If you know the whereabouts of Ryan Michael Irwin, a/k/a “Hyperborean Hooligan” and a long-time member of NSC-131, please reach out! Irwin is currently attending college to his own admission, and I believe his campus of choice is somewhere in or around Worcester MA. CW for all kinds of abuse.
It’s been 6 months since we’ve seen hide or hair of NSC-131. As “PINE,” they used to make noises about protecting white families? Kinda strains credibility to tell people this when NSC counts people like Irwin, a man most recently charged with assaulting his pregnant-at-the-time girlfriend, as members.
[This is my contribution to the ID of Ian Henry Langille, a/k/a “Nordic Maine,” a collaboration with the Stumptown Research Collective. This version of what Stumptown eventually titled “Sam Winslow & the Vexing Vexillologist” has a little more in the way of Langille’s buffoonery and local fash history, cut from the fuller version for length. Other edits to content were suggested by Stumptown, and welcomed! Read the full ID here!]
It’s April 2023, and I’m having a hard time giving a damn about the incessant poster of a manchild I would later learn was born Ian Langille of Chapman ME.
At this early point the guy has two Telegram channels, one standard Nordic-Maine-Groyper channel (since deactivated but replaced) and one “uncensored” in flavor, both registered circa mid-January 2023. I can’t tell the difference. Both of them are largely white supremacist propaganda regurgitation channels. Buried in the cross-posts are his own occasional additions, largely involving Langille’s collection of gross white nationalist and neo-Nazi org merchandise, his (lack of) graphic design prowess, and his stickering efforts in Aroostook County.
His personal stickers are the New England Independence pine tree symbol inside the Waffen-SS shield. They also contain the URL to his personal Telegram channel. The URL is, if I recall, occasionally misspelled somehow. There’s also this image, which I originally thought was an admission that he doesn’t know how a hat is supposed to sit on a head. Continue reading “ID Bulletin: Ian H. Langille, of Chapman ME”
Vaughn Douglas Schlegel of North Brookfield MA, current candidate for his local Select Board, has been at various turns a member of Patriot Front, the Bay State Active Club, and the Pine Tree Party! A USPS employee, he’s a National Association of Letter Carriers union steward.
He also works for North Brookfield City Hall, in both the Planning Board and Finance Committee, and appears in meeting minutes for both starting in August 2023.
If you’re a MA resident who has concerns about your mail being handled by Vaughn Schlegel, a man involved in several varieties of fascist organizing, the North Brookfield Post Office can be reached at 508-867-8627.
Residents can also contact Richard DiCecca, National Business Agent for Region 14 of the National Association of Letter Carriers, at 617-363-9299, about recently known fascist Vaughn Schlegel.
As the New Year approaches, I’d like us to wish an early, arm’s-length birthday to Anthony M. Piccadaci of Weymouth MA. Piccadaci’s name surfaced in the #MidgardExposed leaks; this combined with a certain arrest report makes his membership in NSC-131 highly likely!
A mugshot of Anthony Piccadaci, Weymouth MA, May 2016.
If anyone has any info about Nicholas J. Cerce a/k/a “Mike RI” of Woonsocket RI, or his wife Andrea Cerce née Battaglia, (who may also be going by Nick & Andrea Duarte) please contact me. Cerce has a long neo-fascist history, and is a member of Patriot Front, serial #PF-8894!
Robert Budzyna, who allegedly attempted to commit a pair of arsons in Auburn MA on June 28th of 2019, is formerly “Peter MA” of Patriot Front, and is currently “Red Wood” who is almost certainly a member of the Nationalist Social Club of New England. Normally any good identification bulletin would come with an action item; I feel I have no responsible recommendations on how to approach that, considering Budzyna is currently being tried for his actions in Worcester County Superior Court!
March Against Cages, Boston MA, August 2019
March Against Cages, Boston MA, August 2019
Patriot Front banner-drop, Hartford CT, October 2019
Facebook profile picture, shear-corrected, March 2020
Telegram profile picture, March 2020
before the B&W standout, Boston MA, January 2022
arrest mugshot, Auburn MA, April 2022
In September 2022, I published a bulletin on Patriot Front members David Spellman-Oldenquist & Tyler Primevara via Twitter, and detailed a fracas between Spellman-Oldenquist and Chris Hood that stemmed from Patriot Front nonsense. If you’ve read it, you may recall me mentioning Robert Budzyna, at whose home the aforementioned fracas occurred. I recommend reviewing said bulletin! We’re gonna build off events described there.
There will be a considerable amount of chatter concerning neo-Nazi organizer Christopher Raymond Hood Jr., teenage III%er, former Proud Boy, member then Network Directing Officer within Patriot Front before his expulsion from said organization, member of the New England cell of the Base, and founding member of the Nationalist Social Club of New England, NSC-131 for short.
While I’ll be citing a number of sources running the gamut from courts to journalists to antifascist researchers, I’ll also be speculating thoroughly throughout, particularly when I’ve questioned how responsibly or capably I can pursue a line of inquiry and left it incomplete as a result. I hope that I’ve written well enough to differentiate between reality and my own meanderings.
If anyone has any info about either David Spellman-Oldenquist aka “Marshall MA” of Worcester MA, or US Army veteran (possibly reservist) Tyler S. Primevara aka “Joe MA” of Fitchburg MA, please contact me at ByWayOfPlymouth@proton.me!