Jarek L. Reihner


Jarek L. Reihner (born July 19th, 1989) is an American white supremacist, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, U.S. Air Force veteran, and self-declared neo-Nazi. Reihner was most recently a member of Patriot Front, having likely been recruited from multi-tendency neo-fascist coalition Resist Marxism by Chris Hood. Reihner’s status as a member of other neo-Nazi groups in proximity to Hood, such as NSC-131, is currently unknown.

Reihner hails from a Polish family, and previously lived in Washington PA. He has previously lived in Waltham MA, and his last known locale of residence is Somerville MA.

Reihner posts to Instagram and a personal WordPress site under his own name, and to Tiktok as “NE Naturalist” and “New England Nat.” [Speculative: This seems like a play on “New England Nationalist,” a term frequently bandied about by members of both the local Patriot Front chapter and NSC alike.] Reihner went by the alias “Matthias Thorpe” as a member of Boston Free Speech and Resist Marxism. His Patriot Front moniker was likely “James MA,” and his serial number was PF-8190. [1] [‡]

Reihner is licensed as a math teacher under Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education license #542123. [1]

[Speculative: I’m told it’s pronounced “REE-ner.”] Continue reading “Jarek L. Reihner”

Mark J. Hayden


Mark J. Hayden (born November 28th, 2000) is an American white supremacist, failed musician, antisemite, misogynist, and neo-fascist. Hayden is a long-standing member of Patriot Front, and is likely a founding member of the Bay State Active Club.

Hayden is an involved and highly active member in Patriot Front, contributing to their social media presence through his “Patriotic Frontline” Gab account. Media of Patriot Front actions indicate he is physically aggressive, and willing to engage in violence against members of the public disinclined to quietly tolerate the presence of open neo-fascists.

Hayden is originally from Brockton MA. He currently resides in Spencer MA with his wife, in an apartment owned by a former member of Patriot Front. He’s also the older brother of Patriot Front member Jake Hayden, a/k/a “Victor MA.”

His Patriot Front moniker is “Bill MA,” and his serial number is PF-6309. [1] He also goes by several handles, including “Stickbug” as the drummer of his high school band, “Brockton Boxer,” and “weedleboy.”
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Stephen T. Farrea


Stephen Thomas Farrea (born October 20th, 1989) is a self-described white nationalist & identitarian, disgraced U.S. Marine & military veteran, residential rental landlord, and neo-Nazi. Farrea is a member of the Nationalist Social Club, and was previously a member of both the Massachusetts chapter of Identity Evropa (before the organization’s collapse) and what would later become the 2nd district of the Asatru Folk Assembly. [1] [2] [3] There is also indication that he had some level of support for the III%ers, and has voiced interest in joining American Renaissance. [4] [5] [6]

As of May 2024, Farrea has been arrested and charged under Rhode Island’s possession of child pornography statute. A father of a number of children, including a six-year-old daughter at the time of his arrest, it is unknown to the general public whether or not Farrea’s particular material is homemade. [1] [2] [3] [4]

Farrea’s current residence is in Portsmouth RI, and he previously lived in Newport RI. His rental properties, composed of six units divided amongst two buildings, are located in West Warwick RI, on Phenix and Gough & Potter Avenues. [1] [2] [♣]

His Identity Evropa monikers were “TomPerry” and “SuperTomPerry.” He used the name “Thomas Iobhar” on Google Reviews.

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Alexander C. Beilman


Alexander Christopher Beilman (born September 13th, 1993) is an American accelerationist, antisemite, self-admitted petty thief, and fascist. Beilman is a member of Patriot Front, last known to function as the Network Scribe for Network 7. He also appears to be a member of the Bay State Active Club, a Massachusetts-local fight club populated almost entirely by members of Patriot Front NW7.

Beilman is a highly active member of Patriot Front, taking a part in organizing activities both local and national, and wrangling members into engagement. He produces physical stencils via 3D printer, which he sells to Patriot Front members cross-country for use in graffiti-based promat activities. Beilman has been arrested repeatedly while committing propaganda material events for Patriot Front.

Beilman’s current legal address is in Meriden CT, and he has previously lived in Wallingford CT.

His Patriot Front moniker is “Tyler CT,” and his serial number is PF-365252.

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Charles Y. Netter


Charles Netter is a current member of the tri-state neo-Nazi group Atlantic Nationalist Club, and a former member of the neo-Nazi Nationalist Social Club of New England. He was possibly a member of the Cut Throat AC, a Connecticut-local Active Club likely to have largely been composed of NSC members, during the latter half of 2023. He is notably aggressive, and has taken part in at least one violent assault on antifascists in Maine.

Netter is last known to reside in Stratford CT, in a home owned by his parents.

Netter operates a Telegram account as “Untermensh RGD-5,” and purportedly operates an alternate account on the same service as “Polska 966.” He likely operated an account on defunct LAN-over-Internet service Tunngle as “Polska1488.” His unofficial designation as an unidentified member of NSC-131 was “Longneck.” [Speculative: This was entirely inspired by how his particular choice in  face-concealing balaclava made him look like he had a pretty generous goiter. I was considering nicknaming him “Goiter-done,” but it didn’t test well. Also, the aliases he assumes himself seem to frequently refer to WWII-era military explosives: the M966 was another name for the M2 antipersonnel mine, and the RGD-5 was a Soviet fragmentation grenade.]

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Ryan M. Roy


Ryan Michael Roy (born April 9th, 1989) is an American neo-Nazi. Roy first came to prominence due to his visible presence at 2017’s Unite the Right in Charlottesville VA. He’s known to be a long-time member of Patriot Front Network 7, and seems to act as a recruiter and point person for Network 7 in Vermont.

Roy may have been a member of the Traditionalist Worker Party before its collapse, and joined contingents of TWP members during at least two out-of-state events. [μ]

Roy’s last-known locale of residence is Enosburg Falls VT. He previously lived in Essex VT. [♣] [1]

Roy previously went by “RexLexus” over Discord, and “whitetaliban” on Instagram. His Patriot Front handle is “Rex VT,” and his serial number is PF-8672.

Continue reading “Ryan M. Roy”

Chase A. Gilroy


Chase A. Gilroy (born October 27th, 1994) is an American neo-Nazi. He is one of the more active and violent members of Chris Hood’s Nationalist Social Club of New England, and has taken part in a number of violent assaults on persons opposed to the sight of blathering white nationalists in public. Previous to his membership in NSC, Gilroy was supposedly a member of Patriot Front. [1]

Gilroy’s last-known locale of residence is Warwick RI. Continue reading “Chase A. Gilroy”

Leo A. Cullinan


Leo Anthony Cullinan (March 31st, 1988 – June 19th, 2023) was an American white supremacist, convicted oxycodone dealer, attempted fascist fitness influencer, and neo-Nazi. Cullinan was also an ex-felon, having to his own admission spent over seven years in prison.

Cullinan was the first New Hampshire regional lead for the Nationalist Social Club of New England. Though he purported an aversion to other neo-fascist groups (specifically Patriot Front), he was still in lockstep behind Chris Hood and NSC-131, a neo-Nazi organizer whose curriculum vitae includes a large amount of experience with Patriot Front and an organization whose model is largely lifted from Patriot Front respectively.

Cullinan resided in Manchester NH at the time of his death, and was previously of Londonderry NH.

He posted to Telegram under the @PurePower_88 account. He was, if nothing else, a worryingly prolific poster, and operated a number of antisemitic Telegram channels. Continue reading “Leo A. Cullinan”

Christopher Raymond Hood, Jr.


Christopher Raymond Hood Jr. (born September 28th, 1998) is an American white supremacist, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, self-styled community organizer, and neo-Nazi. Hood has been a member of several far-right groups ranging between the patriot militia III% to the neo-Nazi accelerationist Base before founding his own organization, the Nationalist Social Club of New England. According to Megan Squire, Hood has also had connections with the Proud Boys’ Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights and the League of the South. [1]

Hood aspires to unite nationalist crews operating out of New England under the NSC banner. This does not preclude him from entering into conflicts with other neo-Nazi, nationalist, and fascist groups, such as the Bowl Patrol, the Proud Boys, and Patriot Front. [1] [2] [3] [♣] [4]

As of June 2024, Hood has ostensibly stepped down from organizing NSC. [∗]

Hood hails from a largely Asian family. He is originally from Dorchester MA, and has lived in Malden and Pepperell MA. His currently resides in Newburyport MA. [1] [2] [3]

He currently posts to Telegram under the @crew131guy account. He posts to Twitter under his own name and photo [Speculative: c’mon guy, use a new one, weird to be insecure about aging with an absolute lack of grace when you have so many other problems], as one of a number of neo-Nazi figures previously banned from the service, who rejoined after its purchase by alleged neo-Nazi Elon Musk, a known beneficiary of South African emerald mining under apartheid. He previously operated an Instagram account as @thefuegofascist, and Twitter accounts as @BDthanRed and @ChrisThe131Guy. His Patriot Front serial number was PF-5054. [1] [‡] Continue reading “Christopher Raymond Hood, Jr.”