The Nationalist Social Club of New England is a white nationalist, third-position, and neo-Nazi group founded by Chris Hood and Zachary Brackett in 2019, after Hood’s expulsion from Patriot Front and Hood & Brackett’s lack of success with the Base. According to the Confronting White Supremacists in New England site:
In the words of leader Chris Hood, NSC’s political stance is more extreme in order to make other nationalist groups look moderate in comparison. Hood has in the past also claimed that he intended the group to be “similar to the hooligan firms of Europe,” and wanting a “less ideological focus and more action oriented” nature. This activity largely manifests in in-person physical training, tagging (largely with stickers and sometimes business cards), flyering campaigns, and highway overpass banner drops. Major occasions, which call for the bulk of members to be present, include flash rallies, protests, and event disruptions against perceived enemies. This model bears no small resemblance to Patriot Front’s method of operations, and also purportedly borrows from Rob Rundo and the Rise Above Movement’s “active club” model. [1]
While a number of members make it clear that they would inflict violence against their enemies with a modicum of an opportunity to do so, it seems from NSC’s own propaganda that Hood has enacted a policy of “controlled aggression”; i.e. not throwing the first punch, while being more than willing to escalate violence as long as an opponent initiates violence. This is either an outright lie, given escalations in violence committed by NSC members since 2022, or an indication that Hood is unable to control his own people. [∗]
As of June 2023, a federal indictment against a member revealed that NSC has been infiltrated by an FBI informant since at least May 2021. This long-term informant has likely been a member well before that point. [1]
As of December 2023, NSC has become the subject of civil complaints by the Attorneys General of both Massachusetts and New Hampshire. [1] [2]
The PINE Initiative, short for “People’s Initiative of New England,” is an off-shoot of the Nationalist Social Club of New England established during April 2023, in the wake of several legal actions against Chris Hood and NSC as an organization, including but not limited to a restraining order levied against NSC conducting unlawful activities in New Hampshire. [1] Claiming to be a “grassroots political effort” intended to forward the interests of New England residents, this project seems to be an attempt to distance members from their own violent brand, a performatively civic cover for NSC to conduct certain low-impact nationalist activities in light of their recent run-ins with various legal bodies. PINE also seems to be a way for members to include women, who would otherwise be excluded by NSC, in activities without diluting NSC’s brand as a men’s-only street crew.
According to Tim Dickinson, of Rolling Stone:
According to PINE’s own Substack, hearkening to the 14 words:
Several male members of PINE visibly appear to be previously known members of NSC. Some female members appear to be women of various degrees of connection to members of NSC, including wives or girlfriends.
Despite their stated goals of New England secession, PINE is not to be confused with the New England Independence Campaign. Various neo-Nazi and neo-fascist groups have appropriated the informal New England regional flag, including NSC/PINE, which the NEIC has explicitly rejected. [1]
This dossier is not largely concerned with what NSC believes or how it functions, as that is covered by other extant documents more thoroughly. This dossier’s remit revolves around collecting information about its members and cataloging their activities.
Changes since last revision will be highlighted as such. Notes and citations will be provided throughout the document in the form of links to external websites, represented by bracketed numbers. Wherein a set of brackets contains a symbol other than a number, this is meant to represent either a physical document with no online copy (such as a police report or court case), or a database that cannot/will not be cited in a specific manner (such as the ADL’s HEAT Map, or social media accounts operated by known fascists). Find these corresponding citations in the “External citations” section.
Other reference documents
- Confronting White Supremacists in New England, by Radio Antifa: New England: “Nationalist Social Club – NSC 131,” “Chris Hood,” “Liam MacNeil”
- FashAlert MA: “NSC-131 New England”
- Dossier preamble
- Membership
- Timeline of activities
- Member info & vitals
- Online presence
- External citations
- Changelog
This section is meant to list known members of varying status and associates of NSC, and provide citations specific to those members. For known objective information such as heights and birthdays, please refer to the “Member info & vitals” section.
It should be stressed that NSC does not admit women, persons of color, and Jewish folks as members, though it will occasionally allow women to serve in support roles: taking photos, recording videos, driving members to and during events, hosting social events, taking part in PINE activities, etc.
Known Members
- Chris R. Hood, a/k/a “crew131guy,” of Newburyport MA, formerly of Pepperell, Malden, and Dorchester MA
- Liam E. MacNeil, a/k/a “Vriliam”, “Amerikan Werewolf” & “Chungus Man,” of Waltham MA, NSC’s Massachusetts regional lead [1]
- Austin J. Conti, a/k/a “SteelPete,” of West Warwick RI and Yuma AZ, NSC’s Rhode Island regional lead [1] [♠]
- Anthony Piccadaci, of Weymouth MA [♠] [1] [2]
- Ryan M. Irwin, a/k/a “Hyperborean Hooligan,” of Leicester MA, formerly of Worcester MA, Spencer MA, and Buzzards Bay MA [1]
- Richard Z. Ackerman, a/k/a “Zach Parker,” of Salem NH [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
- Kyle A. Morris, a/k/a “Coil,” of Salem NH [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
- Zachary M. Lee, a/k/a “MFKNDITO,” “Penske Jack,” & “Pine,” of Taunton MA [♠] [1]
- Robert T. Budzyna, a/k/a “Red Wood,” formerly “Peter MA” of Patriot Front, of Auburn MA [1]
- Chase A. Gilroy, of Warwick RI [1] [2]
- Stephen T. Farrea, a/k/a “SuperTomPerry,” of Portsmouth RI [1] [2] [♠] [3]
- Jason T. Lowe, a/k/a “Poisonman,” of Warwick RI [1] [2] [♠]
- Cody A. Baker, of Fall River MA [♠] [1]
- Kevin A. Cottle, a/k/a “Kurt Meyer,” of Tiverton RI [1] [2] [3]
- Harrison Fournier, a/k/a “Based Barry,” of Alexandria NH [1]
- Adam Stelmack, a/k/a “Trad Rainman” & “Mayor of Coolsville,” of Bangor ME [1]
- Ryan M. Roy, a/k/a “Rex VT” & PF-8672, of South Burlington VT [1] [2]
- Tyler L. Moody, a/k/a “Tyrone,” of Pawtucket RI [1] [♠]
- Steven Mark Van Zelst Jr., a/k/a “Vlood,” of Philadelphia PA [1] [2]
- Edward Stuart, a/k/a “Carl Jung,” of Chester NH [1]
- Alexander Dugan, a/k/a “racboston,” of Boston MA [1]
- Jeremy Cayford, a/k/a “Jeremy Durante,” of Manchester NH [1] [2] [3]
Unidentified Members
- alias “Phillip Roberts,” NSC’s Connecticut regional lead [pending]
- alias “Haegiff” [1]
- designation “Shortstuck” [pending]
- designation “Dough-hawk” [pending]
- designation “Walshrek” [pending]
- alias “Adam Smith,” [pending]
- alias “James Ambrose,”[pending]
Possible Members
- Mark Hayden, a/k/a “Bill MA” of Patriot Front, of Spencer MA [pending]
- Matthew M. Wolf, formerly “Sam MA” of Patriot Front, of Spencer MA [pending]
Former Members
- Zachary Brackett, a/k/a “HaroldWaters” & “Herewald88,” of Worcester MA (interpersonal conflict with Hood) [1]
- Michael R. Nazzaro, of Derry NH (social pressure?) [1]
- Cameron S. Anthony, a/k/a “Twisted Savage,” of Arlington MA (deceased) [1] [2] [3]
- Michael R. Moura, of Stoughton MA (released from prison as of January 2024, allegedly no longer a member after founding Revolt Through Tradition) [1] [2] [3]
- Andrew Hazelton, a/k/a “Andrew Anagnorisis” (currently in prison, expelled) [1]
- Jeremiah D. Shivers, a/k/a “Jay,” of Fairhaven MA (deceased) [1] [2]
- Anthony G. Petruccelli, of Lynn MA (likely no longer a member after Moura’s arrest and moving to upstate NY if claims over Twitter are true) [1] [2] [3]
- Leo A. Cullinan, a/k/a “PurePower,” of Manchester NH, NSC’s New Hampshire regional lead (deceased) [1] [2] [3] [4]
- Charles Y. Netter, a/k/a “Untermensh RGD-5,” “Polska 966,” and “Longneck,” of Stratford CT [1]
- Caleb D. Rose, Craig B. Spaulding (deceased), Garon J. Archer, Stephen P. Smith, Joshua Blakeney, Cory Smith, Adam L. Rice, & Gordon MacKenzie (members of the defunct NSC Dixie) [1] [2] [3]
- Sean C. Kauffmann a/k/a “Boog Fürher” (member of the defunct NSC Southwest, now the Appalachian Brotherhood) [1] [2]
- “Paulo,” a heretofore unidentified member of the defunct NSC Germany [1] [2]
Known Associates
- Thomas Rousseau of Haslet TX, founder of Patriot Front
- Mark Sahady of Malden MA, organizer of Resist Marxism and co-founder of Super Happy Fun America
- Zephyr Garrison, a/k/a “Det.Som.Engang.Var,” of Meredith NH, leader of the defunct Natural Order, of which Brackett, Anthony, and Dugan were members [1]
- Dylan Michael Chambers, a/k/a “Häuptsturmführer Rudolf Kurtz,” of Brattleboro VT, a member of the defunct Natural Order [1]
- Nicholas Daniel Large, a/k/a “Sigma Phoenicis,” of Walnut Creek CA, member of Clockwork Crew 562 and the Church of Aryanity cult [1]
- Casey Knuteson, a/k/a “Alfred,” “Canute the Great,” “Ferguson Rex,” & “Truth Told PDX,” of Gaston OR, founder of the Rose City Nationalists, formerly “Leo OR” of Patriot Front, also formerly a member the Proud Boys [1] [2] [3]
- Chris Pohlhaus, a/k/a “Hammer,” of Bozeman MT, previously of Springfield ME, Cheyenne WY and San Antonio TX, operator of the “Hammerstream” interview program, founder and leader of Blood Tribe [1] [2] [3] [4]
- Dylan P. Annex, a/k/a “John Fashcroft,” of Tulsa OK, neo-Nazi podcaster & host of “The Eagle’s Nest” [1]
- Ben Mockler, a/k/a “Aquilla the Eagle,” of Ottowa ON, interview guest alongside NSC on the Eagle’s Nest [1]
- Emily Phillips, a/k/a “Psyche Invictus,” formerly Emily Nickerson and Emily Suzanne McArtor, of Linn County IA, previously dating Michael Moura [1] [2]
- Zachary Pickering of Cranston RI, friend of Chase Gilroy, member of the Proud Boys [1] [2] [3]
- Sam Wormer of Essex Junction VT, friend of Ryan Roy [1]
- Meia V. Farrea née Kooy of Portsmouth RI, ex-wife of Stephen Farrea [1]
- Jackson Bradley, a/k/a “Robert Mathews,” of Philadelphia PA [1]
- Chaya Raichik of Los Angeles CA and formerly Brooklyn NY, operator of the “Libs of TikTok” account on various social media platforms, self-described stochastic terrorist, context source for three of NSC’s harassment campaigns [∗] [1]
- Aidan Kearney of Holden MA, operator of “Turtleboy Daily News,” context source for at least one of NSC’s standouts [∗]
- Steve Robinson, editor-in-chief of The Maine Wire, context source for a Nationalist Social Club standout called by Pohlhaus [1] [2]
- Drake R. Berentz, a/k/a “Herzog Higgers,” “Nate Higgers,” & “The Wizard,” of Senecaville OH, organizing member of Blood Tribe who appears to be Pohlhaus’s lieutenant [1] [2]
- Rocky Point Active Club of Rhode Island, which appears to have several members in common with NSC [1]
- Cut Throat Active Club of Connecticut [1]
- Granite State Active Club of New Hampshire [1]
- the Atlantic Nationalist Club, a tri-state neo-Nazi group with which NSC is in open conflict [1] [2] [3] [4]
Timeline of activities
Minor events that solely involve banner-drops or graffiti, that do not require mass member turnout, and are not particularly newsworthy will be tracked in a separate document. Rough counts of said minor events will be given at the end of each given year’s subsection.
On or before October 25th, Hood was expelled from Patriot Front Network 7 for using chapter print money to purchase recreational drugs, joining the New England cell of the Base, attempting to inculcate neo-Nazis in Patriot Front activities, and attempting to form a splinter group within NW7, according to Thomas Rousseau. Hood posted a diatribe to the “Massachusetts Front” account on the topic, which was ostensibly his PF propaganda tracker. Rousseau would respond to Hood’s post in PF internal channels, citing his motivations for expelling Hood. [1] [‡]
On November 12th, Richard Tobin of the Base was arrested by the FBI. [1] This arrest would precede a series of arrests of seven members of the Base for a variety of crimes in January ‘20. [2] [3] [4] This is noted as one of a number of events that may have led to Hood and Brackett, at the time members of the New England cell of the Base, choosing to leave the Base and forming the New England Nationalists Club, the precursor to NSC.
On November 14th, Anthony Petruccelli made a post to his Facebook account indicating that he had met with members of the New England cell of the Base sometime in September. Afterward, Brackett began to regularly interact with Petruccelli over Facebook. [1]
On November 23rd, Hood entered the home of Patriot Front member Robert Budzyna in Auburn MA, and assaulted Patriot Front member David Spellman-Oldenquist. Before the assault occurred, Brackett purportedly contacted Budzyna in order to set up a confrontation between Hood and Spellman-Oldenquist, motivated by Spellman-Oldenquist’s verbal disparagement of Hood over internal PF channels. Budzyna assented, on the terms Brackett and Hood not damage his home. That night in Budzyna’s home, Budzyna, Spellman-Oldenquist, Patriot Front member Tyler Primevara, and supposedly other members of Patriot Front were preparing for a “flower-laying” event at a historical site; internal chats suggest Plymouth Rock or one of multiple mausoleums in Springfield MA. Hood was accompanied by his girlfriend at the time Alison Hastings, Anthony Petruccelli, and someone armed with a knife who can be assumed to be Zachary Brackett. Hastings recorded the assault as Hood, Brackett, and Petruccelli took turns assaulting Spellman-Oldenquist. Primevara did not intercede on account of Brackett’s open display of a knife; neither did other members of Patriot Front present, likely for the same reason. Budzyna fled to an upper floor, and did not witness the bulk of the assault. After Hood and his cadre left, Primevara drove Spellman-Oldenquist to St. Vincent’s Hospital. A police report was filed concerning the incident that included an eyewitness account from Primevara (submitted on the 28th). When questioned by police, Spellman-Oldenquist and Primevara denied knowing why the assault occurred, and they did not mention the additional Patriot Front members that had been present. Subsequently, Hood and Petruccelli were both subject to charges of assault. Hood responded to being served by reaching out to antifascist researcher “Antifash Gordon” with an implied offer: Hood would disclose the identities of well over 20 fascists in New England if “Gordon” would incite a harassment campaign against Spellman-Oldenquist, Primevara, and potentially other local members of Patriot Front in an attempt to get the charges dropped. “Gordon” refused, and instead released transcripts of the conversation to social media. Hood denied both the accusations of print fund theft from Patriot Front and “Gordon’s” disclosure of Hood’s attempted mass doxxing as slanderous. Charges against Hood and Petruccelli would later be dismissed. [♣] [‡] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
On December 10th, Brackett released art assets over social media that may have represented the debut of the New England Nationalists Club, NSC’s precursor. [1]
On or before February 24th, NSC posted recruitment propaganda in Worcester MA. This is notable as a minor activity, as it may represent NSC’s first flyering activity. [†]
On April 10th, antifascist researcher “Antifash Gordon” released a second thread of identifying documentation on NSC founder Chris Hood. [1] The first was in September ‘18, when Hood was exposed as a member of Patriot Front and associate of Boston Free Speech; North Shore Antifa had also released a bulletin concerning Hood’s employment at a Dick’s Sporting Goods in Saugus MA in January ’19, which led to the end of Hood’s employment at that particular location. [2] [3]
On April 13th, antifascist researcher “Antifash Gordon” released identifying documentation on NSC member Zachary Brackett. [1]
On or before May 13th, members of NSC Dixie posted propaganda in New Albany IN. This is noted as one of the first visible NSC Dixie events. [1]
On May 30th, NSC attended a “Reopen Massachusetts” rally held at the Massachusetts State House by Super Happy Fun America. They purportedly attended in a “security” capacity. They also dropped a banner over Storrow Drive. Hood, Brackett, Moura, Anthony, Stuart, and three other members were present. Their bootleg of the North Face logo appeared on their material there. [1]
On or before June 21st, NSC held a flash rally in front of the Nashua Town Hall building in Nashua NH. Hood, Petruccelli, Stuart, and roughly three other members were present. [†]
On June 22nd, antifascist researcher “Antifash Gordon” released identifying documentation on future NSC member Jeremy Cayford, as part of a thread on Super Happy Fun America. [1]
On June 27th, NSC attended an anti-BLM “Restore Sanity” rally held at the Massachusetts State House by Super Happy Fun America. In attendance were Hood, Brackett, Moura, Anthony, Petruccelli, Stuart, and another member of NSC. Some members wore shirts bearing a logo design lifted from the branding of The North Face. The North Face responded by issuing a cease-and-desist. Hood continues to wear his North Face knock-off-branded shirt well into 2022. [1] [2] [3] This event is purportedly where NSC recruited Cayford. [4]
On July 4th, NSC held a holiday barbecue at a residence in Pepperell MA. They circulated redacted group photos via their propaganda channels. Their redactions were undermined when Emily Phillips, in a relationship with Moura at the time, posted at least one of the same photos without edits to her social media. [1]
On July 6th, antifascist researcher “Antifash Gordon” released identifying documentation on NSC member Cameron Anthony. [1]
On July 7th, antifascist researcher “Antifash Gordon” released identifying documentation on National Socialist Movement member and NSC associate Anthony Petruccelli. [1]
On July 8th, antifascist researcher “Garfield but Anti-Fascist” released identifying documentation on NSC member Michael Nazzaro. [1]
On July 9th, antifascist researcher “Antifash Gordon” released a second thread of identifying documentation on Michael Moura, this time in Moura’s capacity as a member of NSC. [1] The first was on June 9th of the previous year, in relation to Moura’s activism with Resist Marxism. [2]
For July 11th, NSC had announced and planned for a rally in Boston. They no-showed when local antifascists announced intentions to counter-protest. [1]
Also on July 11th, at least seven members of NSC Dixie and one member of NSC Southwest attempted to disrupt a Black Lives Matter event in Rogersville TN. They were witnessed attempting to incite the crowd and engaging in physical violence by local police. They were all arrested for disorderly conduct, and later identified by local news. While a man named Daniel Lee Starnes was also arrested, he was not known to be a member of either NSC chapter. [1]
On July 24th, antifascist researcher “Garfield but Anti-Fascist” released identifying documentation on NSC member Alexander Dugan. Dugan is notable for having produced much of NSC’s stickering material during his tenure, one design of which included the North Face knock-off logo. [1]
On August 7th, future NSC member Kyle Morris resigned from a leadership position in the New England Minutemen, possibly after having been pressured to do so in light of his open fantasizing about violently murdering BLM protesters. This was relayed to the FBI through a confidential informant within the New England Minutemen, and resulted in a multi-year investigation into Morris that would culminate in his arrest in 2022 and public exposure as a member of NSC by Lauren Pespisa in 2023. It’s unknown whether or not this initial incarnation of the New England Minutemen militia movement group has anything to do with the later New England Minutemen anti-refugee group, which would visibly share several members with NSC, that appeared in Lexington MA during May 2024. [1] [2] [3]
On August 8th, NSC members distributed meals in Boston Common, and held a standout in front of the State House. Hood and roughly six other members were present. While they did hand out meals to unhoused citizens, to NSC’s own admission they only did so for white people. [♦]
On September 16th, the home of a member of NSC Germany (possibly going by the alias “Paulo”) was the subject of a search warrant by the investigative Besondere Aufbauorgnaisation unit in Hesse, Germany. Five other houses were also searched, reportedly due to connection with NSC Germany. They reported finding weapons and Nazi paraphenalia. NSC Germany dissolved shortly thereafter. [1] [2]
On September 27th, America Backs the Blue held a standout in Mansfield MA. They were joined by several members of NSC, who did openly neo-Nazi things and did not get visibly rebuffed by anyone on their side of the protest. Hood, Petruccelli, Anthony, Irwin, roughly four other members, and two female supporters were present. A large amount of BLM-supporting counter-demonstrators held their own protest across the street, including documentarian-activists and performance artists Rod Webber and Lauren Pespisa. At one point in video footage of the event, Anthony appeared to ready himself to assault Webber. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
On November 18th, members of NSC surreptitiously joined a Black Lives Matter protest held in Manchester NH. They used the opportunity to record protesters and put up stickers on various utility poles and boxes. [♦]
On November 22nd, roughly six members of NSC conducted a trash pick-up in Merrill’s Quarry of Westford MA. Photos of this event were reposted multiple times to feign activity during lull periods in NSC’s social media presence. [♦]
By the end of 2020, NSC had conducted roughly 52 additional minor events, predominantly in MA and NH, with handfuls in RI and ME.
On January 5th, antifascist researcher “Garfield but Anti-Fascist” released identifying documentation on NSC member Edward Stuart. [1]
On January 6th, MacNeil, Hazelton, Ackerman, and Cayford attended the former U.S. President Donald Trump’s Stop the Steal event in Washington DC. During the subsequent riot, Ackerman stole a Capitol Police riot helmet, which he used as a prop in NSC’s propaganda photos of the event. He wore this helmet while engaging in violence on officers during the massive fray at the Capitol entrance tunnelway near the Lower West Terrace. Members took great pains to not be photographed in their own propaganda of the event, possibly to obfuscate identification. While it was initially unclear which members attended, Hood posted propaganda to the NSC Telegram channel indicating that they were present at the subsequent riot outside of the White House. MacNeil later bragged over Telegram about attending. Hazelton did the same to his coworkers. Ackerman likewise bragged to several friends, admitting to stealing the helmet and calling it a “war trophy.” [1] [2] [3] [4]
On February 7th, roughly ten members of NSC held a flash rally in front of Union Station in Worcester MA. [†]
Sometime during March, Morris applied for a security position with a federal contractor working under the auspices of the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Protective Services. As part of his application, Morris filled out a “Questionnaire for Non-Sensitive Positions” SF-85 background check form where, among other things, he denied membership in any extremist groups. [1]
On March 4th, antifascist researcher “Garfield but Anti-Fascist” released identifying documentation on NSC member Steven Van Zelst. [1] [2]
On March 20th, roughly twelve NSC members participated in a banner drop in Brattleboro VT, as well as carried an anti-communist sign through Pliny Park during a flash rally. [1]
On March 27th, antifascist researcher “Garfield but Anti-Fascist” released identifying documentation on NSC member Liam MacNeil. [1]
On April 11th, roughly fourteen members of NSC held a White Lives Matter flash rally near Lake Quanapowitt in Wakefield MA. Moody and Hazelton were present. [1] [2] [3]
On April 12th, antifascist researcher “Garfield but Anti-Fascist” released identifying documentation on NSC member Andrew Hazelton. [1]
On April 28th, NSC member Michael Moura attempted to illegally purchase several firearms (including an automatic rifle) and over 100 rounds of ammunition. The seller was an undercover FBI agent, and Moura was arrested for possession of a firearm by a prohibited person. [1]
On April 29th, investigators with the FBI executed search warrants on the home and person of NSC member Andrew Hazelton, following allegations that Hazelton was showing signs of planning a workplace shooting. Federal agents found child pornography on Hazelton’s phone; Hazelton was subsequently arrested. [1] [2]
On April 30th, about six members of NSC held a flash rally at Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston MA. [†]
Sometime in May, NSC members distributed propaganda in Portland ME (notable as the last time NSC would make their presence known in Portland ME after Hazelton’s arrest, untll April 2023), and defaced a mural in Nashua NH. This led to a response from NH State Representative Manny Espitia. [1] [†]
On May 3rd, NSC formally announced expelling Andrew Hazelton as a member. [1]
On May 8th, roughly eight members of NSC performed a White Lives Matter flash rally in Nashua NH. [†] Hood and MacNeil also appeared on Chris Pohlhaus’s “Hammerstream” interview program over Telegram. [summary pending] [♦]
On May 18th, Phillip Martin of GBH News released a profile on NSC. Among other details, it revealed that MacNeil had dropped out of UMass-Lowell due to pressure from the student body, and had moved back in with his parents in Waltham MA. [1]
On May 21st, a confidential informant inside NSC-131 provided information to the FBI about Ackerman’s theft of the riot helmet he stole during J6, including Ackerman’s last name. [1]
On May 23rd, members of NSC performed a flash rally in front of the Holocaust Memorial in Boston MA. Hood, MacNeil, Moody and roughly seven other members were present. [1] [2]
On May 26th, Morris was interviewed about his employment application with a DHS contractor, submitted in March of this year. With the cooperation of the DHS, FBI agents were able to interview Morris about his SF-85 background check answers. Morris was asked a series of questions about the use of encrypted chat applications and possible membership in any extremist groups, which he denied using and joining. Federal agents knew from confidential sources that Morris was using Telegram, Whatsapp, and Signal, and that he had at one point been a probationary member of NSC. He was called out on his lies during the interview, and federal agents compelled Morris to openly show them “the leader of NSC-131” (possibly meaning Hood’s Telegram profile, or Morris’s private chats with Hood). This interview did not lead to Morris getting the job; he was later revealed in court documents to working as a delivery driver for DoorDash after this point. [1]
On May 29th, Hood, MacNeil, and three other unknown members of NSC appeared on Chris Pohlhaus’s “Hammerstream” over Telegram, alongside United Patriots Front member Jacob Hersant and some jackass calling himself Beowulf. [summary pending] [♦]
Sometime during June, Morris disposed of a cellphone and a pair of personal computer towers. FBI agents recovered the phone, and eventually extracted chats where, among other things, Morris indicated he was looking to mount fully-automatic weapons on an armored truck. This would lead to the FBI obtaining a sealed warrant for Morris’s arrest the next year. [1]
On June 3rd, antifascist researcher “Garfield but Anti-Fascist” released identifying documentation on NSC member Tyler Moody. [1]
On or before July 10th, members of NSC held a White Lives Matter flash rally in Boston Common. Hood, MacNeil, Moody, Ackerman, Shivers, potentially Stuart, and roughly seven other members were present. [1]
On July 13th, antifascist researcher “Garfield but Anti-Fascist” released identifying documentation on NSC member Jeremiah Shivers. [1]
On July 22nd, former NSC member Andrew Hazelton pled guilty to possession of child pornography. [1]
On July 24th, members of NSC joined a “World Wide Freedom Rally” anti-vax/anti-lockdown protest in Warwick RI. This was one such rally being held across the U.S. by the same organization, possibly as an anti-government astroturf operation. MacNeil, possibly Farrea, and roughly five other members were present. [♦] [†]
On August 9th, NSC protested outside of the Nashua Board of Education building. In attendance were Hood, MacNeil, Roy (who was recognized by local antifascist activists), Cullinan, and several other members. They were supported by several locals, including Nashua resident and anti-vax activist Frank Staples. [Speculative: I don’t mean to disparage the judgement of antifascists activists on the ground; at the same time, I’m genuinely not sure this was Ryan Roy. There are distinct postural differences between the person thought to be Roy at this event and Roy himself. Not to mention Roy doesn’t frequent many events outside Vermont, even with Patriot Front, a group that shares a history of animus toward NSC and to which he is decidedly loyal.] [1]
On August 10th, NSC associate Anthony Petruccelli was arrested for assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. He was tried in Lynn District Court. According to Nate Thayer, Petruccelli assaulted someone while shoplifting action figures that Petruccelli collects. [1]
On August 12th, IdaVox posted an article that explicitly named Ryan Roy as a member of NSC. [1]
On August 21st, NSC planned an action for Manchester NH, likely involving tagging or stickering. The event leaked, and NSC was chased out of town by a large number of antifascists. Footage exists of three vehicles populated by NSC members fleeing the scene. It was pretty funny! [1]
On August 25th, Ackerman returned to the United States from a trip to Germany, and passed through Customs at Logan Airport in Boston MA. He consented to a search of his phone, which revealed to customs agents that he had been texting various people while in Washington DC during January 6th. While Ackerman admitted to finding the helmet, he claimed that a friend took photos of it, and lied about taking the helmet for himself. [1]
On September 14th, antifascist researcher “Garfield but Anti-Fascist” released identifying documentation on NSC member Adam Stelmack. [1]
On or before October 16th, members of NSC performed a banner drop on an overpass in Cambridge MA. Later, members held a flash rally outside the Lucy Parsons Center in Jamaica Plain MA, while it was closed for the night. MacNeil, Moody, and roughly seven other members were present. [♦] [†]
On October 18th, NSC member Cameron Anthony died, purportedly of a drug overdose. [1]
On November 13th, NSC protested outside of the Lucy Parsons Center in Jamaica Plain MA. This was despite the Boston Anarchist Bookfair, an event leader Chris Hood has frequently disrupted in the past, being held for the same weekend in Cambridge MA. Hood, Cullinan, Farrea, Shivers, and roughly seventeen other members were present. [∗] Later in the evening of the 13th, Cullinan appeared on Chris Pohlhaus’s “Hammerstream” over Telegram, alongside other white nationalist garbage. [summary pending] [♦]
On November 19th, antifascist researcher “Garfield but Anti-Fascist” released identifying documentation on NSC member Harrison Fournier. [1]
On or before November 29th, roughly twelve members of NSC protested in front of the Black Lives Matter office in Pawtucket RI, while it was closed for the night. [♦] [†]
On December 18th, roughly eighteen members of NSC crossed the Veterans Memorial Bridge from Kittery ME to protest a Drag Queen Story Hour event at the Seacoast Repertory Theatre in Portsmouth NH. The show in question was Honey Punch and Pals, which received an outpouring of support after the protest. Hood, Cullinan, possibly MacNeil, Farrea, Gilroy, and Irwin, and roughly twelve other members were present. NSC claimed they would return for the next performance; they did not. [1] [2] [3]
Sometime during 2021, Chris Hood and Thomas Rousseau of Patriot Front were photographed in Boston’s Quincy Market, supposedly having reconciled. [⊗]
By the end of 2021, NSC had conducted roughly 51 additional minor events in MA, NH, RI, ME, and VT.
On January 19th, NSC announced “The 131 Report” over their social media accounts. Whether a podcast or interview show, it never materialized. [∗]
On January 22nd, roughly twenty-six members of NSC protested outside of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston MA, contemporaneously with the “No Jab, No Heart Rally for David Ferguson of Massachusetts” event promoted by Dianna Ploss and Health Rights MA. Hood, Cullinan, and Budzyna were present. Irwin was likely present. While they were there, they were encountered by Ploss; in her recounting of the meeting, she implied she would ask them for an interview at some point. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
On or around January 25th, members of NSC responded to a flyering campaign targeting MacNeil in Waltham MA. They took down posters asking for information about MacNeil, and put up their own. [∗]
On February 12th, NSC conducted a banner drop on the Fairfield Street Footbridge over Storrow Drive in Boston MA as part of a White Lives Matter National Day of Action event. Hood, Cullinan, Moody, Shivers, Budzyna and Gilroy were present. NSC’s own propaganda video shows Cullinan assaulting a passer-by in response to their recording of NSC via cellphone. [1] [2] [3]
On February 16th, Morris was subject to a search warrant of his home. The FBI and ATF found 25 firearms in his personal “gun room,” including two converted to fire in full-auto. Among other objects found were a Nazi flag, a sonnenrad flag, and a framed portrait of Hitler. FBI agents claimed that one of Morris’s renters displayed a Roman salute as the agents were leaving, having completed their searches. [1]
On February 19th, NSC disrupted a weekly “Freedom Rally for America” in Hampton NH, which they described as a “civic nationalist boomer event.” In attendance were Hood and four other members. [1] [2] They may have also hiked in Sutton MA, likely Purgatory Chasm, a favored location of local Patriot Front members. [∗] [3]
On February 21st, roughly fifteen-to-twenty members of NSC interrupted a virtual live reading of the Communist Manifesto at the Red Ink Community Library in Providence RI. Hood, Conti, Farrea, Gilroy, Stelmack, and Shivers were present. Their propaganda video on the topic indicates they assaulted one of the employees there. [∗] [1] [2]
On February 23rd, antifascist researcher “Garfield but Anti-Fascist” released identifying documentation on NSC member Leo Cullinan. [1]
On or around February 24th, members of NSC seized and burned an antifascist banner posted in Western NH. [1]
On February 24th, Patrick Howley of The National File released an exclusive profile of NSC that included interviews with Hood, MacNeil, and Cullinan. [1]
On February 25th, antifascist researcher “Green Monster Antifa” released identifying documentation on NSC probate Kevin Cottle. [1]
On March 12th, NSC conducted a series of banner drops across Quincy, Dorchester, Newton, and Salem as part of a WLM National Day of Action event. [∗]
On March 20th, NSC attended the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in South Boston. Hood, Cullinan, Gilroy, Conti and possibly Dugan were present. During this, Hood approached two BPD officers (including BPD Detective and member of Boston’s JTTF Unit Andrew Creed) while drinking from an open container and was promptly arrested. The charge was later dismissed by the Commonwealth. NSC, without Hood, remained until local documentarian-activists & performance artists Rod Webber & Lauren Pespisa pointed out to other parade-goers that NSC were, in fact, neo-Nazis. Webber and Pespisa then followed NSC, which several NSC members took as a prompt to assault the both of them. [1] [2] [3] [♣] [♥]
On March 27th, stemming from a series of Twitter conversations involving the Dropkick Murphys official Twitter account, NSC pointedly did not confront lead singer Pat Casey when he invited them to do so during a walk of his dog on M Street. [∗]
On March 28th, Hood and Cullinan appeared on The Eagle’s Nest stream over Odysee. They were interviewed by Dylan Annex, a/k/a “John Fashcroft,” and Ben Mockler, a/k/a “Aquilla the Eagle.” [1] [summary pending]
On or around April 11th, Hood and four other NSC members (one of whom was likely Moody) were stopped by local police as they removed flyers seeking information on Moody in Pawtucket RI. [∗]
On April 16th, NSC members performed a flash rally in Hartford CT, and distributed propaganda in East Hartford and Southington, as part of a White Lives Matter National event. Gilroy was present. [1]
On April 18th, NSC orchestrated a harassment campaign against a professor at UNH, imploring subscribers to their Telegram channels to contact UNH and submit complaints. [∗] This was an extension of the anti-LGBTQ “groomer” propaganda present in right-wing outrage politics, likely due to said professor getting a post from Libs of Tiktok 10 hours previous to the NSC post.
On April 22nd, Budzyna was arrested in Auburn MA, for a set of arsons he committed in July of 2019. [♣] [1]
On or around April 30th, members and associates of NSC attended a showing of The Northman at the Showcase Cinemas de Lux Woburn. MacNeil, who spent the entire film eating from a bowl of what can only be assumed was raw beef, posted about it on his Twitter account. He got trolled a ton! [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] One reply pointed out the matching shoes being worn by MacNeil and another member; the sneakers in question are Servis Cheetahs, high-tops worn so ubiquitously by the Taliban that foreign armed forces report being automatically suspicious of anyone wearing them in Afghanistan. [10] [11]
On or around April 21st, members of NSC posted propaganda at the UNH campus, once again targeting the professor profiled by Libs of Tiktok earlier in the month. They claimed they would return to campus to continue the campaign; it doesn’t seem that they’ve done that. [∗]
On May 1st, Hood, Cullinan, and two unknown members operating cameras surveilled May Day proceedings in Manchester NH. They followed a local activist after the event concluded in a vehicle, having been stalking said activist over Twitter. Upon confronting the activist, Cullinan punched out the driver’s side window of the activist’s car. On camera. Like an idiot. NSC released footage of the crime over their social media accounts the next day. Like idiots! [∗]
On May 7th, Hood, Moody, and several additional members of NSC held a flash rally in Downtown Crossing and Boston Common. Hood, Cullinan, and Gilroy were present. [1]
On May 9th, NSC orchestrated a harassment campaign against a kindergarten teacher in the Billerica MA public school system. [∗] Again, this was a signal boost from a Libs of Tiktok tweet, made just two hours beforehand.
On May 14th, NSC stayed home for the White Lives Matter National Event. This was the same day as the Buffalo NY supermarket shooting, where a gunman touting the great replacement conspiracy theory killed 10. [1]
On or before June 2nd, roughly nine members of NSC conducted a trash pick-up and (assumably whites-only) food & propaganda distribution along Mass & Cass, the Methadone Mile, in Boston MA. The propaganda alluded to a conspiracy theory concerning the Sackler family and Perdue Pharma which claim both entities are part of a Jewish conspiracy to eliminate the white race. [∗]
On June 9th, Ackerman and his parents’ home in Salem NH were subject to an FBI search warrant. The Capitol Police riot helmet he stole while at J6 was found in his basement bedroom, stashed in the flue of the fireplace. [1]
On June 13th, Morris was subject to a sealed indictment in NH District Federal Court, regarding his possession of two automatic firearms. A Motion For Detention indicated that Morris had attempted to sell a full-auto AK-47 which he had illegally converted himself, and had claimed that he was planning to engage in a shooting spree in Lawrence MA as well as bomb the Massachusetts State House. A warrant for his arrest was issued on the 14th, and Morris was arrested at his home on the 16th. [1] [2] [3]
Also on June 13th, a member of the Nationalist Social Club (presumably Chris Hood, or another NSC member to whom Hood sent digital copies of the police report who reads a lot like Chris Hood speaking in 3rd-person about himself) published a diatribe about interacting with Patriot Front via a dedicated Telegram channel. In this diatribe, he would pseudonymously identify a target of his aggression as “Marshall MA” of Patriot Front and someone who drove his target to a nearby hospital a as another member of Patriot Front. A log of the channel would be circulated by antifascist researcher “FashAlert MA” on August 19th, and would lead to the identifications of three Massachusetts-area fascists by antifascist research outfit “By Way of Plymouth:” David Spellman-Oldenquist and Tyler Primevara on September 2nd ’22, and Robert Budzyna on January 13th ’23. [1] [2] [3]
On June 18th, members of NSC distributed food and propaganda to the unhoused in Manchester NH as part of a WLM National Day of Action. This was the same day of the Queen City Pride Festival, occurring elsewhere in Manchester, which NSC pointedly avoided. [∗]
On June 21st, Conti, Farrea, Moody, Baker, and Lowe attempted to flyer around the Gordon School in East Providence RI. They were stopped by local police. When asked for ID, Conti and Farrea refused. EPPD promptly arrested them for violating local statutes on posting signs on utility poles and obstruction. When subsequently questioned, Moody, Baker, and Lowe provided their IDs. EPPD also noted that cars belonging to Lee and Piccadaci were parked in the same lot as other vehicles owned by NSC members, though they were not obviously present with Conti and the rest. This story would later break on July 5th, by Matthew Stephens of WLNE. While Farrea and Lowe had been previously doxxed as members of Identity Evropa and the Traditionalist Workers’ Party respectively, this event established them as members of NSC. [♠] [1]
On June 28th, what can be assumed to be organizing members of NSC created the White Affinity Initiative channel on Telegram. The channel announced a call for action on July 9th, a message that was spread through channels controlled by the Church of Aryanity, Clockwork Crew 562, and the League of the South. [1]
On July 1st, multiple members of NSC conducted propaganda drops in Lunenberg MA, Kittery ME, and New Hartford/Torrington CT. NSC later claimed they distributed propaganda in over 100 New England cities and towns. Later on the 1st, NSC used its social media channels to signal-boost the “White Affinity Initiative,” and announced a mobilization of the network for July 9th. [∗]
On July 2nd, roughly seventy members of white nationalist group Patriot Front held a flash rally and march through Boston MA. After the march concluded, various members returned to their vehicles staged near Oak Grove Station in Malden MA. Notably, local documentarian-activists & performance artists Rod Webber & Lauren Pespisa allegedly identified Hood as the driver of the vehicle that transported Thomas Rousseau away from Oak Grove. Webber’s footage of the identification was not visually conclusive of Hood’s presence. [1]
On July 6th, antifascist researcher “Garfield but Anti-Fascist” released identifying documentation on NSC member Austin Conti. [1]
On July 9th, at least 38 members of NSC congregated at an unknown location for what they called the “Summer Conference”. As is their remit, they posted some nonsense on their social media, that should probably be used against them in future court cases, afterward:
Also on July 9th, NSC signal-boosted posts from Clockwork Crew 562, the Appalachian Brotherhood, and Rose City Nationalists through its White Affinity Initiative. [∗]
On July 16th, NSC members conducted a banner-drop over the Eastern Trail footbridge in Kennebunk ME, and also conducted a standout in front of the Kittery Trading Post in Kittery ME, as part of a WLM National Day of Action. [∗] Several local businesses scheduled a counter-protest at the Post for July 23rd in response. [1]
On July 19th, NSC orchestrated a harassment campaign against several businesses who signal-boosted plans for the July 23rd counter-protest, imploring subscribers to their Telegram channels to leave negative reviews. These businesses were the Broken Spoon of Franklin NH, Cake Vegan Bakery of Dover NH, and the online-only Nommmunism Bakery of NH. [∗]
On July 23rd, several members of NSC held a flash rally outside the Loring-Greenough House in Jamaica Plain MA, in response to a Drag Queen Story Hour hosted by local drag performer Patty Bourrée being held at the local Boston Public Library Branch. Hood, Cullinan, Conti, and Gilroy were present. Hood was arrested on charges of disturbing the peace and affray, alongside two counter-protestors. Cullinan and Conti were recorded by local documentarian-activists & performance artists Rod Webber & Lauren Pespisa bailing Hood out of jail from BPD Precinct E-5 later that day; Webber appeared to get Cullinan to confirm that Hood was with Patriot Front on the July 2nd event. [1] [2] [3] [♣]
On July 25th, Hood arrived at the BMC West Roxbury District Courthouse for the arraignment related to his arrest two days previous. He was joined by Moody, Gilroy, and a small cadre of other NSC members. In the process of entering the courthouse, they assaulted local documentarian-activist & performance artist Rod Webber. Hood’s driver was identified as Gilroy, through the use of his grandmother’s car to ferry the various NSC members to and fro the courthouse. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] The same car was photographed as present at the July 23rd event. Later that day, NSC would use their social media as a platform to whine about charges against the opposing antifascists being dropped, not mentioning that the antifascists’ criminal records were non-existent compared to Hood’s own. [∗]
On July 27th, antifascist researcher “Green Monster Antifa” released identifying documentation on NSC member Cody Baker. [1]
On July 30th, Hood led roughly eleven members of NSC in banner-drops in Portsmouth NH, Dover NH, and Providence RI. Cullinan was present. While in Portsmouth, members were confronted by local police. Hood and Cullinan would later be charged with trespass and civil rights violations by the New Hampshire Attorney General for the Portsmouth banner-drop. [∗] [1]
On July 31st, Jeremiah Shivers was reported as having died of cancer by the “BORDERWARSAZ” Telegram channel, controlled by the Arizona chapter of Veterans on Patrol, an anti-government militia influenced heavily by conspiracy theories (including QAnon) to which Shivers had committed much volunteer time toward. The announcement post also included a picture of Shivers in Proud Boy regalia, lending further credence to Shivers’s relationship to the Proud Boys of New Hampshire, as well as more fully explaining his attendance to the December ‘20 Stop the Steal rally in Washington DC. [1] [2]
On August 7th, roughly twenty members of NSC disrupted a Drag Queen Story Hour at the Harbor Way Paseo in Boston MA. Cullinan was present. Upon receiving the news of NSC’s presence, drag performer Patty Bourrée canceled the event. NSC’s own propaganda indicates awareness of Bourrée’s next event at the same locale on August 21st, which would also be canceled. In their propaganda video for the event, NSC memorialized Shivers’s passing. [∗] [1]
On August 13th, roughly twenty members of NSC held a standout in Nashua NH, protesting the murder of Julie Graichen by Jose Miguel Ramirez-Vasquez. This followed a set of posts NSC had made on social media regarding the same topic on August 11th. The story had found a place in right-wing media, including Breitbart, on account of Ramirez-Vasquez being an undocumented immigrant. Hood, Cullinan, Conti, and Gilroy were present. [∗]
On August 20th, NSC did not go out for the WLM National Day of Action.
On or before August 31st, NSC once again responded to a flyering campaign targeting MacNeil in Waltham MA. At least nine members took down posters asking for information about MacNeil, and put up their own. A still from their propaganda video on the event revealed that at least four members were armed with expandable batons, weapons that are illegal to carry in Massachusetts. Hood and Cullinan were present, and both were armed. [∗]
On September 2nd, antifascist research outfit “By Way of Plymouth” released identifying documentation on Patriot Front members David Spellman-Oldenquist and Tyler Primevara. This is notable for Hood’s involvement in the release of info that led to their doxxings, and the likelihood this disrupted relations between NSC and other local white nationalist figures. [1]
As of September 8th, NSC’s White Affinity Initiative channel has been deactivated. [∗]
On September 17th, NSC did not go out for the WLM National Day of Action.
On September 19th, Hood once again reported to the West Roxbury District courthouse, accompanied by who appeared to be MacNeil, Moody, Gilroy and another member of NSC. He was asked to submit a bill of particulars, made overtures about representing himself pro se, and confirmed he was no longer living at his Pepperell address. Hood, Gilroy, and the other members were driven away from the courthouse by Conti in his Mitsubishi Lancer and, curiously, someone other than Gilroy driving Gilroy’s Honda Accord. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
On September 29th, Cullinan was arrested for drug possession by Manchester NH police. [♠] [1]
On October 2nd, roughly twenty-three members of NSC marched and held a banner in Lewiston ME, calling for greater charges against Somali refugee Emmanuel Nkurunziza for his role in the murder of Donald Giusti, a white man. This followed a post NSC had made on social media regarding the same topic on September 13th. Hood, Conti, Gilroy, and Netter were present. They were accompanied by Chris “Hammer” Pohlhaus, the host of a neo-Nazi interview podcast (who had interviewed members of NSC in the past) interested in claiming Maine as a white ethnostate, and the ostensible founder of the neo-Nazi group the Blood Tribe. [∗]
On October 15th, roughly seventeen members of NSC marched and held a banner in Quincy MA for a WLM National Day of Action, calling for hate crime charges to be pressed against Rakeima Norris, a black mother who alongside her daughter assaulted a white woman in the area. They were confronted by at least two locals, one of whom brandished a pair of scissors, but were not assaulted themselves. In their social media posts, they cited Aidan Kearney’s Turtleboy Daily News as a context source. Conti, Gilroy, and Netter were present. [∗]
On October 17th, Hood appeared virtually in West Roxbury District Court. He was appointed an attorney: Simon Glik of Allston. Prosecutors moved to restrict distribution of evidence filed with the court. This likely had to do with Hood’s recording of the event. [1]
On October 30th, roughly twenty-five members of NSC held a stand-out in Kingston MA. They were there to protest an influx of immigrants sent by bus from Texas. Gilroy and Netter were present. [∗]
On October 31st, NSC orchestrated a harassment campaign against Kathleen Calavaro, a candidate for state representative in New Hampshire. They explicitly cited Libs of Tiktok as a context source. [∗]
On November 13th, roughly fifteen members of NSC attempted to disrupt the Boston Anarchist Bookfair, held at the Democracy Center in Cambridge MA. They arrived in a pair of rental vans, purportedly rented from PeterFuller in Watertown MA, and left after 10-15 minutes. Conti, Gilroy and Netter were present. [∗]
On November 19th, NSC did not go out for the WLM National Day of Action.
On December 10th, Hood, MacNeil, Cullinan, Conti, Lowe, Gilroy, Farrea, Netter and several other members of NSC attempted to disrupt a Drag Queen Story Hour in Fall River MA. Antifascists prevented Cullinan, Farrea, and other members of NSC from entering the library. At one point Cullinan approached and spoke to John Medlar and his cadre of Proud Boys, who were also protesting the event. [∗] [1]
On December 17th, NSC did not go out for the WLM National Day of Action.
On December 20th, a post made on the “Proud Boys: Uncensored” Telegram channel run by former Proud Boy elder Todd Clark was recirculated in NSC channels, implying some kind of partnership. [∗]
Also on December 20th, the “NSC131 VIDEOS” Telegram channel released a compilation video. Featuring several video clips of members’ violence toward antifascists in Jamaica Plain MA, West Roxbury MA, and Manchester NH, the compilation also features a brief clip of the Nationalist Social Club’s New Hampshire regional lead Leo Cullinan giving chase to whom appear to be a handful of members of Patriot Front Network 7, including someone who appears to be NW7 Scribe Alex Beilman. It is unknown how long before this video’s release or where this attempted brawl occurred; details in the video suggest a parking lot in New Hampshire during the summer. It is also unknown what occurred after the camera stopped recording, and how severe the violence got. [Speculative: What is more certain is that, between this and Hood’s assault of Patriot Front member David Spellman-Oldenquist, NSC appears to be more proactively and directly violent against other neo-fascists, who are ostensibly on their own side, than they are against their perceived enemies. The closest comparable event, the stalking and assault during May Day 2022 in Manchester NH, resulted in only property damage.] [∗]

By the end of 2022, NSC had conducted roughly 29 additional minor events throughout New England.
On January 5th, late in the evening, members of NSC flyer-bombed Providence RI. The flyers specifically targeted antifascists, whining that they haven’t been showing up to NSC events (an interesting complaint to make when evading antifascists is the large purpose of NSC’s specific model of flash rallies). [∗]
On January 14th, roughly twenty-six members of NSC disrupted a Drag Queen Story Hour in Taunton MA. Hood, Cullinan, Lowe, Gilroy, and Netter were present. In the lead-up to the event, antifascists mobilized in order to safeguard another DQSH event happening in Fall River MA on this same day; roughly 200 revelers showed, and the DQSH in Fall River was not disrupted. NSC opted to pointedly avoid being overwhelmingly outnumbered, and diverted to Taunton MA. A handful of members, including Cullinan, physically entered the library and disrupted the reading. The heckling did not deter the performer, who continued until the end of their appointed time. [∗] [1]
On January 17th, Hood and Cullinan were charged by the New Hampshire Attorney General’s office for trespass regarding a banner-drop members of NSC conducted in Portsmouth NH during July 2022. The enforcement actions also included a temporary restraining order against NSC as an organization, barring them from conducting unlawful activity or encouraging people to do so for three years. [1] [2]
Also on the 17th, Morris pled guilty to possession of machineguns in NH District federal court. [1]
On January 21st, antifascist research outfit “By Way of Plymouth” released identifying documentation on Robert Budzyna, a former member of Patriot Front, a possible member of the Base, and almost certainly a current member of NSC. [1] [2]
On February 21st, NSC members drove by Red Ink Library in Providence RI and attempted to disrupt the Red Books Day ’23 readings. Among the vehicles was Gilroy’s. This event was preceded by a brick being thrown through one of Red Ink’s windows the night beforehand. [1] [2] [3]
On February 22nd, Chase Gilroy was arrested on a domestic violence charge by Pawtucket PD. His address at the time indicated that he lived at a residential rental unit in West Warwick RI, owned by fellow NSC member Stephen Farrea. [♠] [1]
On April 1st, roughly twenty-five members of NSC held a march and standouts at the Immigrant Welcome Center and City Hall in Portland ME. Hood, Conti, Gilroy, and Netter were present. At Portland City Hall, NSC was met with a trio of counter-protesters bearing a Pride flag with an antifascism emblem on it. Several members of NSC, including Gilroy and Netter, assaulted the counter-protesters after a member tried to steal the Pride flag from one of them. [∗]
On April 20th, NSC announced the poorly thought-out “People’s Initiative of New England Initiative,” the “PINE Initiative” for short and for concealing redundancy. This announcement was followed by the registration of social media accounts for PINE on Telegram, Gab, and Substack. [∗]
On April 25th, veteran-operated antifascism research outfit Task Force Butler released “Project Husky,” a 300-ish page report on NSC’s activities and membership. The report is likely meant to build a case for law enforcement bodies to charge NSC with crimes, and educate press bodies. Accounts belonging to TFB and Kris Goldsmith, the organization’s founder, made clear that the report was requested and sent to attorney general offices in Massachusetts and New Hampshire at various points after its release. If the data tables included on the Project Husky request page are anything to go by, the report sadly does not seem to identify new members. Also, not 90 minutes after the Project Husky request page went live, the operator of antifascist research outfit “By Way of Plymouth” received a piece of threatening hatemail! Said researcher speculates that (a) said mail came from an account associated with NSC, (b) was composed and sent due to the likely inclusion of Robert Budzyna of Auburn MA in Project Husky, and (c) is probably just some copy-pasted thing, it was a really basic and uninspiring piece of neo-Nazi hatemail. [1] [2] [♥]
On April 27th, members of NSC handed out PINE flyers at a Trump rally in Manchester NH. Most were in PINE garb, with two members in NSC attire providing “security,” and an unknown blonde woman as one of the ostensible PINE members. They were confronted by documentarian-activist & performance artist Rod Webber, Black Lives Matter activist Antuan Castro Del Rio, and erstwhile Libertarian Party presidential candidate Vermin Supreme. [∗] [1]
On May 6th, members of NSC in PINE garb cleaned up parks around separate statues of Hannah Duston in Boscawen NH and Haverhill MA. They were joined by an unknown brunette woman sporting unique forearm tattoos. Duston was a figure of some note in colonial America, honored for scalping several Native Americans after being taken captive during a raid of Haverhill. [∗] [1]
On May 11th, documentarian-activist & performance artist Lauren Pespisa publicized that Kyle Morris was found to be a member of NSC by law enforcement, after she had been browsing documents related to his docket on CourtListener’s RECAP archive. [1]
On May 12th, Morris was sentenced to 18 months in prison, 3 years of supervised release, and a $1000 fine for possession of machineguns. [1]
On May 13th, members of NSC in PINE garb laid flowers at the Great Swamp Fight Memorial in Kingstown RI. Among their number was Meia Farrea, Stephen Farrea’s wife, and their child. [∗]
On June 5th, NH Judge Ruoff dismissed Attorney General Formella’s civil rights case against Hood, Cullinan, and NSC in Rockingham County Superior Court, based on a Motion to Dismiss filed by NSC’s attorney William Gens. Formella’s office claimed it would file a Motion to Reconsider in an attempt to revive the case. [♣] [∗] [1] Formella opted to pursue a more robust lawsuit under the NH Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Unit later this year. [2]
Also on June 5th, antifascist researcher “Garfield but Anti-Fascist” released identifying documentation on NSC member Zachary M. Lee. [1]
On June 15th, a Boston judge ordered that Hood be found “not guilty” for affray, relating to his July ’22 arrest in Jamaica Plain MA. [1]
On June 18th, members of NSC attempted to disrupt a Drag Queen Story Hour at the Teatotaller in Concord NH. A later video release shows a confrontation between understandably angry locals and several members after NSC left the their standout location, including Farrea, Gilroy, and Netter. [∗] [1] The Teatotaller had been a target of a terrorism threat earlier in the year, in the form of a failed “incendiary device attack,” on March 25th. [2] [3]
On the morning of June 19th, Cullinan was found in his Manchester home, not breathing. Local fire and police were dispatched to his address. [1] [2] Later that day, NSC circulated a memorial announcement for Cullinan on their social media channels. [∗] A toxicology report would later reveal that Cullinan accidentally overdosed on fentanyl and methamphetamine. [3]
On June 20th, Ackerman was arrested on several felony charges for his role in the January 6th riot in Washington DC. [1] [2]
On June 24th, a fight erupted between the Rose City Nationalists and local Proud Boys in Oregon City OR. Both organizations were present to protest the Pride Night festival, a first-time local LGBTQ+ celebration. In the lead up to the event, Casey Knuteson, RCN’s founder and among other things a former Proud Boy, had spent a good deal of time disparaging the Proud Boys in online spaces. The resultant street fight led to several members of RCN getting unmasked by Proud Boys, as well as the arrest of two of the participants. [Speculative: This is noted as a sticking point between a potential alliance between NSC and the Proud Boys, given the friendship between Hood and Knuteson. Indeed, after this brawl NSC would post to Telegram in an attempt to solicit local members of the Proud Boys to leave their local PB org and join NSC.] [1] [2] [∗]
On July 22nd, members of NSC under the PINE banner attempted to deliver supplies and aid to flood survivors in Barre & Montpelier VT, likely selectively on the basis of race. [∗]
On August 2nd, the Cut Throat Active Club registered an account on Telegram. This would be one of a number of new Active Clubs to form in New England with some proximity to NSC, alongside the Rocky Point and Granite State Active Clubs. [∗] [1]
On August 3rd, Steve Robinson of The Maine Wire published a report claimed that ME Governor Janet Mills was taking steps to resettle “75,000 foreign-born migrants in Maine by 2029.” This is of course an egregiously bad faith read of the executive order Mills issued on the topic, skewed either by motivated reasoning or poor reading comprehension; developing an Office of New Americans is part-and-parcel of the solution to adding “at least 75,000 people to [Maine’s] workforce over the next ten years,” as laid out by the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development, and not the only strategy for reaching that number of new workers. According to journalist Crash Barry, a more racist take on Robinson’s article spurred Pohlhaus to call for a rally against Governor Mills. [1] [2] [3] [4]
On August 12th, members of the National Socialist Club of New England protested in front of the Maine Governor’s Mansion and Maine State House in Augusta ME. They claimed it was in response to a decision made by ME Governor Janet Mills to “import 75,000 Africans into Maine by 2029,” which was itself a mutated take on the egregious Maine Wire story published on the 3rd. NSC was once again joined by Pohlhaus, who appears to have flagged the Maine Wire story to other neo-Nazis, and called for the protest to happen. They were also joined by Drake Berentz, who appears to operate as Pohlhaus’s lieutenant in Blood Tribe. [∗] [1] [2] [3]
On or before August 19th, members of NSC held a standout in Bristol CT. [∗]
On August 27th, members of NSC held standouts outside of the Crowne Plaza Boston, the Sonesta Select, and the Red Roof Plus Inn in Woburn MA. The unifying factor to these hotels was their housing of migrant families in the face of a State of Emergency passed by Governor Maura Healey. Netter was present. [1] [2]
On September 2nd, members of NSC held a standout at the Extended Stay America in Marlborough MA. Again, this hotel was targeted due to its hosting of migrant families. Netter was present. [1]
On September 9th, members of NSC held a standout at a building in Eastern Nazarene College in Quincy MA, being used to house migrant families. Netter was present. [1]
On September 16th, members of NSC held a standout at the Red Roof Plus Inn in Framingham MA, which was housing migrant families. Farrea, Gilroy, Irwin, and Netter were likely present. [1]
On September 26th, Hood registered the “Chris Hood Official” channel on Telegram. Hood would repeatedly use this as a method to advise white nationalist organizers on how to build their own white nationalist clubs. [∗]
On October 14th, members of NSC held a standout outside of Governor Maura Healey’s mansion in Arlington MA, in response to the influx of migrants into Massachusetts. [Speculative: I would not be surprised if this action motivated AG Campbell’s civil suit against NSC later this year, at least in part.] [1]
On October 25th, Army Reservist Robert Card committed a spree shooting in Lewiston ME, killing 18 people and injuring 13. [1] Later that evening, NSC posted about the shooting on their Telegram channel, directing “all New England Nationalists” to contact Hood and coordinate a manhunt for Card. [∗] The next day, NSC released a video via their Telegram channel that included scenes of members carrying firearms while conducting their manhunt. [Speculative: This is a worrying escalation. While NSC members have visibly carried illegal bludgeons while conducting counter-flyering activities, this appears to be the first piece of their propaganda that suggests they conduct vigilante patrols, and carry firearms during.] [∗]
During the weekend of November 11th, the Boston Anarchist Bookfair was held out of the Cambridge Community Center in Cambridge MA. A typically annual target of Hood’s, NSC did not visibly attempt to disrupt it. [1]
On December 7th, MA Attorney General Campbell filed a civil complaint against Hood, MacNeil, and NSC for a slew of unlawful and discriminatory conduct committed in Massachusetts. Among the events cited included the disruption of Drag Queen Story Hours in Jamaica Plain, Boston’s Seaport, Fall River, and Taunton, the harassment of migrants at hotels in Kingston, Woburn, and Marlborough (though not the similar harassment campaigns in Quincy or Framingham), and armed patrols in unnamed residential neighborhoods. NSC responded by launching a “Legal Defense Fund” Telegram channel, launching a fundraiser on Christian crowdfunding website GiveSendGo, and soliciting donations made in cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Monero, on the 9th. [∗] This story is developing! [1] [2]
On December 13th, NH Attorney General Formella filed a civil complaint against Hood and NSC under the NH Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Unit, citing NSC’s standout against the Teatotaller Cafe in Concord NH. Specifically, Formella claimed that NSC “attempted to incite, compel, or coerce the Teatotaller Cafe to refuse to make its place of public accommodation[…] available to certain performers because of those performers’ actual or perceived sex, sexual orientation, and/or gender identity.” This story is developing! [1] [2]
On December 3rd, Telegram channels belonging to members of the Rhode-Island-based Rocky Point Active Club and the Connecticut-based Cut Throat Active Club posted propaganda of an event in Massachusetts. Members of both took part in a group training session, alongside the New-Hampshire-based Granite State Active Club. Antifascist research outfit “By Way of Plymouth” identified a small number of NSC members based off their tattoos. Conti, Gilroy, and likely Farrea were present. [∗] [1] [2]
On December 27th, Hood posted a memorial message dedicated to Jackson Bradley, a/k/a “Robert Mathews.” Bradley, himself a prolific neo-Nazi organizer not unlike Hood, had been previously seen in a chatroom controlled by NSC. [⊗] [1] [∗] [2]
On December 28th, antifascist research outfit “By Way of Plymouth” released identifying documentation on suspected NSC member Anthony Piccadaci, as part of the #MidgardExposed leaks. [1] [2]
On January 15th, antifascist research outfit “By Way of Plymouth” released information on New-England-local Active Clubs. Photos included in the thread indicate that NSC members Conti, Farrea, and Gilroy are members of the Rocky Point Active Club. [Speculative: I also noted that the Rocky Point, Cut Throat, and Granite State Active Clubs do not interact with the MA-based Bay State Active Club, at least not over Telegram. Given that BSAC is a Patriot Front project, and RPAC, CTAC, and GSAC all seem to be NSC projects, it’s feasible that the grudge over the assault of Spellman-Oldenquist and Cullinan’s attempts to assault several PF members are still fresh in many minds, and that CTAC and GSAC behaving as RPAC does suggests that their membership also largely consists of members of NSC.] [∗] [1]
On January 24th, Hood posted a brief video to his personal Telegram channel. Taken from the backseat of a vehicle, someone who appears to be Hood shows a can of nicotine supplement Zyn to the camera. In the background, to Hood’s apparent left, another likely NSC member fiddles with a firearm. The video was accompanied by the text “come and take it.” [Speculative: This is another video that suggests NSC conducts vigilante patrols while carrying firearms.] [∗] [1] [2]
On February 10th, members of NSC held their second standout outside of Governor Maura Healey’s mansion in Arlington MA, this time in apparent protest of the lawsuit filed against them by MA AG Campbell. [∗] [1]
On February 24th, members of NSC as PINE made visits to several town sites in Cumberland RI, and distributed propaganda outside the Cumberland Public Library. [1] [∗]
On March 3rd, the PINE Telegram urged subscribers to contact MA state representatives to oppose S.2686, a sex education bill. [1] [2] [∗]
On March 5th, members of NSC as PINE attended a public hearing on LD 227, a reproductive rights and trans health care bill, in Portland ME. Two members identifying themselves as “Adam Smith” and “James Ambrose” spoke in opposition of the bill, then verbally accosted ME Speaker of the House Talbot Ross and bill sponsor ME Representative Perry once the hearing ended. [1] [2] [∗] The PINE Telegram later urged subscribers to contact NH state representatives to oppose LD 227. [∗]
On March 9th, members of NSC as PINE held a standout and distributed propaganda in Portsmouth NH. [∗] [1]
On March 10th, members of NSC as PINE held a standout and distributed propaganda in Berlin CT. [∗]
On March 18th, members of NSC as PINE attended the Dedham Townwide Summit, to accost Town Manager McDonald on the housing of migrants at the local Fairfield Inn and Holiday Inn. [1] [∗] Later that day, the PINE Telegram made a post concerning criminal charges levied against six white students attending Southwick Regional School for operating a “mock slave auction” on black students over social media app Snapchat. Specifically, it urged subscribers to pressure various parties involved in the application of charges against the students to drop said charges. [2] [∗]
On March 20th, a member of NSC as PINE attended the CT March for Life, handing out PINE propaganda, outside of the Connecticut State Capitol in Hartford CT. [∗]
On March 28th, members of NSC as PINE attended a legislative session in Yarmouth MA, and handed out PINE propaganda materials. Member alias “James Ambrose” and two other members were present. [∗]
On April 2nd, members of NSC as PINE attended a Select Board meeting in Rockland MA. Member aliases “James Ambrose” & “Adam Smith” and member designation “Walshrek” were present. [1] [∗]
On April 15th, members of NSC as PINE attended the Patriots Day parade in Lexington MA. Hood, member alias “James Ambrose,” and roughly six other members were present. [♥] [∗]
On April 27th, roughly sixteen members of NSC held a standout in Greenwich CT. This was in response to the circulation of a video which purported to depict the assault of a white woman following her use of a racial slur against a group of non-white women. [1]
On May 18th, members of NSC, posing as a new group calling themselves the “New England Minutemen,” held an anti-refugee protest outside of the National Guard Armory in Lexington MA. The Armory was being used as a temporary shelter hosting 50 refugee families at the time. NSC boosted this event via their social media accounts within an hour of NEMM’s standout beginning. Antifascist research outfit “By Way of Plymouth” noted several areas of overlap between this incarnation of NEMM and NSC. Farrea and Irwin were likely present. [∗] [1] [2]
On May 24th, NSC member Stephen Farrea was arrested on charges of possessing child pornography. He paid bail, and was ordered to: surrender his firearms; not use the Internet, smartphones, and computers; and to maintain no contact with minors. This trial is ongoing. [1]
On May 30th, the day after news of Farrea’s arrest broke, antifascist research outfit “By Way of Plymouth” released information on Farrea’s ownership of rental properties in West Warwick RI. This release included information regarding NSC members Chase Gilroy and Tyler Moody living out of units, owned by Farrea, as tenants. [1]
On June 3rd, Chris Hood claimed, via his personal Telegram channel, that he would be stepping away from organizing with NSC and its affiliated groups “for the foreseeable future.” He disclosed that he had recently become father to a baby girl. This story is developing. [∗]
On June 13th, NSC member Stephen Farrea was subject to a nominal divorce filing against him by his wife, Meia Farrea. This trial is ongoing. [♣] [1]
On January 31st, Hood, Piccadaci (alleged to be the current leader of NSC after Hood stepped down), and an unknown amount of other members of NSC confronted Netter and an unknown quantity of members of the Atlantic Nationalist Club, outside of Netter’s home in Stratford CT. A brawl ensued, with Hood recording the fracas. The fights reportedly ended when at least two people involved were stabbed. This is an apparent consequence of allegations Netter had sent several threatening messages to members of NSC-131 over Telegram. Local police are reportedly investigating, and this story is developing. [1]
Member info & vitals
This section is meant to centralize objective information on members of NSC-131, as noted in arrest reports and other public records.
Christopher Raymond Hood Jr.
- birthdate: 09/28/1998
- driver’s: upon request
- locale of residence, current: Newburyport MA
- locales of residence, previous: Pepperell MA, Malden MA, Dorchester MA
- height: 5’11”
- weight (circa 2022): 200lbs
- weight (circa 2019): 170lbs
- hair: brown
- eyes: green
- notable events:
- February 15th, 2019: stopped by BPD while flyering East Boston with five other members of neo-fascist group Patriot Front, which escalated after Patriot Front member Matthew Wolf struck a police officer; Hood was found to be carrying a 5” switchblade and arrested
- November 23rd, 2019: arrested by Auburn MA PD for the assault of Patriot Front member David Spellman-Oldenquist
- March 20th, 2022: arrested for drinking from an open container by BPD after disrupting Boston’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade
- July 23rd, 2022: arrested for affray by BPD while protesting a Drag Queen Story Hour at the Loring-Greenough House in Jamaica Plain MA
- January 17th. 2023: charged with Cullinan for trespass for a July 2022 banner-drop in Portsmouth NH by the New Hampshire Attorney General
Leo Anthony Cullinan
- birthdate: 03/31/1988
- date of death: 06/19/2023
- locale of residence, final: Manchester NH
- notable events:
- January 27th, 2010: pled guilty to charges of conspiracy to distribute and distribution of drugs, committed during summer 2009
- September 29th, 2022: arrested for drug possession by Manchester NH police
- January 17th, 2023: charged with Hood for trespass for a July 2022 banner-drop in Portsmouth NH by the New Hampshire Attorney General
- June 19th, 2023: passed in his home
Austin J. Conti
- birthdate: 06/14/1996
- driver’s: upon request
- locale of residence, current: Warwick RI
- locale of residence, previous: Yuma AZ
- height: 6’1”
- weight (circa 2022): 230lbs
- hair: brown
- eyes: brown
- notable events:
- June 21st, 2022: arrested by EPPD for various misdemeanors while flyering around the Gordon School in East Providence RI
Stephen Thomas Farrea
- birthdate: 10/20/1989
- driver’s: upon request
- locale of residence, current: Portsmouth RI
- height: 6’2”
- weight (circa 2022): 200lbs
- hair: brown
- eyes: brown
- notable events:
- June 21st, 2022: arrested by EPPD for various misdemeanors while flyering around the Gordon School in East Providence RI
Robert Thomas Budzyna
- birthdate: 06/18/1988
- driver’s: upon request
- locale of residence, current: Auburn MA
- height: 6’2”
- weight: 200lbs
- hair: red/blond
- eyes: blue
- notable events:
- June 28th, 2019: allegedly attempted to burn down two apartments in Auburn MA during the dead of night
- November 23rd, 2019: played a part in arranging the ambush of David Spellman-Oldenquist by Chris Hood, in his own home
- February 7th, 2020: charged with crimes amounting to three charges of stalking in Texas
- February 10th, 2020: charged with crimes amounting to one count of false alarm/report in Texas
- February 12th, 2020: charged with crimes amounting to two unspecified counts in Tarrant County TX
- April 27th, 2020: charged with crimes amounting to one unspecified count in Tarrant County TX
- April 22nd, 2022: arrested in Auburn MA and charged for the 2019 failed arson attempts
Cody Allen Baker
- birthdate: 11/03/1999
- driver’s: upon request
- locale of residence, last known: Fall River MA
- height: 5’9”
- weight (circa 2019): 150lbs
- hair: brown
- eyes: brown
- notable events:
- October 26th, 2019: arrested in Wareham MA for violating an abuse prevention order [♣]
- June 21st, 2022: cited by EPPD for flyering around the Gordon School in East Providence RI
Online presence
They run a rats’ nest of accounts in various states of activity on Telegram (which is clearly their favored platform), and maintain accounts on the Gab and Odysee platforms. The regional Telegram accounts operated alongside the main NSC-131 official channel; however, the Rhode Island and Connecticut regional channels were shut down at some point. Likewise, members appear to have operated Telegram channels for the various affiliated Active Clubs in New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Connecticut; of those, only the Connecticut channel is still operating, referring out to a “Saxon Dawn Active Club,” a northeast-US-regional club which appears to have some connection to the Folkish Resistance Movement.
Among the non-operating Telegram channels are one “New England 3P” channel, two “New England Klan Chowder” channels, one “White Defense Force” channel, one “Pahk’d Cahs & Hard R’s” channel, and the six New England regional channels.
Among the operating channels are one operated by Chris Hood specifically (as an “official” personal channel), NSC-131’s primary channel, a channel for announcements concerning NSC-131’s “legal defense fund,” and a channel for NSC-131’s “PINE Initiative.”
External citations
∗ – See NSC’s own social media. Where possible, dates have been revised to be correct. More robust sources should be found for these events, as NSC’s accounts of their own activities should be taken with a grain of salt.
† – See the ADL H.E.A.T. Map. Where possible, dates have been revised to be correct. More robust sources should be found for these events, as the Map seems to be under a state of constant revision.
‡ – See the Torch Network Patriot Front Rocketchat leaks:
- For Rousseau’s remarks on his motivation for expelling Hood, see 2019/PF general chat 10.25.19 afternoon.pdf
- For Rousseau’s plans for a Thanksgiving 2019 event, prior to the assault of David Spellman-Oldenquist by Chris Hood in Robert Budzyna’s home, see 2019/PF general chat 11.17.19 evening.pdf
⊗ – See the New England Nats chat leaks.
♠ – See various police reports:
- For information relating to the arrests of Conti and Farrea in June 2022, see East Providence RI PD Arrest Reports #22-436-AR (Conti, Austin) & #22-437-AR (Farrea, Stephen).
- For information relating to the arrest of Cullinan in September 2022, see Manchester NH PD Arrest Report #22-003746-AR.
- For information relating to the arrest of Chase Gilroy during February 2023, which verify Gilroy’s tenancy at Farrea’s Phenix Avenue property in West Warwick RI, see Pawtucket RI PD Arrest Report #22-326-AR.
♣ – See various court records:
- For information relating to the violation of an abuse prevention order by Cody Baker, during October 2019, see Trial Court of Massachusetts, Wareham District Court case #1960CR002200 (Baker, Cody), Application for Criminal Complaint & Wareham PD Arrest Report #19-1063-AR.
- For information relating to the assault of David Spellman-Oldenquist by Chris Hood, Zachary Brackett, and Anthony Petruccelli in November 2019, see Trial Court of Massachusetts, Worcester District Court case #1962CR008358 (Petruccelli, Anthony) & 1962CR008360 (Hood, Christopher), Application for Criminal Complaint & Statement of Facts in Support of Application.
- For information relating the the arrest of Chris Hood during the 2022 St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Boston MA, see Trial Court of Massachusetts, South Boston District Court case #2203CR000154 (Hood, Christopher), Application for Criminal Complaint.
- For information relating the the arrest of Robert Budzyna for the 2019 Auburn MA arsons during April 2022, see Trial Court of Massachusetts, Worcester Superior Court case #2285CR00093 (Commonwealth vs. Budzyna, Robert), Application for Criminal Complaint.
- For information relating the the arrest of Chris Hood at the Loring-Greenough House during July 2022, see Trial Court of Massachusetts, Boston Municipal Court, West Roxbury Division case #2206CR000677 (Hood, Christopher), BPD incident report #222055219.
- For information related to federal firearms charges against Kyle Morris during June 2022 see United States District Court, District of New Hampshire docket #1:22-cr-00068 (U.S. v. Morris), Indictment, Motion for Detention by U.S., Motion for Revocation of Detention Order by Morris, Response to Motion by U.S. re: Motion for Revocation, Transcript of Proceedings for Motion Hearing on 07/08/22, and other documents as necessary.
- For information relating to the arrests of Conti and Farrea in June 2022, see Trial Court of Rhode Island, 6th Division District Court case #61-2022-06068 (Conti, Austin) & #61-2022-06069 (Farrea, Stephen).
- For information related to civil rights charges levied against Chris Hood, Leo Cullinan, and NSC as an unincorporated group for the banner-drop in Portsmouth NH during July 2022, and the subseqeuent dismissal of those charges, see Trial Court of New Hampshire, Rockingham Superior Court docket #218-2023-CV-00086 (Formella v. Hood, Cullinan, NSC), Complaint Under the Civil Rights Act, Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss, and Order on Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss.
- For information related to federal charges against Richard Ackerman for felonies committed during the January 2021 riot in Washington DC, see United States District Court, District of Columbia docket #1:23-mj-00129 (U.S. v. Ackerman), Criminal Complaint, Statement of Facts in Support of Criminal Complaint, and other documents as necessary.
- For information related to the civil rights case filed against Chris Hood, Liam MacNeil, and NSC by MA AG Andrea Campbell during December 2023, see Trial Court of MA, Suffolk County Superior Civil Court case #2384CV02779 (Commonwealth of Massachusetts v. Nationalist Social Club, Christopher Hood, and Liam McNeil).
- For information related to the civil rights case filed against Chris Hood and NSC by NH AG John Formella during December 2023, see Trial Court of NH, NH Supreme Court case #2023-0663 (John Formella v. Christopher Hood, Nationalist Social Club, and John Does 1-19).
- For information related to the arrest of Stephen Farrea on charges of possessing child pornography during May 2023, see Trial Court of RI, 2nd Division District Court case #22-2024-00742 (State of Rhode Island v. Stephen Farrea).
- For information related to Meia Farrea’s divorce from Stephen Farrea, filed during June 2024, following his arrest for possession of child pornography, see Trial Court of RI, Newport County Family Court case #N20242678 (Meia Farrea v. Stephen Farrea).
♦ – See various locally cached copies of previously online content:
- Regarding the Hammerstream interview videos, copies can be made available upon request.
♥ – See various eyewitness accounts:
- For information on threats made to the composer of this document, you’ll have to trust me on this one.
- For other references, I will not be disclosing sources of my eyewitness accounts.
February 4th, 2025
- The stabbings in Stratford CT! Several updates relevant to the identification of Charles Netter as NSC member designation “Longneck,” including moving him to “Former members.”
- Moved Piccadaci from “Suspected members” to “Known members.”
- Moved the Atlantic Nationalist Club to “Known associates.”
- Updated the timeline.
November 24th, 2024
- Unmarked style change.
- Added Ryan Irwin to “Known Members” section, and revised timeline entries for events where he was certainly or likely to be present.
- Added Dylan Chambers to “Known Associates,” something I should’ve done back when I added Zephyr Garrison.
- Six months now, though there are obviously members on Twitter in denial.
October 22nd, 2024
- Unmarked style change.
- Summarized the “Online presence” section and removed the list of URLs.
- They haven’t done anything for five months now. It’s nice!
August 6th, 2024
- Cleared previously marked revisions.
- Removed Jake Hayden of Patriot Front from “Suspected members,” for reasons that hopefully will become clearer with further time and work.
- Unmarked style changes.
- Filled out older events, having found an archive of NSC’s promat circa 2020-2021, and with future ID releases in mind.
- Added a speculative concerning Ryan Roy attending NSC’s August 2021 standout in Nashua NH.
- Removed travel routes from the “February 12th, 2022” and “May 7th, 2022” events. Those will be re-added to event dossiers for those specific standouts.
- Added the December 2023 meetup between the Rocky Point, Cut Throat, and Granite State Active Clubs to the timeline.
- Updated the timeline, including several pieces of information about NSC’s posing as a “new” New England Minutemen group, and the arrest of Stephen Farrea for possession of child pornography.
- Updated “Online presence” with a handful of newer Telegram accounts.
- Added a number of references to “External citations,” including case numbers for the various state civil rights actions against NSC.
March 19th, 2024
- Made several revisions to the Preamble and timeline concerning PINE.
- Slightly updated Moura’s entry in “Former Members.”
- Added aliases “Adam Smith” and “James Ambrose” to “Unidentified Members.”
- Added Drake Berentz to “Known Associates,” as well as notes about Berentz at the ’23 Augusta ME standout.
- Added the Patriot Front jumping video to the timeline.
- Updated the timeline.
- Added additional entries for PINE accounts and the Legal Defense Fund Telegram account in “Online presence.”
- Added otherwise unmarked [♦] notes to relevant timeline entries, and a ♦ section to “External citations.”
February 8th, 2024
- Cleared previously marked revisions.
- Minor edits to the “Preamble” section.
- Moved Piccadaci from “Known Associates” to “Possible Members.”
- Added a few notes on Cullinan’s “Former Members” entry.
- Added Jackson Bradley and various Active Clubs to the “Known Associates” section.
- Slightly revised Raichik’s and Kearney’s entries in the “Known Associates” subsection.
- Added details on the East Providence arrests, the failed attempt to sue Hood et al. in Rockingham County NH by AG Formella, the Teatotaller event, and Cullinan’s passing.
- Added timeline entries for the registrations of the Cut Throat Active Club and Chris Hood Official Telegram channels, and for NSC’s response to the October ’23 shootings in Lewiston ME.
- Updated the timeline.
January 15th, 2024
- Corrected the date of Budzyna’s ID.
November 14th, 2023
- Added Casey Knuteson to “Known Associates,” and added a related timeline entry that hopefully points to the failure to launch of an alliance between NSC and New-England-local Proud Boys.
- Updated the timeline.
- Updated Cullinan’s entry in “Member info & vitals.”
October 15th, 2023
- Added a dossier link for Farrea.
- Updated the timeline.
October 4th, 2023
- Moved Budzyna from “Possible Members” to “Known Members,” after discovering a new set of documents on him that will require his own dossier page to describe.
- Additional info revised into Hood’s 2nd West Roxbury court date entry.
- Clarified Pohlhaus’s use of the Maine Wire report to call for the Augusta ME standout.
- Updated the timeline.
- Added vitals for Cody Baker, and added some middle names.
- Added external citation for Cody Baker’s October 2019 arrest.
September 4th, 2023
- Cleared previously marked revisions.
- Unmarked style changes.
- Added member designations “Shortstuck” and “Dough-hawk” to “Unidentified Members” subsection, in anticipation of dossiers for the both of them, as well as member alias “Haegiff.”
- Added Steve Robinson to the “Known Associates” subsection.
- Clarified some information about the ’23 Augusta ME standout.
- Updated the timeline.
- Added Budzyna to “Member info & vitals” section, correcting the oversight of not including him previously.
August 16th, 2023
- Added a long overdue addition to the preamble, regarding Hood’s so-called “controlled aggression” policy.
- Added a revision to Petruccelli’s “Former members” entry.
- Added “Paulo” to “Former members” section, and added relevant timeline entry for the dissolution of NSC Germany.
- Minor correction to the July 4th ’20 timeline entry.
- Added a May 8th ’21 timeline entry for an early Hammertube stream.
- Added mention of Farrea to the Fall River MA DQSH timeline event, as well as a link to the Fall River Pride Committee’s statement on NSC’s attempted disruption.
- Updated the timeline.
July 24th, 2023
- Updated the timeline. They haven’t been very visibly busy.
- Added birthdates for Conti and Farrea.
June 28th. 2023
- Added a timeline entry for Hood’s “not guilty” verdict for his arrest in Boston MA.
June 24th. 2023
- Added Richard Ackerman to “Known Members,” as well as several relevant timeline entries.
- Finally found a citation for Cayford’s recruitment during June 2020!
- Added a timeline entry for a counterflyering in Waltham MA during August 2022, where several members were shown to be armed.
June 19th. 2023
- The date of Cullinan’s passing. Several relevant edits.
- Added timeline entry for a recent event in Concord NH.
June 12th, 2023
- Moved Zachary Lee from “Known Associates” to “Known Members,” and added relevant timeline info.
- Added dossier link for unknown NSC member designation “Longneck”.
June 11th, 2023
- Cleared previously marked revisions.
- Added Kyle Morris to “Known Members” section, and added timeline entries concerning his federal charges.
- Added an “Unidentified Members” subsection, to be populated.
- Updated the timeline with recent events, including the dismissal of Formella v. Hood et al.
- Updated “External Citations” with Formella v. Hood et al. and United States v. Morris.
May 24th, 2023
- Added a dossier link for Roy.
May 7th, 2023
- Added a dossier link for Gilroy.
- Revised and expanded the St. Patrick’s ’22 entry in the timeline.
- Added several references to Gilroy and Conti throughout the timeline.
May 6th, 2023
- Updated the timeline with recent events.
- Added a note about NSC’s hiatus from activities in Portland ME.
- Added mention of the aborted “131 Report” project to the timeline.
- Added the PINE channel to the “Online presence” section.
March 25th, 2023
- Added a note concerning the memorialization of Shivers’s death.
March 12th, 2023
- Added further citations for July 25th ’22 assault of Rod Webber by Farrea and other NSC members at the West Roxbury District courthouse, as well as further timeline entries for other court dates related to the West Roxbury affray.
February 19th, 2023
- Added dossier link for Cullinan.
February 13th, 2023
- Unmarked discretionary edits.
- Updated Rousseau’s town in “Known Associates.”
- Added Dylan Annex to “Known Associates,” combined with the line item on “John Fashcroft,” and updated timeline entry to match.
- Added Chaya Raichik and Aidan Kearney to “Known Associates,” whether they would want to think so or not.
- Populated several events with Cullinan’s presence.
February 5th, 2023
- Added dossier link for Hood.
February 4th, 2023
- Released this dossier publicly. This is a publication version of an extant document with an extensive changelog, which will not be migrated.
April 17th, 2022
- Created this document.