ID Bulletin: Jacob Patry-Sempf, of Tellico Plains TN

Two images of Jacob-Patry-Sempf, a white man with dark hair, at two distinct points in his life. The first image is a selfie, framed from the neck up, of Patry during or after 2014. His hair is short but messy, and he wears safety glasses. His facial expression appears to be a faint smirk. The background appears to be some kind of machinist shop. The second image is a video still or poor resolution photo from before or during 2021, framed from the waist up. Patry, wearing a white polo shirt and a dark baseball cap with a square red patch on the front, stands grinning at and facing something off-frame. His arms are crossed, sitting above a slightly paunchy stomach. Behind him is indistinct shrubbery. Below the images are sets of text, laid out as if marking art pieces in a gallery. The first, appearing as stenciled graffiti, reads "formerly Logan VT" and "PF-2637". The second, as native text from the Rose City Antifa Patriot Front Member Gallery, reads "Logan TN" and "PF-9768". Underneath both, again appearing as stenciled graffiti, reads "(Jacob Patry-Sempf)".

Jacob T. Patry-Sempf of Tellico Plains TN, a/k/a “Arch Dornan,” “Ultima Ratio,” “Roman Ungern,” and Twitter users @ZAxisRapid & @smugfrog_, is “Logan TN,” formerly “Logan VT,” of Patriot Front!

A loud & proud racist, Patry works for WYKO Tire Tech of Greenback TN. If you work with Jake Patry or at a shop that does business with WYKO, and have concerns about your proximity to a known neo-fascist, WYKO Tire Technologies can be contacted in a variety of ways.

Patry’s LinkedIn lists him as out of Tellico Plains TN. It also indicates he transitioned from his home state of Vermont to Tennessee, where he started working in 2020. This is consistent with Patry’s presence in leaks of Patriot Front’s Rocketchat server, specifically as “Logan VT” circa 2019 in’s leaks, and as “Logan TN” circa 2021 in’s leaks.

Continue reading “ID Bulletin: Jacob Patry-Sempf, of Tellico Plains TN”

Jarek L. Reihner


Jarek L. Reihner (born July 19th, 1989) is an American white supremacist, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, U.S. Air Force veteran, and self-declared neo-Nazi. Reihner was most recently a member of Patriot Front, having likely been recruited from multi-tendency neo-fascist coalition Resist Marxism by Chris Hood. Reihner’s status as a member of other neo-Nazi groups in proximity to Hood, such as NSC-131, is currently unknown.

Reihner hails from a Polish family, and previously lived in Washington PA. He has previously lived in Waltham MA, and his last known locale of residence is Somerville MA.

Reihner posts to Instagram and a personal WordPress site under his own name, and to Tiktok as “NE Naturalist” and “New England Nat.” [Speculative: This seems like a play on “New England Nationalist,” a term frequently bandied about by members of both the local Patriot Front chapter and NSC alike.] Reihner went by the alias “Matthias Thorpe” as a member of Boston Free Speech and Resist Marxism. His Patriot Front moniker was likely “James MA,” and his serial number was PF-8190. [1] [‡]

Reihner is licensed as a math teacher under Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education license #542123. [1]

[Speculative: I’m told it’s pronounced “REE-ner.”] Continue reading “Jarek L. Reihner”