ID Bulletin: Ryan M. Irwin, of Leicester MA

A triptych of photos of Ryan Michael Irwin at various points in his life. The first is of Irwin during or before March 2020. Taken from what appears to be the driver's seat, Irwin sits in the back passenger side of a car. On his lap is a Jack Russel terrier, wearing a gray hoodie with green hood pulls; the dog's face has been intentionally redacted. Irwin imself wears blue jeans, an emerald green shirt, a black wristband loosely on his left arm, a chain of what appear to be gold plastic Mardi Gras beads, and two-tone horn-rimmed corrective lenses with rectangular frames. He has a short blond beard and a buzzcut, his face wearing the ghost of a smirk. The second is of Irwin at an America Backs the Blue event in Mansfield MA during September 2020. Irwin wears black pants, a gray Smokey the Bear "If Not You, Who?" graphic t-shirt, black plastic-framed rectangular lenses, and a camo Red Sox baseball cap. He wears a white bandana to conceal most of his face and neck. His right hand is curling into a fist. He is with a company of NSC-131 members. The third is of Irwin and his daughter, as they ride the Worcester EcoTraium's Explorer Express Train, during 2024. They both face the camera, which is outside the train. The daughter's face has been intentionally redacted. Irwin wears an olive green graphic design tee, a green baseball cap with the word "Worcester" on it embroidered in script, a gold chain necklace, his two-tone horn-rimmed glasses, olive green camo shorts, and what appear to be black Crocs. He smiles faintly toward the camera, his phone in his lap.

If you know the whereabouts of Ryan Michael Irwin, a/k/a “Hyperborean Hooligan” and a long-time member of NSC-131, please reach out! Irwin is currently attending college to his own admission, and I believe his campus of choice is somewhere in or around Worcester MA. CW for all kinds of abuse.

It’s been 6 months since we’ve seen hide or hair of NSC-131. As “PINE,” they used to make noises about protecting white families? Kinda strains credibility to tell people this when NSC counts people like Irwin, a man most recently charged with assaulting his pregnant-at-the-time girlfriend, as members.

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ID Bulletin: Anthony M. Piccadaci, of Weymouth MA

[originally published on December 28th, 2023, 1:11PM Eastern via Twitter, 1:19PM via Bluesky, with medium-specific revisions for each]

As the New Year approaches, I’d like us to wish an early, arm’s-length birthday to Anthony M. Piccadaci of Weymouth MA. Piccadaci’s name surfaced in the #MidgardExposed leaks; this combined with a certain arrest report makes his membership in NSC-131 highly likely!

A mugshot of Anthony M. Piccadaci of Weymouth MA. He is a sickly-looking white man. His eyes are blue. His hair, brown, is long; nape-of-the-neck length and combed back. He sports a thin and uneven goatee. His skin is pocked with acne.
A mugshot of Anthony Piccadaci, Weymouth MA, May 2016.

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Stephen T. Farrea


Stephen Thomas Farrea (born October 20th, 1989) is a self-described white nationalist & identitarian, disgraced U.S. Marine & military veteran, residential rental landlord, and neo-Nazi. Farrea is a member of the Nationalist Social Club, and was previously a member of both the Massachusetts chapter of Identity Evropa (before the organization’s collapse) and what would later become the 2nd district of the Asatru Folk Assembly. [1] [2] [3] There is also indication that he had some level of support for the III%ers, and has voiced interest in joining American Renaissance. [4] [5] [6]

As of May 2024, Farrea has been arrested and charged under Rhode Island’s possession of child pornography statute. A father of a number of children, including a six-year-old daughter at the time of his arrest, it is unknown to the general public whether or not Farrea’s particular material is homemade. [1] [2] [3] [4]

Farrea’s current residence is in Portsmouth RI, and he previously lived in Newport RI. His rental properties, composed of six units divided amongst two buildings, are located in West Warwick RI, on Phenix and Gough & Potter Avenues. [1] [2] [♣]

His Identity Evropa monikers were “TomPerry” and “SuperTomPerry.” He used the name “Thomas Iobhar” on Google Reviews.

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Charles Y. Netter


Charles Netter is a current member of the tri-state neo-Nazi group Atlantic Nationalist Club, and a former member of the neo-Nazi Nationalist Social Club of New England. He was possibly a member of the Cut Throat AC, a Connecticut-local Active Club likely to have largely been composed of NSC members, during the latter half of 2023. He is notably aggressive, and has taken part in at least one violent assault on antifascists in Maine.

Netter is last known to reside in Stratford CT, in a home owned by his parents.

Netter operates a Telegram account as “Untermensh RGD-5,” and purportedly operates an alternate account on the same service as “Polska 966.” He likely operated an account on defunct LAN-over-Internet service Tunngle as “Polska1488.” His unofficial designation as an unidentified member of NSC-131 was “Longneck.” [Speculative: This was entirely inspired by how his particular choice in  face-concealing balaclava made him look like he had a pretty generous goiter. I was considering nicknaming him “Goiter-done,” but it didn’t test well. Also, the aliases he assumes himself seem to frequently refer to WWII-era military explosives: the M966 was another name for the M2 antipersonnel mine, and the RGD-5 was a Soviet fragmentation grenade.]

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