persuading them to grant the rally permit for their chosen day. They failed; Resist Marxism’s initial application was denied, instead being granted for Sunday, November 19th. This seems to have been due to some scheduling error with the Parks & Rec calendar rather than a free speech issue; a subsequent lawsuit by Rinaldo Del Gallo, Resist Marxism’s lawyer at the time, made some hay of RevCom front Refuse Fascism being able to book the bandstand on a Saturday. [1]

On November 10th, Reihner and Resist Marxism organizer Garrett Kirkland attempted to disrupt a press conference held by Black-Lives-Matter-aligned protest group Fight Supremacy on the topic of counter-protesting Resist Marxism’s upcoming Rally for the Republic. [1]

Reihner, Boston Common, November 2017

On November 14th, Resist Marxism held a press conference, regarding their planned “Rally For the Republic,” their first event coming up on the 18th. Speaking on the steps behind the John F. Kennedy Federal Building, organizers John Medlar and Sahady attempted to address the city’s resistance to granting them a permit for the rally and claims made by Mayor Walsh about the politics of attendees. Reihner, alongside members Chris Bartley and Racioppi, was present. [1] [2]

Reihner, Boston City Hall Plaza, November 2017.

On November 18th, Resist Marxism held their “Rally for the Republic,” in front of the Massachusetts State House. Reihner was photographed as present, in close proximity to Resist Marxism organizer Brandon Navom and Patriot Front organizer Chris Hood. [1]

Reihner, Boston MA, November 2017.

On December 1st, Boston Anti-Communist Action staged outside of the Harvard Coop to protest a book reading by author Mark Bray. Reihner, with Hood, Bartley, and an unknown woman, eventually entered the Coop and attempted to disrupt Bray’s reading of his “Antifa: The Antifascist Handbook” title. During a second disruption attempt, a scuffle broke out between attendees and the disruptors, with Reihner alleging he was struck repeatedly in the face by the attendees. He suffered some degree of facial injury, became the subject of a Gateway Pundit piece, and was interviewed a handful of times by some Youtubers for his trouble. Sahady managed a fundraiser to cover Reihner’s out-of-pocket medical expenses, given Reihner was not insured at the time. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Reihner (left) with Chris Bartley, Cambridge MA, December 2017.

On December 3rd, Reihner appeared on InfoWars as an interview subject regarding his trouncing at the Harvard Coop. During the segment, Alex Jones offered a $10k reward for information on each of Reihner’s assailants that led to an arrest, for a maximum of $100k. [1]

A screenshot of Reihner appearing on InfoWars, being interviewed by Alex Jones

On December 7th, a handful of members of Boston Free Speech held a Protest Against Violence at the Harvard Coop. Accompanied by Chris Hood, the BFS members protested the violence of December 1st, specifically the abuse of Reihner’s face. At least one member of BFS engaged in an assault against a local while outside of the Coop. [∗]

On December 9th, Resist Marxism held a “No Sanctuary Cities / Justice for Kate” rally at the Massachusetts State House. The event’s namesake, Kate Steinle, was a woman in San Francisco killed when accidentally shot by José Inez García Zárat upon his discovery of a discarded firearm; García Zárat was not a legal immigrant at the time. Reihner was present, still visibly sporting bruises from his injuries on the 1st and bearing an American flag. [1]

Reihner in Boston MA, December 2017.

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On June 2nd, Resist Marxism held a June 2nd for the Second rally. Reihner did not attend this event in person. However, he did participate in a livestream viewing of the event. In his comments during the livestream, he utilized a handful of neo-Nazi dogwhistles, including invoking 1488 and the triple parentheses.

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On February 14th, Hood, Matthew Wolf, Tylar Larson, and four other members of Patriot Front attempted to post Patriot Front propaganda in East Boston. They were stopped by police after being seen with spraycans. After a physical altercation between Wolf and the police, Wolf, Hood, and Larson were arrested on weapons charges. They were arraigned on the 19th, and released on $500 cash bail. Reihner was not among the members flyering that night; he did, however, pay Hood’s bail. Hood subsequently paid for Wolf’s bail, who in turn paid for Larson’s. [♣] [1] [‡]

On March 31st, Reiner appeared for the first time in Torch Network’s leaks of the general chat channel of Patriot Front’s internal Rocketchat server. He spent much of his first appearance prattling on about being a neo-Nazi and bloviating about fascism. [‡]

On April 7th, Reihner created a group on the Patriot Front Rocketchat server meant to serve as a book discussion club. Purporting to read “everything from the classics to political stuff,” several members voiced a desire to join, including Paul Gancarz a/k/a “Samuel NY,” regional director of Patriot Front’s Network 9. Reihner would later split duties with member “Alexander AR,” who covered political literature (notably Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola), while Reihner covered titles like Treasure Island and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. [‡] [1]

On May 13th, Reihner claimed, within Patriot Front’s internal Rocketchat server, that he had attended college in Pennsylvania around 2009. This is consistent with Reihner’s public résumé, which states he attended Penn State University from 2007 to 2011. [‡] [1]

An excerpt of Torch Network’s Patriot Front Rocketchat leaks, dated May 13th, 2019, wherein Reihner discloses we was a college student in PA around 2009

On June 16th, Reihner suggested Patriot Front members in Indiana could offer “community action” help to Sarah Dye of Schooner Creek Farms in Nashville IN. This was in response to Dye being identified as “Volkmom” of neo-Nazi organization Identity Evropa, and the local farmers’ markets barring her from vending in their communities. [‡] [1]

On July 6th, several members of Patriot Front, led by Hood, held a flash rally at Bunker Hill’s Monument Square in Charlestown MA. In the lead-up to the event, several involved members appear to have joined a camping trip; Reihner implied he took part, in his attempts to unite a member from Georgia with their phone charger. During the event, members unfurled a banner and lit flares, later fleeing in vehicles tied to Lowell MA and NY state. Reihner, over Patriot Front internal comms, indicated that he attended. He also took the opportunity to slur against Proud-Boy-adjacent far-right propagandist Jovi Val, and voiced concerns about the usage of road flares as flash rally pyrotechnics. [‡] [1]

On or slightly before July 21st, Patriot Front member Robert Budzyna was expelled from Patriot Front internal communications by Thomas Rousseau for, amongst other things, shitposting about Mexican food. This specific day marked the penultimate time Reihner appeared in Torch’s Patriot Front internal comm leaks. [‡]

On August 2nd, Reihner made his final appearance in Torch Network’s leaks of Patriot Front’s general chat channel, sharing a link to a local citizen journalist’s story about the arrest of a protestor at Bloomington IN Community Farmers Market. The protester was distributing flyers about the presence of Sarah Dye as a vendor at the market. Reihner specifically posted the link to give credit to the local Three Percenters, one of whom managed to photograph a protester as they were arrested. [‡] [1]

On August 4th, Reihner, Hood, Budzyna, Mark Hayden, Noah Bogosh, and a handful of other members of Patriot Front attempted to disrupt the Boston March Against Cages, an anti-ICE demonstration. Reihner was photographed giving the Roman salute during the march. According to local demonstrators, Reihner was subsequently unmasked in retaliation for his visibly neo-Nazi behavior. Photographs of the event indicate Reihner lost his baseball cap at some point. The demonstrators eventually cornered the Patriot Front members in an Orange Line station, where they fled aboard a train. [♥] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Reihner in Boston MA, August 2019. Photos courtesy of Emily Goldhammer.
Reihner unmasked, Boston MA, August 2019

On August 18th, Hood made claims about Reihner in Patriot Front’s internal chat server. These claims led directly to Reihner’s identification as aliases “Matthias Thorpe” and “James MA” of Patriot Front by antifascist researcher “By Way of Plymouth” in October 2023. [‡] Of Reihner, Hood said the following:

“Matthias isn’t a real name btw, they never got the guys actual dox they’re referring to. He wasn’t bluffing either, he’s the guy that posted bail for me.

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Reihner appears to be an enthusiastic neo-Nazi, making frequent reference of literature penned by Adolf Hitler, George Lincoln Rockwell, and Savitri Devi. Particularly, he puts some stock in Devi’s interpretation of the Kali Yuga, and conflates it with the Biblical Revelations and Ragnarok as a desire for an apocalypse as expressed by humanity’s collective consciousness. He seems to have some familiarity with the debunked Black Book of Communism, though he appears to have inflated the number of purported victims for which its authors purported “communism” was responsible.

He also seems to have some anti-capitalist sentiments (inasmuch as he conflates the Jewish diaspora with capitalist governments), and has voiced concern that the “international banking system” will lead to war and some form of societal collapse. He has voiced belief in accelerationist and secessionist approaches to warding off this collapse.

Reihner is a proponent of survivalist skills, though there’s no telling if it’s foundationally from a belief that societal collapse will require self-sufficiency or a previous interest in the natural world.

Reihner used the canard of “free speech absolutism” as a cover for his true ideas, describing himself as a “Free Speech Warrior,” a “Defender of the Constitutional Republic,” and “Proud to be American” in various incarnations of his personal Twitter bio. [1] [2]

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Quotes from any member of Resist Marxism are to be taken with a grain of salt, for their perceived need to maintain a civil cover for their particularly violent ends. Quotes from any member of Patriot Front are to be taken with a similar grain of salt, given similar reasons to maintain nonviolent optics in the face of pressure from founder Thomas Rousseau, to avoid presenting as anything beyond a club for American nationalist activists even in private channels. [Speculative: That said, Reihner seemed more open about his particular beliefs in Patriot Front internal channels than other members, and was willing to face criticism even from Rousseau about his openly neo-Nazi blathering.] The more noxious slurs will be redacted. Typing errors will not be corrected.

“Harvard Square is the home of the communists. They hide within Harvard University. The Refuse Fascism folks are here as well, and, yeah, this is their meeting grounds, so they don’t like us ‘fascists’ coming in and disrupting their meetings.”


“They shut me down. They didn’t answer my question. I said, what my question was, is communist fascism that killed 150 million people worse than Nazi fascism which killed six million Jews.”


“That whole room was infested with commies, like the whole room.”


“I do have to say, these boots right here are, like, perfect for commie like [bashing]. Like, seriously.

— Reihner to Chris Bartley’s Periscope feed, with some room for error due to over-speaking, December 1st 2017 [1]

“Thank you all for the support! To those who call me a Nazi, I find it absolutely disgusting that you are so quick to label someone you don’t even know. To those who attacked me and all other Antifa groups, I will be taking steps to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

— Reihner did not actually sue anybody, December 12th, 2017 [1]

“This is why liberal democracy is a joke. Vote in wealthy establishment elites who’s only function is to serve the higher powers and easily ignore the demands of the people. What are you gonna do? PROTEST?

— Reihner in response to Paul Joseph Watson on British PM Teresa May trying to negotiate better terms for Brexit, March 19th, 2018 [1]

“MrPappagiorio”: “the answer to 1984 is 1776 !!! as infowars says”


Reihner: “answer to 1984 is 1488


“Remember the Holodomor

(((foreign governments)))


“Commies will be physically removed. They will not listen.”

— Reihner issuing forth with a number of neo-Nazi dog-whistles during a livestream of Resist Marxism’s “June 2nd for the Second [Amendment]” rally, June 2nd 2018 [1]

Reihner: “HH! White Pride Worldwide!”

Hood: “[Reihner,] cringe”

Reihner: “1488 brutherrrr”

Hood: “No one that’s ever unironically chanted that has actually contributed to anything”

“Jeffrey VA”: “^Trufax”

Reihner: “Eastern Europe

“just because some low IQ degenerates chanted it doesn’t make it any less relevant

“I like the white pride flag and the slogan

“and will hail hitler as much as i want”


“This is the only approved hair and mustache grooming standards” [posts black-&-white photo of Adolf Hitler]


Rousseau: “[Reihner] We’re not historical reenactors.”

— Reihner to Patriot Front’s internal general chat, brushing against several members and founder Tommy Rousseau for his outright neo-Nazi attitude, his first appearance in the Torch leaks, March 31st 2019 [‡]

Fascism is tailored to the country it represents. National Socialism was a type of Fascism that was more explicitly race based and had great success in its unique economic programs, but there was also much of it that was specific to Germany at the time. Rockwell sort of revived the idea of National Socialism for America but I think that was more based on how he became educated on the white man’s struggle than his formal understanding of Fascism itself.


“The American version of NatSoc was greatly inspired by Savitri Devi and the post war efforts of many who wanted to continue the ideas of Adolf Hitler and National Socialism within Europe

“Listen to Rockwell and his talk about American National Socialism

“His goal was not to turn every American into a racist white liberal”


“That’s because actually getting off your ass and doing something is difficult and people don’t want to bother themselves with anything that takes work. That’s why most of the masses are so against us and cling to this neoliberal ideology that they worship.”


“The masses will follow whoever they think has the power”


“Unless we are able to gain the power to actually change the problems we face in society, we will always have a shortage of people who want to join us or agree with our principles. One of the things I always struggle with is whether its worth it to inherit this mess of a nation or become a strong enough force to advocate for our chunk of the pie and just separate from it all.”


“No matter what, war is inevitable in this struggle. The international finance system will punish us with all it’s got, just like 1939.”


“when the current political establishment outlaws our opinions and treats us like criminals (which isn’t very far off from now) how will this so called infrastructure help us? there needs to be political strength to supplement said infrastructure if we want to survive”


“The Marxists have so much influence because they utilize their infrastructure to massively irritate the System. So in that way, they have gained political influence over the establishment

“infrastructure + political power”


“The State utilizes force to keep everyone in line. There are many methods to do this that are outside of simple police and military control. Using the mainstream media and other resources to generate social hatred towards our ideas. Utilizing the capitalist bourgeoise to enslave the masses under economic chains and reliance on the System.”


“@Benjamin WI I think it’s easier when people are fully red pilled because they become less prone to the attacks and perjoratives from the media and other people”


“Then you just get stuck in this stupid cycle of people saying ‘I’m not a racist or a Nazi’ and end up accomplishing nothing. Like we saw with the civcuck movement.”


“@Benjamin WI People appeal to certain parts of a message more than others, but there is an element of a genuine appeal and genuine approach that isn’t cowering in fear of being called racist, and isn’t using swastikas just for the sake of making people angry.”


“We need power over the State and current System. There are 3 options that I look at in this struggle. Destroy the system, take over the System, or separate from the System. All these require power to accomplish.

“There is no way we can ultimately thrive in the current System. Maybe Amish nationalism is an option but ultimately the System would have the final say if they wanted to crush us”


“Politics is everything. It’s how we make decisions about our problems and orient our society. It dictates everything we can and cannot do. Yes, there is a lot we can do without holding political office, but there is a lot we cannot do without political influence as well. Might always makes right.”

— Reihner being a blowhard in Patriot Front’s internal general chat, while discussing fascism and national socialism with/at Rousseau and other members, March 31st 2019 [‡]

“It doesn’t matter whether the ‘lemmings’ like us or not. They will follow whoever is in power. Do you think the masses like the current System or establishment? But they still follow. Why is that?”

— Reihner, April 2nd 2019 [‡]

“Everyone should seriously read Mein Kampf

“If you haven’t, you’re really missing out some epic takes from the man himself

“Reading about [national socialist] Germany is like passing on the stories of our ancestors. It’s like a spiritual moment.”


“I think I’m going to watch the Greatest Story Never Told for a second run through”


“I might have to turn it off though, especially when the Germans start losing the war. It’s just too depressing.

I still never really got a clear answer as to why the Blitzkrieg tactics were so crushingly effective in the beginning but the Germans were unable to take Moscow or lay claim to Leningrad.”

— Reihner, April 3rd 2019 [‡]

“American nationalist super mega hitlerian 88 fascist is how I identify”

— Reihner on himself, April 7th 2019 [‡]

“Nathan TX”: “I heard from hitlers servant hitler could read massive books wicked fast and remember everything”


Reihner: “that was a great doc”

“Nathan TX”: “Hitlers shadow?”

Reihner: “yeah”

“Nathan TX”: “Its a must watch imo”

Reihner: “there’s a channel called Justice Germans that has a lot of good docs and vids”

“Nathan TX”: [link to a defunct “Justice4Germans” Youtube channel]

Reihner: “another good channel is called Hidden Truths. They have interviews with more modern activists like Ernst Zundel

— Reihner in conversation with unidentified member “Nathan TX,” complete with describing a Holocaust denier as a fellow “activist,” April 11th 2019 [‡] [1]

“Kali Yuga, Revelations, Ragnarok….pretty sure civilizations wouldn’t be dreaming this stuff up for thousands of years if it was just garbage

“there’s something deep within the spirit of man that wants to express this”


“Survivalism, self-sufficiency, off the grid lifestyle is good no matter if there is a collapse or not. There are definitely the “give up” mentality characters out there who ascribe to a collapse philosophy but somebody like Varg is giving real solutions that would help our people.”

— Reihner during a discussion of societal collapse and esotericism, April 13th 2019 [‡]

“18-21 yr olds are pretty unbearable in general

“one can only hope that as they mature things will change

“so idk if I’d read into it too much


“when i was in college, kids were cucked as well. i never thought too deeply about it at the time, but as a Christian who was conservative leaning, i was already somewhat marginalized. and this was in PA

“and only like 10 years ago”

— Reihner describing himself as a “marginalized conservative-leaning Christian” with no sense of irony, while also disclosing personally identifying details, May 13th 2019 [‡]

Reihner: “@Scott MI can someone tell me what is going on in your photos?”

“Scott MI”: “[Reihner] service project. We have the ‘undisclosed establishment,’ our blood, and sweat without asking/expecting anything in return. In return, they gave us free breakfast(didn’t have time to take them up on the offer)/ lunch, and said (regarding the vast wild lands behind the place, ‘this place is yours, now.’ Made-painted bench; mowed; removes weed-trees-shrubs; poured red mulch”

Reihner: “very cool. i would recommend staying away from red mulch though and use a black mulch or a pine”


“speaking of something useful, identify a native plant in your area and put it in your garden this season

“feed the bees. f*ck the refugees”

— Reihner offering gardening advice to “Scott MI” of Patriot Front, in response to photos posted of a Patriot Front outing, May 18th 2019 [‡]

“‘help me. im grandpa allstar. i need a lamborghini.’ is what the c says at the end”

— Reihner responding to a video posted by another member of Patriot Front, utilizing one of the less frequently used slurs against black people, May 18th 2019 [‡]

“I’ve done [labor exchange] before and it was okay. The problem is you are completely dependent on the host family and the hope that you vibe well with them. I had one family turn out to be vegetarian and I didn’t really have a backup plan, so that whole month I was starving the whole time because they really didn’t know how to cook vegetarian and actually make real meals.

“Another family kicked me out after two days, because they said I didn’t seem like a good match.

“Looking back at it, I’d rather just get a paycheck from someone than do the exchange

— Reihner, May 22nd 2019 [‡]

“i think this should be the next its ok to be white

— Reihner on the topic of a “no more wars for Israel” meme, May 23rd 2019 [‡]

Reihner: “Dude they fucking gassed Varg

“They gassed anything related to National Socialism…wtf

“There were some great channels I was subscribed to for WWII revisionism

“Nick TX”: “You know what good. Maybe these people will get off their collective asses and do something.”

Reihner: “like what? Varg has a family and is building productive skills in his own backyard

“The other channels are people who did video documentaries and interviews over several years

“Invaluable knowledge that is just completely lost

“Nick TX”: “Exactly what was everyone expecting to happen? This is inevitable. The dark ages began when knowledge was hidden from mankind. How much easier will it be now that all knowledge is a click away and all in the hands of a few oligarchs?”

Reihner: “im not surprised, I’m just annoyed

“I was only subscribed to like 10 channels anyways”

— Reihner whining about a Youtube content policy change that led to the shuttering (hence the usage of the term “gassing”) of several neo-Nazi channels, then having some sour grapes, June 5th 2019 [‡]

“Volkmom is a hot mommy lol

“supreme optics”


“It would be great if anyone in Indiana could do a little community action and see if this person could use some help”


Separation is necessary

“We have to start thinking like dissidents more and more each day. There’s only so much we can do in normieland. If you can build up some sort of societal trust amongst your community, it will definitely help reduce the blowback but it won’t save you completely.

“Most importantly we need to be able reel in those who have been targeted by our enemies and pick them back up on their feet

“Including those outside our organization”


“How many guys do we have in Indiana

“I sent those farmers a message so if you can think of anything nice that could be done for them, please keep me in the loop”

— Reihner to Patriot Front’s internal general chat, in response to a story about Sarah Dye, a/k/a “Volkmom” of Identity Evropa, selling goods at farmers markets in Nashville & Bloomington IN (his simping for Dye is another thing he has in common with Stephen Farrea, funny enough), June 16th 2019 [1] [‡]

Staab: “I’m halfway through the first chapter of For My Legionaries. It’s literally history repeating itself over and over – cops stand by while antifa does flash mobs, universities get invaded by communist jews, nationalism is labeled as hate speech, antisemitism is labeled a mental disorder, etc. It was the same exact thing in the beginning chapters of Mein Kampf.

“We’re going through that stage in the cycle again, but the challenge is making the fascist stage permanent. Luckily, we have the technological marvel of the internet which means that the jews can never go back into hiding – the cat’s outta the bag jews”

Reihner: “[Staab] That’s why I think those books are absolutely essential to read. Wait until you read Rockwell if you haven’t already. Every former nationalist has made the same arguments that our movement keep pointlessly getting stuck in over and over

— Reihner in conversation with Victor Staab a/k/a “Victor MD,” July 9th 2019 [‡]

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Personal life

On October 4th, 2012, four months after joining the Air Force, Reihner was gifted an acoustic guitar from a guitar shop in Cambridge MA. [1]

During 2021 and 2022, Reihner volunteered as a trail steward with the Waltham Land Trust. He led other members in replanting native species of flora in the Woerd Woods along the Charles River in Waltham MA. He would later be named the Waltham Land Trust’s “Inge Uhlir Environmentalist of the Year” for 2021. It is unknown if he continues volunteering with the Waltham Land Trust in 2024. [1] [2] [3]

On April 27th, 2023, Reihner was issued an emergency license by the Massachusetts Office of Educator Licensure, certifying him as a math teacher qualified to teach middle schoolers and high schoolers alike. He was hired as a math teacher at Stoneham High School starting around April 2023, and continued for an unknown portion of the 2023-2024 term; he is no longer employed there as of September 2024, according to a staffer at the school’s main office. [1] [2] [♥]

On July 7th, 2023, Reihner attended a house music show at ZuZu Bar in Cambridge MA. [1]

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Online presence

Reihner maintains a personal website, where he hosts pieces of personal non-fiction. [1] [Speculative: Reihner’s such an anesthetizing writer. I think I could take an appendectomy while reading this guy drone on and on and not register the excision. He wrote about watching a man die and made it a complete snooze-fest! He’s so bad he compelled me call him a “snooze-fest!” He can’t inspire anything in me besides clichés.]

Google search results suggest that Reihner had profiles on tutor-for-hire websites Wyzant, Uloop, Purplemath, TutorZ, and Tower of English. Save the Tower of English profile, all have since been removed. [Speculative: He probably took most of these down once he got the teaching job.] [1] [2] [3]

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External citations

Citations that offer identifying information will be bolded.

∗ – See social media belonging to Resist Marxism, Patriot Front, NSC-131, and others. Where possible, dates have been revised to be correct. More robust sources should be found for these events, as a fascist’s accounts of their own activities should be taken with a grain of salt.

† – See the ADL H.E.A.T. Map. Where possible, dates have been revised to be correct. More robust sources should be found for these events, as the Map seems to be under a state of constant revision.

‡ – See the Torch Network Patriot Front Rocketchat leaks:

      • For Reihner’s first posts, as well as his extended bloviating about the nature of fascism, see 2019/PF general chat 3.31.19.pdf
      • For Reihner on the loyalty of whom he perceived as “lemmings,” see 2019/PF general chat 4.2.19.pdf
      • For Reihner’s recommendation of Mein Kampf, see 2019/PF general chat 4.3.19.pdf
      • For Reihner establishing a book club within Patriot Front, and on his self-identity, see 2019/PF general chat 4.7.19.pdf
      • For Reihner’s recommendations on now-defunct pro-Nazi documentary channels on Youtube, see 2019/PF general chat 4.11.19.pdf
      • For Reihner’s remarks on societal collapse, see 2019/PF general chat 4.13.19.pdf
      • For Reihner identifying himself as having been a college student in Pennsylvania, see 2019/PF general chat 5.13.19.pdf
      • For Reihner identifying himself as a gardening enthusiast in the form of offering advice about mulch, as well as one of his uses of a racist slur, see 2019/PF general chat 5.18.19.pdf
      • For Reihner’s remarks on his experience in labor exchange programs, see 2019/PF general chat 5.22.19.pdf
      • For Reihner’s remark on a “no more wars for Israel” meme, see 2019/PF general chat 5.23 2.pdf
      • For Reihner’s remarks about Youtube disabling the account of Varg Vikernes, see 2019/PF general chat 6.5.19.pdf
      • For Reihner’s remarks on Sarah “Volkmom” Dye, see 2019/PF general chat 6.16.19.pdf
      • For Reihner’s exchange with Victor Staab wherein he recommends the works of George Lincoln Rockwell, see 2019/PF general chat 7.9.19 night.pdf
      • For Reihner’s remarks on implicitly joining members of Patriot Front for a camping trip before their Bunker Hill flash rally, see 2019/PF general chat 7.6.19.pdf
      • For Reihner’s remarks on joining Patriot Front’s flash rally at Bunker Hill, see 2019/PF general chat 7.7 evening.pdf and 2019/PF general chat 7.8.19 evening 2.pdf
      • For Hood’s remarks on Reihner’s identity as “Matthias Thorpe” being a pseudonym, and confirmation that Reihner bailed Hood out following his arrest in East Boston during 2019, see 2019/PF general chat 8.18.19 afternoon.pdf

⊗ – …

♠ – See various police reports:

♣ – See various court records:

      • For information relating to the arrests of several members of Patriot Front in East Boston during February 2019, and Reihner’s bailing of Chris Hood, see Trial Court of Massachusetts, Boston Municipal Court, East Boston Division case #1905CR000161 (Larson, Tylar), #1905CR000162 (Wolf, Matthew Martin), & #1905CR000163 (Hood, Christopher Raymond), BPD Incident Report #I192012175 and attached surety receipt.

♦ – See various locally cached copies of previously online content:

♥ – See various eyewitness accounts:

      • Regarding Reihner at the March Against Cages, I do wish I had something to cite! Sadly the photos bearing out the apocryphal story will have to do.
      • Regarding the termination of Reihner’s employment at Stoneham High School, please contact the Stoneham HS Main Office directly.

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September 29th, 2024

  • Published this document.

October 30th, 2023

  • Created this document.

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