Robert Budzyna, who allegedly attempted to commit a pair of arsons in Auburn MA on June 28th of 2019, is formerly “Peter MA” of Patriot Front, and is currently “Red Wood” who is almost certainly a member of the Nationalist Social Club of New England. Normally any good identification bulletin would come with an action item; I feel I have no responsible recommendations on how to approach that, considering Budzyna is currently being tried for his actions in Worcester County Superior Court!

In September 2022, I published a bulletin on Patriot Front members David Spellman-Oldenquist & Tyler Primevara via Twitter, and detailed a fracas between Spellman-Oldenquist and Chris Hood that stemmed from Patriot Front nonsense. If you’ve read it, you may recall me mentioning Robert Budzyna, at whose home the aforementioned fracas occurred. I recommend reviewing said bulletin! We’re gonna build off events described there.
I’ll also be making copious use of various chat leaks, especially Torch Network’s 2019-2020 Patriot Front general channel Rocketchat leaks, and some leaks of the New England Nationalists chat circa early 2022.
There will be a considerable amount of chatter concerning neo-Nazi organizer Christopher Raymond Hood Jr., teenage III%er, former Proud Boy, member then Network Directing Officer within Patriot Front before his expulsion from said organization, member of the New England cell of the Base, and founding member of the Nationalist Social Club of New England, NSC-131 for short.
While I’ll be citing a number of sources running the gamut from courts to journalists to antifascist researchers, I’ll also be speculating thoroughly throughout, particularly when I’ve questioned how responsibly or capably I can pursue a line of inquiry and left it incomplete as a result. I hope that I’ve written well enough to differentiate between reality and my own meanderings.
Finally, be advised: content warnings for antisemitism, racism, misogyny, and other nonsense you’d expect from a bunch of neo-Nazis, as well as at least one mention of self-harm. Continue reading “ID Bulletin: Robert T. Budzyna, of Auburn MA”